Tales of Morrowind


For those unfamiliar with it, Morrowind is the third game in The Elder Scrolls series of Video games, with Arena and Daggerfall being the first two, and Oblivion being the next. There are also two games based in the same world of Tamriel, called Redguard and Battlespire. (I would provide links, but the Elder Scrolls website is apparantly down at the moment)
Morrowind is set on the Island of Vvardenfell, in the province of (you guessed it) Morrowind. I shall go into more detail if needs be, but I would prefer if any participants has prior knowledge of the game. It isnt necessary though, and I will provide some comprehensive links if this gets enough interet, and I will also go into more detail about the plot of this rp (not much point in going into it right now I suppose). I'm aiming for about 5 main characters max....you could play In-Game Characters if you are very familiar with it, but your own characters will work too.
Rules and Warnings:
  • This will be my RP, no hijacking will be tolerated, and I will ask the minister or deputy to deal with any hijackers. This is going to be a relatively fixed story line, it won't be exactly to the main quest of the game though, for those who have played it before.
  • *Warning* The world of Tamriel as a whole is very Lore intensive. I will try and provide as many comprehensive links as possible, keep it relatively close to Lore but not intimidate those unfamiliar to the game, and will keep in-game spoilers to a minimum. The last bit will be quite hard...but I don't intend to go much into the main quest of the game.
  • If at any time you feel unable to continue playing, please say so, and we'll so whether we can pass your character onto someone else.
  • Please make it clear which posts are OOC and which are IC, I dont want people to be confused.
  • Finally, no god moding with your character, or my character will eat your character's liver with some trama root and a good sujamma.
I'll post info on races, pre-made classes and what not when I have some feedback.
Coo, Morrowind. I haven't played that in ages. Count me in but be aware that I might have to pull out if I get completely confused.
I was tempted, but I'm not sure how often I'll be able to contribute. Wouldn't want to take up a character and then disappear...
Thats a good point actually: *Any Un-official PC mods are not going to be allowed to feature as part of the plot unless they add things like lore specific weapons/armour/spells/traits/quests etc.*
For example, Ebony Katanas are mentioned in the lore, but are not included in the game, as well as throwing spears, some armour styles etc. However, mods that add races (such as moogles) or armours from another game are not allowed. And you are most certainly not allowed to whip out a machine gun, or insert Alien/Predators into the plot (although I did read some fan fic where they were inserted quite well) and so on.
So basically, ask me if you think something not in-game should be included.
We only need a few more players, and then we can start drafting characters, I have mine ready, but I'll wait for others first.