World Factbook updates


TNP Nation
Good afternoon ambassadors,

This thread is to be used by ambassadors to make the leadership aware of any updates that need to be made to the World Factbook for your designated regions.

See here for world factbook codes
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The South Pacific
(not to be confused with South Pacific :P)

The image for the flag doesn't seem to be working. I think this will work

Current Cabinet is as follows:
Prime Minister - Roavin
Minister of Regional Affairs - PenguinPies
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Omega
Minister of Military Affairs - Asia & Pacific

The current Chair of the Assembly is pheonixofthesun14
In "History of Relations with TNP" it might be good to include that they worked with TNP and the other Pacifics in Pacific-Con

Additionally, if the current ambassador to Wintreath needs any help, I'd be happy to work with them!
The Rejected Realms
Speaker - Chimes

"Cabinet of Ministers"
This might have to be edited manually, but there is no such thing as a TRR minister. TRR has officers.









[/td][td][center][url=]See here[/url][/center]



[/td][/tr][tr][td][center][b]Government: [/b][/center]

[/td][td][center]Constitutional Monarchy[/center]

[/td][/tr][tr][td][center][b]Regional Founder:[/b][/center]

[/td][td][center][nation]The Winter Nomad[/nation][/center]


[/td][td][center][nation]Stephenese Republic[/nation][/center]


[/td][td][center]Speaker Chanku and Chairman Wuufu[/center]

[/td][/tr][tr][td][center]Chief Justice[/center]


Withreath is an older region with deep and vibrant culture. Founded over 6 years ago with a Constitutional Monarchy with the Monarch as head of the Executive. Wintreath also has a very LBTQ+ friendly atmosphere. A full guide on the structure of Wintreath is available [url=]here[/url].


Voting in the region is open to all citizens. 

Citizenship upon application acceptance.

[size=100][color=265780]Dual Citizenship:[/color][/size]
Dual citizenship is permitted, but it is required that applicants disclose this upon application to become a citizen of Wintreath.

[size=150][color=265780]Executive Branch[/color][/size]
[size=100][color=265780]Head of State:[/color][/size] Monarch [nation]Wintermoot[/nation]
[size=100][color=265780]Head of Government:[/color][/size] Monarch [nation]Wintermoot[/nation]

[size=100][color=265780]Cabinet of Ministers:[/color][/size] Appointed by Monarch

[size=150][color=265780]Legislative Branch[/color][/size]
The legislature of the region is The Storting

Two chambers, the Underhusen and Overhusen. Passage of the legislature in the Underhusen brings it to vote in the Overhusen within 48 hours. Overhusen members are appointed.

[size=150][color=265780]Judicial Branch[/color][/size]
[size=100][color=265780]Court:[/color][/size] Judicial Panel

One Peer of the Overhusen is randomly selected by the Monarch. Additionally, two Skrifa of the Underhusen will also be appointed for a case. Peer is the Head Justice and Skrifa are Associate Justices for the case. The Monarch cannot serve as a judge.

[size=150][color=265780]Diplomatic Representation[/color][/size]
[size=100][color=265780]Diplomatic Representative in The North Pacific[/color][/size]: [nation]BraveSirRobin[/nation]
[size=100][color=265780]The North Pacific’s Diplomatic Representative[/color][/size]: [nation]Comfed[/nation]
[size=100][color=265780]Date of Establishment of Embassy with The North Pacific[/color][/size]: 11/28/2013

[size=100][color=265780]History of Relations with The North Pacific[/color][/size]
The North Pacific and Wintreath have been embassy partners since 2013. 

[b][url=][color=94c248]Forum[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Citizenship[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Executive Staff[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]North Pacific Army[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]World Assembly Ministry[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Role Play[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Trading Cards[/color][/url][/b][/center][hr][/background-block]

[floatright][box][align=justify][table][tr][center][b][size=175][region]The South Pacific[/region][/size][/b][/center][hr]









[/td][td][center][url=]See here[/url][/center]



[/td][/tr][tr][td][center][b]Government: [/b][/center]


[/td][/tr][tr][td][center][b]Regional Founder:[/b][/center]

[/td][td][center]Game Created[/center]




[/td][td][center]Chair of the Assembly [nation]Rabbitz[/nation][/center]

[/td][/tr][tr][td][center]Chief Justice[/center]

[/td][td][center]Chief Justice [nation]Kringalia[/nation][/center][/td][/tr][/table][/align][/box][/floatright]


The South Pacific (TSP) is one of 5 feeder regions and is a direct democracy with elected officials. The South Pacific maintains many diplomatic relations with other regions, and has a strong culture centered around Llamas and South Pacific Iced Tea (SPIT). 



Voting in the region is open to Citizenship is required. To vote in the first stage of Delegate Elections and to vote in the Cabinet Elections, one must have legislator status.


Citizenship by residency only (i.e. a nation in the region)

To be able to vote in the Assembly, one must first apply to become a legislator. 

[size=100][color=265780]Dual Citizenship:[/color][/size]

Dual citizenship is permitted.

[size=150][color=265780]Executive Branch[/color][/size]

[size=100][color=265780]Head of State:[/color][/size] Delegate [nation]Amerion[/nation] 

[size=100][color=265780]Head of Government:[/color][/size] Prime Minister [nation]N/A[/nation]

[size=100][color=265780]Cabinet of Ministers:[/color][/size] Cabinet is elected at same time as the Prime Minister (every 4 months).

[size=150][color=265780]Legislative Branch[/color][/size]

The legislature of the region is the Assembly of The South Pacific

The Assembly is a unicameral body of unelected members. In order to participate in the assembly, applicants must be approved by a legislator committee.

[size=150][color=265780]Judicial Branch[/color][/size]

[size=100][color=265780]Court:[/color][/size] High Court of The South Pacific

Cabinet consults with the Chief Justice of the High Court to appoint Associate Justices. Associate Justices may be removed by the Assembly.

[size=150][color=265780]Diplomatic Representation[/color][/size]

[size=100][color=265780]Diplomatic Representative in The North Pacific[/color][/size]: Qaz

[size=100][color=265780]The North Pacific’s Diplomatic Representative[/color][/size]: [nation]Sanjurika[/nation] (Koala)

[size=100][color=265780]Date of Establishment of Embassy with The North Pacific[/color][/size]: 11/30/2005

[size=100][color=265780]History of Relations with The North Pacific[/color][/size]

The South Pacific and The North Pacific have been close partners and friends for many years. The two regions share many common allies, including The Rejected Realms and The East Pacific. In addition, The North Pacific and The South Pacific have routinely cooperated together on fighting against rogue delegacies, military operations, and with cultural events. 


The region's military is named ‘South Pacific Special Forces’ or the SPSF. The alignment of the SPSF is Defender.

[size=100][color=265780]Participation requirements:[/color][/size]

In order to participate in the military, nations must apply for membership. Applications are approved by the Minister for Military Affairs.

[size=175][color=265780][b]Interregional Matters[/b][/color][/size]

The South Pacific maintains an extensive array of interregional partnerships, including a longstanding treaty with The North Pacific. Other alliances include “The January Accords” with The Rejected Realms and The East Pacific, and individual treaties with Spiritus, Europeia, The Rejected Realms, UDS, Conch Kingdom, and 10000 Islands.


[b][url=][color=94c248]Forum[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Citizenship[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Executive Staff[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]North Pacific Army[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]World Assembly Ministry[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Role Play[/color][/url] [size=125][color=#dfecff] · [/color][/size] [url=][color=94c248]Trading Cards[/color][/url][/b][/center][hr][/background-block]
An update on the method of updating world factbook submissions:

In order for factbooks to be updated quicker and more efficiently, I have edited the OP to include a link to the document that contains the code for all of the regions that have had submissions. Upon following the link, you should find that you have the ability to comment on the document. From here, you should comment the changes to the code for your regions that need to be updated. Once this has been done, post here saying that you had made comments, so we know that changes need to be made and uploaded.

If you have any problems, feel free to message me.