Describe the Person Above You

^^^ an LZ fan! Check out my girl's blog, int-eresting newz.

^^ a sweetheart, although he'll deny it.

^ a sweetheart, and quite blatant about it.
I am no such thing! A sweetheart!?!? WHATEVER! I'll rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. I just may not look it.

^ knows that. But called me a sweetheart anyway. Because ^ is a big softie.
^^Does not know that I do not want to see Led Zeppelin go on tour again because Robert Plant can't hit those notes like he used to and it would be emberaasing and demystifying to see them play. < Would rather the legend than the washed up remnants.

^All bark and no bite.
^ will be a pal and help out, hopefully. Though for some reason my internet is being totally slow and annoying with the forum right now...but nothing else. Frustration!
It's not just ^, the forum's being a wackjob fruitnut for me as well. I blame an overload of awesomeness from approaching 20k of quality.

Either that or the hamster powering the server has died. RIP, little guy.
^ hears it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
