Secession and Reconstruction

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
(This story has been removed from canon)

May 8th, 2017, National Assembly Hall in Olive Town

"Your ruined our nation!"

"You sold us out!"

Representatives in the National Assembly from the western states of the Federation were incensed over the hardship the Cogorian treaty inflicted upon the nation. The blame was placed squarely on Christine Brooks, the acting president who signed the treaty. One by one, the representatives from the western states signed a document to declare their secession from the Federation. No longer interested in paying the reparations due and no longer interested in maintaining the federal government, those who signed trickled out of the assembly hall, never to return.

The matter was of great concern to the eastern states, and the remaining representatives knew signing the treaty was best for what was left of the nation. The eastern states knew first hand of the calamity that ensued from being dragged into a war that was not theirs by a now-removed government only seeking fame. The wounds of war cut deep into the nation, with SAA Kanada still retaining control of Dominion Town. The Brooks administration had corrected the nation's course, but now there was a price to pay for the previous administration's belligerence.

The price to pay was steep, and losing nearly three-quarters of the nation via secession would prove to be devastating toward efforts to fulfill the agreed-upon terms of the Cogorian peace treaty. Not only that, but several of the remaining eastern representatives considered the benevolence of their southeastern neighbor, having supported seventy-five thousand citizens, and contemplated swearing fealty to her, abandoning an independent government altogether.

What was left of the Federation was at a crossroads, with one assembly session to decide it all. The fate of the nation was left to a coalition of a few states now together called Spenceria, named after the state where the former federal capital stood. It would all be decided in this assembly.

(OOC: This is for resolving the Grey Area on the map, where Scallendovia once stood.)
Once the noise had settled, Christine brought the session into order, leading the conversation since the previous speaker had left with the secessionists, and given that there was little time to decide on a new course for what was left of the nation.

The session would turn out to be a rapid-fire series of proposals to decide the fate of this new state of Spenceria. One of the remaining representatives, Jamari Fox, was first to make a suggestion.

"Madam President, I would like to take the opportunity, given the state this assembly is in, to recommend that all proposals verbally given are considered binding when agreed upon," Jamari suggested.

Knowing quick action was needed, a vote on the motion was immediately held and passed, as writing individual resolutions would have been too time consuming. Jamari then made a second proposal.

"Madam President, fellow members of the Assembly, I motion that this State of Spenceria resolve to formally allow the western states their secession. It was the eastern states that were impacted the most by the recent war. I ask that we permit them to leave without any malice; that we do not engage in war to bring them back into compliance with federal authority, and that we only open diplomatic relationships with them on an international basis rather than attempting to return them to our federation."

Thomas Baxter was quick to oppose the measure. "Madam President, allowing this resolution would only serve to encourage the constituent states of this federation to break away as the others did to escape the shared responsibility we agreed upon to stop the killing of our sons and daughters. Thus, I oppose this measure."

Representative Charles Bennett gave another idea. "Madam President and members of the assembly, while allowing secession should never be our intent, I suggest that we take the chance on the Cogorians showing some form of mercy given that our federal government is fractured. I believe with strong repentent diplomacy we can convince the Cogorian government to commute the balance of the war reparations to a reasonable value."

Hearing both sides of the argument, the assembly voted, and with a total of 74 to 32, the measure was passed. The western states were free, and a measure encouraging diplomacy with the First Peoples' Empire of Cogoria was passed.
Sarah Mason was the next to propose a resolution, though it would prove to be more controversial than the last.

"Madam President, I do not wish to intrude upon your authority as leader of the remaining Federation, but I believe it would be prudent to consider the benevolence of our southeastern neighbor. When the war struck as the result of the decision of our previous leaders, Princess Claidie of Sil Dorsett ensured that those civilians fleeing the conflict and seeking shelter were taken care of with the assistance of the Merilian League. I propose that we declare her as our Head of State, with you, Madam President, remaining as our head of government.

The jeers of the rest of the assembly flooded the room, unimpressed by the suggestion. Gabriel Johnston was next to speak.

"Ms. Mason, the Princess of Sil Dorsett has honestly done nothing for us. Sure, a mere seventy-five thousand were given refuge, a small number compared to our population at the time. But you know what else she could have done? Send forces to oppose the Cogorian invasion, given that they were on her border as well. Did she? No."

Cassius Everett gave another quick opinion. "It's not so much what she has done versus what she could have done. It's a matter of our national identity. We do not swear allegiance to foreign monarchs. The idea is preposterous. I think we can all agree to that."

And so the vote was cast, with 96 against and 10 for, the suggestion of being a Dorsettian-owned state was firmly rejected.
Representative Allen Sprunt realized an issue with the new nation's military, being consolidated into a single federal force under the old government. With the split, much of their force was now in limbo, and he sought to resolve it as peacefully as possible.

"Madam President," Rep. Sprunt called out, "our military presently remains an entity of the fallen federal government. With new governments being formed, we must sort out our forces. I propose the following:

"Those soldiers and sailors from the eastern states under our control are still contracted to our military and are expected to serve their remaining term. Those from the western states who have left are sent back home where the western states can sort out their remaining service agreement. Bases and naval vessels in our territory are seized for the use of the eastern states. A proportion of aircraft will be delivered to the western states for their protection as they see fit.

"I also propose we revisit the common defense agreement with the Dorsettians that was fouled when Kayus Emmanuel committed us to an unnecessary war."

Much debating occurred, mostly regarding the previously failed agreement, with many representatives calling it a lost cause. A vote was eventually held after a few hours of debating, but the measure was barely passed, 57 to 49.

A non-partisan government watchdog organization was given the task of determining the number of soldiers to be sent home. Around 72,000 were sent back to the west, their fate unknown as to whether they would be part of a different military force or be part of the civilian workforce. 63,000 remained under contract to serve Spenceria.[note]Exact number: 62,941 active duty[/note]

(This story has been removed from canon)