The Rose League
The League Diplomatic Corps have opened its foreign embassy program for The Rose League (the Federation of Kalti and the Commonwealth Country of Andalucia). All embassies will be located in the Free City of Caerleon, the Capital of The Rose League. If you would like an embassy with The Rose League, please fill out the application below. Once the application has been posted, there will be a period of delay as it is reviewed.
Embassy Application
* [i]Nation Name (Short)[/i]:
* [i]Nation Name (Long)[/i]:
* [i]Head of State[/i]:
* [i]Head of Government (if different)[/i]:
* [i]Head of Foreign Affairs (if any)[/i]:
* [i]Capital City[/i]:
* [i]National Language (Official)[/i]:
* [i]Ambassador to the League[/i]:
* [i]Number of Diplomatic Staff (Max. 20)[/i]:
* [i]Number of Security Guards (Max. 20)[/i]:
* [i]What are your views on the Rose League?[/i]:
* [i]Will you recognize The Rose League as a neutral power by signing the [URL=]Acknowledgement of the Neutrality of The Rose League[/URL]?[/i]: