state banquet

  1. Tardine

    Bloodstains on the silk covers

    Although crime rates in the Principality of Taured are small, specially murders, they are never zero. When Count Arnold Großjäger, the most hated Tauredan Lord, throws a banquet on his property for the over 1,200 Tauredan nobles and special guests, the chances of something getting out of his...
  2. C

    Ellabur'3 3 State Banquet (Open)

    From the Official Secretary to the Royal family The Royal Family of Ellabur3 invites the other countries' heads of the states to attend Ellabur3's first State Banquet. It will be located in the Charming Palace in the Ellburian3 city of Cider. Sincerely, Her Royal Royal Highness Queen...