[Complete] Commend Renaissancistic People

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Commendation
Nominee: Renaissancistic People
Proposed by: Kaboomlandia
Onsite Topic


BELIEVING that The Civilised Penguin Land of Renaissancistic People's impact on the nations and regions of NationStates are worthy of great respect and merit a commendation,

IMPRESSED with the tireless work of Renaissancistic People in furthering interregional diplomacy:

Served as a senior diplomatic advisor to several regions, including as the primary diplomatic advisor to successive Presidents in Europeia for three years;

Mentored new diplomats;

Served as the main negotiator in many interregional alliances and fostered strong new regional partnerships including regions such as Albion, The South Pacific, The North Pacific and Europeia;

One of the leaders in the establishment and spread of the Independent philosophy, and the primary author of the Independent Manifesto.

DOCUMENTING that Renaissancistic People also controls the nation HMS Unicorn, and it is through this nation that Renaissancistic People has had a large impact within The North Pacific:

Created the Ministry of Home Affairs, which has greatly increased forum activity and facilitated both forum and regional integration;

Served as delegate of the region for eight months, providing stability and growth through the World Assembly Development Programme, which they created;

Broke records for endorsement numbers, and holds the all-time feeder record of endorsement percentage at more than 85%;

Provided quality mentoring to a number of nations, allowing them to succeed in positions within the regional government;

Enlarged the region's Foreign Ministry and Army;

Implemented a more neutral foreign affairs policy that allowed the region to form diplomatic ties with regions of varying ideologies.

ADMIRING the administrative and technical efforts put forth by Renaissancistic People as a trusted administrator in several regions, including maintaining regional forums and coordinating critical recruitment, military, security, communications and development infrastructure,

CELEBRATING the legislative accomplishments of Renaissancistic People in many regions worldwide:

Served as the main legislator of Great Britain and Ireland, whose legal system served as an example for many other regions;

The main author of key legislative documents for The North Pacific, including citizenship reform and Regional Assembly protocols;

Large contributions to the legislation of The New Inquisition and ACCEL, with additional contributions to Osiris, The Land of Kings and Emperors, Europeia, and Balder; and

One of the pre-eminent legal scholars in NationStates, and served as the Chief Justice in seven different regions.

DOCUMENTING that Renaissancistic People has co-authored General Assembly Resolution #295 & Security Council Resolutions #147 & #151,

RECOGNIZING Renaissancistic People’s instrumental contributions in the creation and continued operation of the regional library of Great Britain and Ireland, which remains publicly available even though activity within the region has dwindled

BELIEVING that any nation that has had the impact that Renaissancistic People has had on the world should be officially recognized by the Security Council,

Hereby COMMENDS The Civilised Penguin Land of Renaissancistic People.

Co-authored by Mousebumples and Ramaeus.


Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present. Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
The resolution to commend [nation=short]Renaissancistic People[/nation], also known as r3naissanc3r, provides a strong list of accomplishments demonstrating his positive and constructive impact all around NationStates. He has helped shape the legislative and diplomatic structures in multiple regions including The North Pacific, was one of the creators of The Independent Manifesto that many regions have adopted, and has created and maintained automation tools improving regional administration, communication, and recruitment. The accomplishments of Renaissancistic People over the years more than justify a commendation for such a deserving candidate.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs encourages a vote for this resolution.

Co-authored by [nation=short]Trinnien[/nation] and [nation=short]Kaboomlandia[/nation]
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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