Embassy With Yalkan


Minister of You
TNP Nation

Embassy Applications


The Foreign Ministry's Office, overseen by the appointed Head of the Foreign Ministry, Igorov Beck, declares the need to open Yalkan to international relations.

All embassies will be located on Lordane Avenue in the capital city of Zeta.

Nations wishing to apply for an embassy must fill out the below application and post it here. One of the staff will respond to your application as soon as is reasonable. If, for whatever reason, your application receives no response within seventy-two hours, please send a telegram.

If any nation wishes to withdraw its embassy, please fill out the below application again if the embassy was already built. Otherwise, you may simply state your intent to withdraw your application.

Current Embassy List

[b]Full Nation Name[/b]:
[b]Head of State[/b]:
[b]Head of Government[/b]:
[b]Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b] (or equivalent):

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy?

[b]Number of Diplomatic Staff[/b]:
[b]Number of Security Personnel[/b]:
[b]Number of Military Personnel[/b]:
[b]Number of Non-Essential Personnel[/b]:

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation?
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first?
If yes, where would we do so?

[b]Additional Requests[/b] (optional):
Full Nation Name: Darcania
Head of State: Scian kul Kroning
Head of Government: Scian kul Kroning
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Ulus kul Leiter

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? Applying

Ambassador: Bernard Lenton
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 5
Number of Security Personnel: 6
Number of Military Personnel: 0
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 0

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Yes
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7344987/

Additional Requests (optional): Space outside for up to two dragons to land and hold meetings.

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 163, Lordane Ave, Zeta.

Additional land has been added to the plot to accommodate your dragons as requested.

We have applied for an embassy as requested.
Full Nation Name: The Imperial Republic of Goyanes
Head of State: Grand Emperor Anthony I
Head of Government: The Rt. Hon. Jon Norberg, PM
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): The Rt. Hon. Ken Lorge

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? New Embassy

Ambassador: Thor Kjastren
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 55
Number of Security Personnel: 10
Number of Military Personnel: 2
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 10

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Already done.
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? NA
If yes, where would we do so? NA

Additional Requests (optional): Have this statue of Prince Konghuset in front of the embassy: https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6075/6067190648_f06436e1e9_b.jpg

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 174, Lordane Ave, Zeta.

The statue of Prince Konghuset will be risen in front the entrance to the building.

Alt For Fedrelandet.
Full Nation Name: The Federal Commonwealth of Demescia
Heads of State: Nikolas Steward & Keegan Seeds
Head of Government: Keegan Seeds
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Nikolas Steward

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? Embajada Nueva Por Favor

Ambassador: Igereng ?f?tt
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 12
Number of Security Personnel: 12
Number of Military Personnel: 4
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 1

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? idk i don't have a thread No
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? N/A
If yes, where would we do so? N/A

Additional Requests (optional): We request that our embassy be a network of intraconnected yurts: four one-story yurts forming a rhombus, each with a radius of 3 meters, and one tall yurt in the middle with a radius of 6 meters, as well as a yurt loft. The exterior design can be any combination of Demescia's symbolic colors: red, orange, yellow, and black. Make sure that the yurt network is wind and snow resistant, insulated, and has a stable foundation.
Full Nation Name: The Constitutional Monarchy of Andrenne
Head of State: Prime Minster William Gehrhardt
Head of Government: Deputy Prime Minister Lukas Klein
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Robert Schweizer

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? New Embassy

Ambassador: Erika Jakobsson
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 30
Number of Security Personnel: 10
Number of Military Personnel: 2
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 7

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Yes, please.
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? Andrennian Embassy Application

Additional Requests (optional): We would like to request that a dog house be put into the embassy somewhere, for Mrs. Jakobsson's pet dog.

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 191, Lordane Ave, Zeta.

Your requests are being followed to best of our ability.


Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 182, Lordane Ave, Zeta.

A dog house has been provided as requested.

We have applied for an embassy as requested.
Full Nation Name: Republic of Jacksonville
Head of State: President Nico Astanov
Head of Government: President Nico Astanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): None currently(Last MoFA resigned)

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? Applying

Ambassador: Yuri Ku?an
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 10
Number of Security Personnel: 5
Number of Military Personnel: 12 Jacksonville Marines
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 2(Ambassadors Wife and Son)

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Apply
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9007494/2/#new

Additional Requests (optional): None at the time.

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 189, Lordane Ave, Zeta
Full Nation Name: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
Head of State: Kaspar Hauser
Head of Government: Tom Dobbs
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Phileas Fogg (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? New Embassy

Ambassador: Ask Aak
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 11
Number of Security Personnel: 5
Number of Military Personnel: 5
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 5

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Apply
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? here

Additional Requests (optional): A little garden in front of the embassy and please don't spy us
Territorio di Nessuno:

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 137, Lordane Ave, Zeta

A garden will be provided and all intelligence gathering will cease in your nation as requested.
Full Nation Name: The People's Republic of Zelgathon
Head of State: Daniel Jefferson
Head of Government: Henry Milton
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Michael Jericho

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? New

Ambassador: Suzanne Briggs
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 5
Number of Security Personnel: 10
Number of Military Personnel: 3
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 3

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation?: Yes
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9032076/1/#new

Additional Requests (optional): We'd like some large windows if possible and one guard tower in a small courtyard that would be in front of the embassy.

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 144, Lordane Ave, Zeta

A building with large pane windows will be provided along with a small guard tower in your front courtyard as requested.

We have applied for an embassy as requested.
Territorio di Nessuno:

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 137, Lordane Ave, Zeta

A garden will be provided and all intelligence gathering will cease in your nation as requested.

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 144, Lordane Ave, Zeta

A building with large pane windows will be provided along with a small guard tower in your front courtyard as requested.

We have applied for an embassy as requested.
Looking forward to negotiations down the road!
Full Nation Name: The Republic of Ascalon
Head of State: King Anthony I
Head of Government: Prime Minister Erik Shan-Yin (???)
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Guimin Zhang (????

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? New

Ambassador: Arnald Fa-Yin (?????
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 15
Number of Security Personnel: 5
Number of Military Personnel: 0
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 5

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? (Not Yet, WIP)
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first?
If yes, where would we do so?

Additional Requests (optional):

Your application has been approved.

The embassy will be located at 171, Lordane Ave, Zeta
Full Nation Name: The Federal Republic of Scallendovia
Head of State: President Lord Kayus Emmanuel
Head of Government: President Lord Kayus Emmanuel
Minister of Foreign Affairs Sir Alex Samuel

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy?

Ambassador: Adex James
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 5 staffs
Number of Security Personnel: 10 personnel
Number of Military Personnel: 15 personnel
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: Non.

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Apply with us.
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? here

Your application has been accepted.

The embassy will be located at 111, Lordane Ave, Zeta

We have applied for an embassy as requested.
Full Nation Name: Lands of Anarchy
Head of State: John Smith
Head of Government: John Smith
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Pedro Romero

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? Applying

Ambassador: Christoper Allen
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 2
Number of Security Personnel: 6
Number of Military Personnel: 5
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 6

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Apply for an embassy
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9032566/1/#new
Full Nation Name: The Federal Republic of Iepraria
Head of State: Julius Reuben
Head of Government: Louise Kjell
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Elías Aengus

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? Applying for a new embassy

Ambassador: Keila Jazmine
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 10
Number of Security Personnel: 5
Number of Military Personnel: 5
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 15

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? We're still working on our embassy program.
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first?
If yes, where would we do so?
Full Nation Name: The Kingdom of Honorea
Head of State: Leonidas Honore
Head of Government: Leonidas Honore
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): John Brown

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? Applying

Ambassador: Richard Smith
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 5
Number of Security Personnel: 10
Number of Military Personnel: 10
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 12

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Apply for an embassy
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9045014/1/
Full Nation Name: The Federal Realm of Ninhundland
Head of State: None
Head of Government: Prime Minister Dominik Huhrmann
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Dedrich Gödrich

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? Applying for a new

Ambassador: Kemler Gleider
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 40
Number of Security Personnel: 12
Number of Military Personnel: 6
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 3

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Yes
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? Just look for Ninhundland Embassy Threads

Additional Requests (optional):
Full Nation Name: The Socialist State of ABC
Head of State: Avis Axl
Head of Government: Avis Axl
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Hudson Isle

Are you applying for a new embassy or requesting a withdrawal of your current embassy? New Embassy

Ambassador: Quincy Prue
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 100
Number of Security Personnel: 15
Number of Military Personnel: 2
Number of Non-Essential Personnel: 0

Would you like Yalkan to apply for / withdraw an embassy in your nation? Yes
If yes, are we required to fill out an application first? Yes
If yes, where would we do so? This Sub-Forum

Additional Requests (optional):