Pet Peeves

PP: Falling down an open elevator shaft and hooking an eyelid on a nail half-way down. I hate it when that happens. :P
PP: ANYONE who sets four alarms to get themselves up in the morning, what THE F*CK!? Learn some discipline.

PP: When I am cycling and cars want to "do me a favor" and let me go first despite the fact that it would be faster for them to go, and that they are not following the rules of the road. I would prefer people in cars just followed the rules as it is more predictable for me.
You just read what you want to read, and then reply to that. I was specifically talking about the fact of CARS having the right of way, and instead trying to "be nice" and give it to me despite the fact that they should just follow the damn rules of the road and GO.
PP: People who save their plastic grocery bags because it is bad to throw them away. Then reuse them, otherwise you are hoarding a bunch of plastic in the cabinet beneath the sink. Get canvas bags for groceries, both problems solved. What the f&#@ is up with having an entire space FILLED with plastic bags thay you will never use!?!!