Trivia 2.0
Two terms ago, Tomb re-introduced the long gone Trivia Program to the Ministry of Home Affairs. What was supposed to happen was RMB Guardians (when they still existed) would come up with trivia questions which in turn would be posted on the RMB for RMBers to answer. The program never got up and running.
When the program was first introduced, it was run by the security council. RMBers would earn points for answering the questions correctly and at the end of the week this would be tallied up and the resident with the most points would get a reward such as getting to change the Delegate's Flag, Motto, or the likes.
The reason none of these programs lasted very long can be attributed to this: the RMBers eventually started not taking these posters seriously because the quality of the questions was degrading and simply ignored them.
To change this, the new program will have a filtering process in which only high quality questions will be used. This means that the questions must take some work to answer and not be answerable right off the bat. The program will be run by the Gameside Advocates to ensure that the people posting the questions on the RMB are taken seriously.
To reward the winner each week, they will be allowed to come up with a new flag, motto, leader, currency, or prefix for the Delegate. This will change week to week so that the incentive continues to be strong.