The RP Conclave

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Some of you (ok more like all of you) on discord have noticed the creation of a new role, that of RP Conclave. The RP Conclave is a group of 5 roleplayers who help decide whether a claim or an rp or a concept fits the established canon of TNP RP and thus whether it should, in general, be accepted as canonical. As a note, this does not mean you have to accept a claim, but a claim having the support of the RP Conclave team is something that, in general, the RP Mod team believes should be taken as acceptable.

The way the RP Conclave will work is that roleplayers will bring a dispute or a potentially controversial or ridiculous idea or claim to the team, and 3 of the 5 Conclave members will rule on whether it is canon or not. For example, someone could claim to have a spy satelite that has the ability to intercept any and all communications regardless of encryption. Another person could bring that claim before the RP Conclave, who would rule on whether that is acceptable or not (protip; it probably isn't). A losing party can appeal an decision to the RP mod team who would make a final decision.

The RP Conclave is a permanent staff role, they should be considered to be part of the RP Mod team, although they don't have RP Mod powers such as post editing, topic closing etc. My aim is that this will help keep RP running smoothly and I'm happy to announce the first five members of the team are as follows:
  • Goyannes
  • Esplandia
  • Yalkan
  • Sodium
  • Andy
  • Nogori
  • Zyvun

tl;dr provided by Cogoria:

As always, any questions or comments are welcome, either here or on discord.
Following internal discussions, the following people have been added to the Conclave:

The moderators who are also members of the Conclave will stay on to help out the new members settle in, before moving on from the Conclave. I'd like to thank them for their service.