
Progress and Results!
Hello everyone, I'm Gladio and I am running for the position of Delegate In the January 2018 General Elections! I started playing NationStates In 2011 and I have been a member of The North Pacific ever since.
Most of my work In the region has been within the Ministry of Defense, I'm a General In The North Pacific Army (NPA) and I have served as Minister of Defense for 6 full terms:
-2x under R3naissanc3r
-2x under Plembobria
-1x under Lord Ravenclaw
-1x under Ghost Pallaith
I have also served as Deputy Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff for 1x term under McMasterdonia. I am the longest serving and most active NPAer with over 200 successful missions under my belt, I have successfully recruited and trained many NPAers and I currently hold the record for organizing the op with the largest number of troops mobilized (30).
Aside from the Ministry of Defense, a few years ago I was also a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where I served as an ambassador In several regions, I am also a member of Communications where I have written 3 articles for The Northern Lights and as of recently I have been an active member of Home Affairs where I have helped out with recruitment and have reached the rank of Expert.
The main priority for Defense In this term will be to train The NPA Officers so that we can have strong and capable leaders that will lead our army In the the next few years. Maintaining a large and active army Is vital so that we can protect our allies and our Interests abroad. For this reason The NPA will continue to conduct regular training operations so that we can Improve our skill and capability while at the same time we will also work with all of our allies by conducting joint-operations with them. If elected Delegate I plan to continue our one-military policy so that we can ensure that our army Is 100% based on home-grown talent and loyal to TNP! Another thing that I would like to see Is to spread awareness of the NPA and its operations on gameside by posting dispatches with reports on successfully completed operations.
I am Impressed with the work that the Ministry of Communications has done for the past two terms and the number of TNL Issues that they've managed to release. If elected Delegate my main priority for the Ministry of Communications would be to continue to consistently release at least one TNL Issue every month. I believe that we have some really excellent writers working In this ministry and we should use their talent to turn TNL Into a quality newspaper.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Is a very Important part of TNP. Under my delegacy I will make sure that the ministry Is active and that all of our embassies are staffed with active and competent ambassadors. As a region we have diplomatic relations with regions with different ideologies from raider, defender, Imperealist, neutral and Independent. If elected Delegate I plan to maitain our stance as an Independent region and will work to strengthen and foster our relations with all of our allies primarily through Defense where we will organize joint-military missions with all of our allies. The Ministry of Communications will also play a vital role with TNL Issues so that we can keep our embassies active.
The Ministry of Home Affairs plays a very Important role when It comes to recruiting new members and Integrating them Into our community. If we want our government ministries to be active and fully staffed and to work properly and efficently we will need an active HA. I don't have any plans for drastic changes In this ministry, I think the system that It has now and the way It works Is fine and If elected Delegate I will make sure that HA remains active throught the entire term by regularly sending out recruitment lists and we will try to bring In as many new people from gameside as possible, mentor them and encourage them to get Involved In our executive staff.
Culture Is a ministry where I lack experience so for that reason I will have to rely on the next Minister of Culture and the rest of the staff In this ministry to ensure that It continues to run smoothly and actively.
TNP Is the largest region In the game and because of that we also have a very large pool of WA nations along with our membership In WALL gives us considerable Influence In the WA. I am Impressed by the work this ministry has done over the past two terms and under my delegacy this ministry will continue to run smoothly and will remain active.
My plan Is based on realistic goals that I believe I will be able to accomplish, I do not Intend to make any drastic changes to any of the ministries, my main priority will be to make sure that they remain active throught the entire term and to ensure that they run smoothly. So without further ado I would like to ask for your support In the elections, throughout my time In TNP I have proven myself to be an active, loyal and competent player and If elected I will use all my knowledge and experience to make TNP a better place for everyone! It will be an honor for me to serve as Delegate In the largest and most powerful region In the game.
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
Finally, If you would like to support my campaign, please use this badge In your signature