Karang Now Accept Any Embassies

If You want please register to Karangian Foreign Minister, Adam Saputra

The form :
Nation Name : [nation] *name here* [/nation]
Classification : (Republic/Capitalist/Socialist/etc. (fill one))
Ambassador :
Staffs : 
Transport :
City You want : (Bantul(Capital), Umbul, Basen, Banguntapan, Tugu, Labuhan (a shore city), Jayakarta, Urang, Sibiris Baru, Sibiris Lama (fill one))
Your Export Commodity : 
Special Request :

My export commodities are All plantation corps, Fish, Oil, Gold, Salak (barkfruit), Durian, and Timber
Nation Name : Regritation States
Classification :Holy Empire
Ambassador :Soedirman
Staffs : 1 Secretary,2 Guard, 1 Treasurer,
Transport :Warships
City You want : Basen,
Your Export Commodity : Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Sea Food, Soy Bean
Special Request :Give the Timber Please!~~~
Nation Name : The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
Classification : Variable, otherwise we wouldn't be disputed anymore
Ambassador : Deggan Rockbender
Staffs : 26
Transport : 2/3 diplomatic vehicles and 2 armored SUV
City You want : Bantul
Your Export Commodity : Books, Bio products, scientific and medical artifacts
Special Request : A little garden in front of the embassy and please don't spy us
Welcome Deggan Rockbender and his staffs from Territorio di Nessuno to Bantul!
-Your garden is under construction now
-Spy? What will Karang got?
-Located near Pine Forest, Hareng Village
[bgcolor=#000]Added Embassy of Territorio di Nessuno in Karang[/bgcolor]
Nation Name : Goyanes
Classification : Conservative Constitutional Monarchy
Ambassador : Stephen Howardson
Staffs : 35 ambassador staff
Transport : 3 SUVs and one GNP Police Car
City You want : Bantul
Your Export Commodity : IT products, cars, computers, electronics, engineering equipment
Special Request : fast internet
Nation Name : The Rose League
Classification : Sociocratic Alliance of two nations: (Federation of Kalti - a federal directorial democratic republic) and (Commonwealth Country of Andalucia - a democratic kritarchy).
Ambassador : Oswin Walsh
Staff : 35 (20 Diplomatic Staff and 15 Security Staff)
Transport : 1 Diplomatic Limo and 2 Armored SUV's
City You Want : Bantul
Your Export Commodity : Our top three exports are military defense technologies, medicinal research and technologies and internet hardware and software.
Special Request : A small shady outdoor area for the ambassador, the diplomatic staff and the security staff to practice Bata-Sabaid (stick fighting), one of the most popular forms of self defense practiced within The Rose League.
Nation Name : *Jacksonville City*
Classification : Republic
Ambassador : James Yelton
Staffs : 12 Diplomatic staff and 5 Jacksonville Marines
Transport : 2 diplomat cars and 2 jeeps
City You want : Bantul(Capital)
Your Export Commodity : Military Hardware and Medicine rank as our top 2 exports.
Special Request : We ask the embassy be 2 stories
Welcome Stephen Howardson and his staffs from Goyanes to Bantul!
- OK, we'll build a WI-FI antena!
- Located near Telkom House (ISP in Karang)
[bgcolor=#000]Added Embassy of Goyanes in Karang[/bgcolor]

Welcome Oswin Walsh and his staffs from The Rose League to Bantul!
- The outdoor room under construction now!
- It will build about 2 km from embassy
- Located near Gajah Lake
[bgcolor=#000]Added Embassy of The Rose League in Karang[/bgcolor]

Welcome James Yelton and his staffs from Jacksonville City to Bantul!
- We'll build your 2 stories embassy
- Located in District 7
[bgcolor=#000]Added Embassy of Jacksonville City in Karang[/bgcolor]
Nation Name : Bohseon
Classification : Republic (Unitary Constitutional Presidential System)
Ambassador : Kim You-Jin
Staffs : 25
Transport : By airplane (Although our ambassador is extremely claustrophobic, so we request a large amount of space inside the airplane be reserved.)
City You want : The most populated shore city
Your Export Commodity : Integrated Circus (fancy smancy technology and phones n' stuff"
Special Request : Extended Diplomatic Relations (Open borders and cross-citizenship) and request for economic and military aid. (More specific details in my thread about military aid).
Nation Name : SAA Canada
Classification : Constitutional Monarchy
Ambassador : Leonard Ogrut
Staffs : 5 Armed Guards, 3 advisors.
Transport: Helicopter
City You want : Labuhan
Your Export Commodity : Lumber, Coal, Iron, and Weapons.
Special Request : Open borders and an alliance if possible.
Nation Name : Taiyochi
Classification : Constitutional Monarchy
Ambassador : Hadi Kurniawan
Staffs : 30 (10 armed guard, 15 staff, 5 translator)
City you want : Bantul (capital)
Transport : 1 saloon, 3 suv
Your export commodity : livestock, crops, bauxite, steel
Special request : long diplomatic relations, open borders, free 14 days visa for tourist, student exchange programs.
Nation Name : Highton Islands
Classification: Crowned Republic (Republic and Principality)
Ambassador to Karang: Atlanta Yendaë
Staff: 20 Armed Guards, 40 Staff, 6 Translators
Transport : 4 Cars, but the Ambassador will arrive by plane.
City You want : Bantul
Your Export Commodity : Transportation, Mother-of-Pearl, Information Technology, Bananas
Special Request : A return embassy in Highton City, a statue of Severin von Schußer (see my factbook) in front of the embassy, a public education exchange program between the two nations.