As I am sure you are aware, the Discord server used by TNP is the property of Lord Ravenclaw. Forum admins on TNP, while he has made some of us moderators on Discord, do not have the authority to overrule a ban put in place by the owner of the server, as in this case.Imkihca:I would like to know why I have been banned from TNP's discord, to my knowledge I have done nothing wrong in TNP and I would like to at least be told the reason for it.
flemingovia:As I am sure you are aware, the Discord server used by TNP is the property of Lord Ravenclaw. Forum admins on TNP, while he has made some of us moderators on Discord, do not have the authority to overrule a ban put in place by the owner of the server, as in this case.Imkihca:I would like to know why I have been banned from TNP's discord, to my knowledge I have done nothing wrong in TNP and I would like to at least be told the reason for it.
Ultimately, the only sanction that a regional community has over the owner of a forum or IRC or Discord server is to move away and establish elsewhere.
As for the reasons for your ban, I assume it is because of the ongoing dispute you have been having with Lord Ravenclaw. I do not think it is directly because of anything that has happened in TNP. Please do not take this as a definitive answer, since I was not the one who put the ban in place.
Abbey:My understanding is that Raven banned you due to harassment and other behaviour that made him feel unsafe on his own Discord server when you're around. As flem said, we don't have the authority to overrule him (nor would I be inclined to), so I would suggest that the matter isn't really up for discussion.
As a note, as it seems several people make this mistake, admin actions are not subject to TNP laws, and as such, the fact that TNP is a democracy makes no difference to admin actions. As Raven owns the server, it is his decision how to moderate that server; TNP law does not even mention Discord, and it is a purely private server that Raven allows TNP as a region to use.Imkihca:I am aware that Raven owns the server but I was under the impression TNP was a democracy...
If this is how TNP chooses to operate then that's that I guess. It still seems incredibly unfair to me that one person is allowed to ban someone on a whim but that is your choice to make.Darcania:As a note, as it seems several people make this mistake, admin actions are not subject to TNP laws, and as such, the fact that TNP is a democracy makes no difference to admin actions. As Raven owns the server, it is his decision how to moderate that server; TNP law does not even mention Discord, and it is a purely private server that Raven allows TNP as a region to use.Imkihca:I am aware that Raven owns the server but I was under the impression TNP was a democracy...
It isn't a matter of how TNP chooses to operate... he owns the server, so it is his right what to do with it. If TNPers believe the admin team of any private service is abusing their power, any person is free to make their own service, whether that be forums or a Discord server, and provide that for TNP to use.Imkihca:If this is how TNP chooses to operate then that's that I guess. It still seems incredibly unfair to me that one person is allowed to ban someone on a whim but that is your choice to make.
As I said in my other post, it is perfectly possible to transfer ownership of a Discord server, making a new one is not at all necessary in a Discord situation and I ain't about to go and make a new TNP server myself anyway.Darcania:It isn't a matter of how TNP chooses to operate... he owns the server, so it is his right what to do with it. If TNPers believe the admin team of any private service is abusing their power, any person is free to make their own service, whether that be forums or a Discord server, and provide that for TNP to use.Imkihca:If this is how TNP chooses to operate then that's that I guess. It still seems incredibly unfair to me that one person is allowed to ban someone on a whim but that is your choice to make.
It's free speech, so I can post whatever I like here, right?
Ahahahaha! Hahaha! Free speech! No, it's not. I run this web site, see, so you have to play by my rules. It's like my own Father Knows Best state.
You have literally no idea what you're talking about.lamb:I would agree that TNP has their hands tied. Even if they were going to attempt to do anything about it, there's a chance that they wouldn't be able to.
I think this just goes to show Raven's immaturity and selfishness to bring a personal dispute to the level of abusing administrative privileges.
He has a much better grasp of it than you do.St George:You have literally no idea what you're talking about.lamb:I would agree that TNP has their hands tied. Even if they were going to attempt to do anything about it, there's a chance that they wouldn't be able to.
I think this just goes to show Raven's immaturity and selfishness to bring a personal dispute to the level of abusing administrative privileges.
Considering I'm the one who banned your alt account when you evaded you ban - and then sent Sam111 to talk me into letting back on the server when I denied your friend request - I doubt that.Imkihca:He has a much better grasp of it than you do.St George:You have literally no idea what you're talking about.lamb:I would agree that TNP has their hands tied. Even if they were going to attempt to do anything about it, there's a chance that they wouldn't be able to.
I think this just goes to show Raven's immaturity and selfishness to bring a personal dispute to the level of abusing administrative privileges.
I was not intending to evade the ban, I was trying to find out why I was banned in the first place.St George:Considering I'm the one who banned your alt account when you evaded you ban - and then sent Sam111 to talk me into letting back on the server when I denied your friend request - I doubt that.Imkihca:He has a much better grasp of it than you do.St George:You have literally no idea what you're talking about.lamb:I would agree that TNP has their hands tied. Even if they were going to attempt to do anything about it, there's a chance that they wouldn't be able to.
I think this just goes to show Raven's immaturity and selfishness to bring a personal dispute to the level of abusing administrative privileges.
Your continued attempted harassment, blackmail and character assassination of Raven won't happen on TNP's discord server.
He may very well own the server, but TNP's government and administration team chooses to endorse his server as the region's by making it the region's primary communication platform. If the server owner of the region sponsored server decides to abuse his power to ban someone because of a personal dispute, it is entirely on TNP to decide if they're willing to continue endorsing the decision by featuring the server.Darcania:It isn't a matter of how TNP chooses to operate... he owns the server, so it is his right what to do with it. If TNPers believe the admin team of any private service is abusing their power, any person is free to make their own service, whether that be forums or a Discord server, and provide that for TNP to use.
In this case I would I've to know what evidence of my supposed wrongdoing has been presented to the team so I may dispute it and make my case to be unbanned fairly because it does not seem there is any and as I previously stated I did not so much as hint at the dispute because in my eyes it was over.St George:TNP's discord server admins - or at least a proportion of them - have the ability to ban override, so can if they feel like its needed.
What games? Telling the truth? Again, I would like to know the allegations and evidence behind them so I can fairly defend myself. I have not lied once.St George:As I've already said, I'm not going to play your games. You can claim the dispute to be over but you've been spreading your character assassination shit across multiple discords and in PMs. I've seen them, so I know you're lying.
You are banned, and I'm going to say it's very likely you'll remain so.