AFA Weekly News Report

11 of June 2006

AFA Weekly News Report
by Willebadessen

Fact file
Region: Amor Fati Anangenesis
Current population: 175 nations
Founder: Emerald Phoenix
Delegate: Avarhierrim is elected Minister of UN Affairs, but former holder of that seat, Galabia, has not stepped down from the position yet.
Offsite forum:

Note that this is a piece of journalism. The views are those of the author and do not represent official politics of the Amor Fati Anagenesis regional government.

Regional News

The elections have begun.
Internal Affairs
Foreign Affairs
UN Affairs
Military Forces Commander
Central Intelligence Department
Recruiting Department

Minister's Hangout
The Foreign Affairs Minister and Athena's Pride Lieteunant Stransworthe announced on Sunday that he will be parting the region for Israel. The information of his moving shocked the political community of the region, as Stransworthe has been considered an active and righteous government official. In his announcement Stransworthe told that he will seek for a job as Israeli ambassador to AFA, so we will probably see him in the future, too.

New Idea
Hiigar made an advertisement video for the region. The use of video as an advertising medium fits very well the creative and art-loving image of the region. The implementation though is not perfect yet. Biggest problem seems to be choosing such colours for fonts that the text is readable from colourful photograph background. In addition, I couldn't hear any music although there was supposed to be some.

New AFA map
The old map, drawn by former AFA nation Wulaishen, was finally taken to archives this week. The replacing new map of the region, drawn by newcomer Willebadessen, has received a lot of acclaim. The map with its various versions is very detailed piece of cartography and will have room for countries for a long time. People of the region have been invited to name places on the map, and the cartographer has promised some prizes to the winning name propositions. So far nine nations have requested a location on the map.

Silver Phoenix Awards 2006
The first ever Silver Phoenix awards have been a success. There has not been any major surprise winners so far, as there is just one category left. It would be nice to see the winners add the award to their signature and thus help building unique regional identity.

Greetings from Peruvian Monks!
New nation of Peruvian Monks joined the regional forum, but moved to Lazarus almost immediately. In related information, the majority of AFA nations do not participate on the forum actively. A campaign to get nations to join the forum would certainly strengthen the community.

Department Contact
The Recruiting Department of the region opened a Contact Centre so the nations can give the department feedback ask for necessary information. This level of service is very positive sign of government's ability to interact with the nations.

UN Issues
The regional discussion about latest proposal for UN resolution, Repeal "The 40 Hour Workweek", goes on. At this point the vote is even, 1 for and one against. It is not surprising that ACCEL is behind this repeal, it definitely suits them well.

The region has lately got its own chatroom. It has been quite inactive after good start, but later on it may be excellent place for debates and urgent government meetings.

Interregional News

FAN - Liberalia
The AFA military forces were alerted to prepare for operation on Tuesday 11th. The operation would be a defensive one, protecting FAN (Federation of Allied Nations) from expected invasion of Liberalian forces. According to FAN Minister of Defense Trodenhiem, their region has had some diplomatical issues with Liberalia. Our region has its own reason to be part of this conflict: there has been negotiations about FAN joining COFR (Confederation of Free Regions. Peculiar thing is that there seems to be no official diplomatic relations between AFA and FAN, since there has been no swapping of embassies or ambassadors so far.

The Liberalian counterpart has allegedly declared a war against MOIS Norad. This is rumoured by Liberalians to be the reason of rising nervousness in FAN. There has been also rumours that one major catalyst of the heating up of the situation could be the Carops, the founder and former leader of Liberalia. His NS career details also include for example leading the region WWSETI, of which era some people say that he could be described "elected dictator"

News from COFR
It has been reported from COFR (Confederation of Free Regions) that there will be major negotiations with new applicants in the near future. This is a remarkable process in forming alliances and increasing regional security. It would be wise that the regional government understood the potential of COFR and took more active part.

AFA Ambassador Headquarters The political status of our region was briefly reported at region of GRA (Global Right Alliance).

Update June 30
Ambassador from North Pacific, Marwari, posted the latest package of information from NP. Some of the news tell that with the new nation members they have got some old "new" nations that have a reputation of active participation in the Pacifics and around.

Arts and Culture

Art. Conversation about painters and their art goes on. This week people have focused on Boreas by John William Waterhouse. This piece of neo-classism makes a nice connection between our region's affection of Greek mythology and the Naiade's (the poster of the painting) choice of location on the new regional map.
What are you listening right now? It seems that the region has quit listening to music, as there has been just one entry within the last week.
Last Seen Movie? Movie conversation has concentrated for a while on evaluating thriller/horror movie The Fog. Apparently the AFA audience is more gentle with their reviews of the movie than some newspaper movie critics.
Flag Inspirations New nation Applepwnz introduced itself with a publication of its new flag.

The education of our citizens is going on step by step.
Do you know the place? History department of University of AFA will have some interesting new series of discussion. The topic is still a little mystery, as Hiigar started the discussion with a picture puzzle.
Garsia Markes Library of AFA has a new discussion about Gabriel García Márquez, a Colombian writer and political activist. Please do not mind the misspelling of the topic, it is so obvious it must be deliberate.
Ryno III - Hiigar as the first round of Protect Your Point. A debate club kind of radio show started this week at GRR. The arguments that have been said so far give a glimpse our region's future as an academically potent force.
Communism The debate on the good and bad sides of communism goes on in quite theoretical manner. The majority of the participants have stated in a poll that communism "needs work".
You Are Smart? Hiigar requested more intelligent debate and invited people to have some at the University.

The meeting places of our region were swarming with action once again.
The Cafe Opens! A new kind of meeting place was opened as Larvia started a cafeteria. There is all kinds of refreshments, small food portions and snacks on the menu.
Insomnia pit Some of us just can't get sleep or have better things to do.
Île des francophones Not really educative, since the participants actually discuss in French, not just rehearse. Nevertheless, it is one of those little extra things that make the region attractive.
Dream Trap The conversation about peoples' dreams has turned to an analysis of nightmare problems.


Of course the region has been active with games, of which most are known almost everywhere around NationStates. There has also been some entertaining tests and jokes.
City Game
Guess who'll be the next poster!
Ever Increasing Better-Thans
Word Association
This or That?
Corrupt a Wish
How Evil Are You?
Nation Jokes
Sorry LW, didn't make it clear that I wanted to see the sample via PM before posting it. Personally I think this would go better in the External Affairs section (like, a consolate...).
@ Fed: No. Why should it? A civilized man tolerates information that handles "foreign countries". I thought this was a news central.

@JAL: It is not official regional document, it is not asked for or approved by the government. That is why it is not consulate material. Those who practice external affairs politics may start a consulate. I'm just a reporter and that is all I asked for. Not everything has to be Official Government Stuff, has it? Indeed, the NS would be better place with some more non-governmental activity. I could have sent it first via PM, but didn't really think of that. Sorry about that.
I have too many colonies. I recognise way too many people in NS...