Hello all.
I've declared my candidacy for Delegate. Let's see if I can manage a platform. An outline might help:
1. Who are you?
2. Are you qualified?
3. What's your vision for TNP?
4. Will you coup?
1. I'm a 4+ year citizen in TNP. I've been Deputy Attorney General, and Attorney General.
My military experience comprises 2 stints with the Order of the Grey Wardens (currently a member of), as well as the Dragon Knights of Aenaroth. Fenda orgs, yes, but good ones. I've participated in many updates, and attained ranks of Senior Warden and Warden-Lieutenant. No small feat, I assure you.
2. Well, let's see. I've de-tagged, liberated, banned, unbanned, suppressed, unsuppressed, tagged, piled, and raided. I know what all the admin controls do. I'm also cognizant of TNP Law, how it protects nations residing therein, and the checks it provides against rogue regimes. So.. yep.
3. I don't really see a need for much of a change in TNP governance. I'd advocate a more assertive role in some areas though, particularly in Defense and Foreign Affairs. We are the largest feeder, and should project some of that power. That's not to say I'd burn any bridges, but it's my opinion that both of these portfolios have been languishing of late.
4.Only if Mall doesn't. Of course not. 
Feel free to discredit my candidacy, but please remember I can't respond when at work (or sleeping in preparation for work). Real life bs.. grumble..
I've declared my candidacy for Delegate. Let's see if I can manage a platform. An outline might help:
1. Who are you?
2. Are you qualified?
3. What's your vision for TNP?
4. Will you coup?
1. I'm a 4+ year citizen in TNP. I've been Deputy Attorney General, and Attorney General.
My military experience comprises 2 stints with the Order of the Grey Wardens (currently a member of), as well as the Dragon Knights of Aenaroth. Fenda orgs, yes, but good ones. I've participated in many updates, and attained ranks of Senior Warden and Warden-Lieutenant. No small feat, I assure you.
2. Well, let's see. I've de-tagged, liberated, banned, unbanned, suppressed, unsuppressed, tagged, piled, and raided. I know what all the admin controls do. I'm also cognizant of TNP Law, how it protects nations residing therein, and the checks it provides against rogue regimes. So.. yep.
3. I don't really see a need for much of a change in TNP governance. I'd advocate a more assertive role in some areas though, particularly in Defense and Foreign Affairs. We are the largest feeder, and should project some of that power. That's not to say I'd burn any bridges, but it's my opinion that both of these portfolios have been languishing of late.

Feel free to discredit my candidacy, but please remember I can't respond when at work (or sleeping in preparation for work). Real life bs.. grumble..