Describe The Person Below You!

Yes, my army of small children steal it for me. Pick pockets and con kids to the last. We have a base in the old east end. Watch out for Bill Sykes though, hes a nasty one!

V got my reference before I name dropped...
That's disgusting, Deikura. I can't believe you said that.

I'm sorry. There's too many people beneath me for me to describe them individually.

/ has a heartbeat
Boring fact...Gold is almost exactly the same price now as it was in 1933, so as an investment nope.

v Scissor, paper or stone?
Elephant in India, Camel in Egypt and a Lama in Peru. Then I shall die happy.

V finds small children iritating, and is allergic to fluffiness.
Only from certain people, like the female cast of The O.C. or Real World.

v most likely is a big fan of the shows I mentioned
only when it comes to the oppisite sex

v knows why arrogent bastards that no one can stand always end up with the hot ones
The band? Not so much.
My decendants? Even less. First borns going to Rumplestiltskin, seconds going the devil, rest to slavery.

V loves the name Rumplestiltskin
He's in for more than he bargain for when he comes to collect my first born. There I'll be in the latex hot pants and the...

*cough* Yes well, you don't need to know that...

V mentally scarred for life now