Luskainian Central News


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Founding Document: Luskainian Central News Charter est. 2002
Anchors: Danielle Heyburn and Simon Finders
Availability: World Wide​



HEADLINES: Congress moves forward with anti-gypsie laws | New congestion charges for city centres

Today, Congressman Eddie Sharpmen spoke infront of the Senate in support for the 'anti-gypsie' law after the House of Representatives passed the bill with a small majority. Congressman Sharpmen is one of the most influential congressmen in the Senate, as well as one of the youngest, and is a member of the Democratic Party. The Congressman, who is leading the lobby for the bill, stated that the House of Representative's small majority was a "slap in the face for private land owners who are forced to sit back and do nothing as gypsies set up camp on their land."

For decades, gypsies have gotten away with setting up camp on private property, however, after an incident with a farmer on the outskirts of Ahmedabad where the farmer began to fire his rifle into the sky and use his tractor to pull out tents and destroy them, petitions have been signed both for the protection of gypsies and for bills against them. The current bill going through Congress would prohibit 'gypsies' from going onto private land and staying there. The bill also criminalises the act of infringing on someones private land, a crime punishable of up to 3 years in prison and a minimum fine of $200.

President Narain's Democratic Party currently holds a small majority in the Senate whilst having a minority in the House of Representatives, so it was a big shock to political analysts when the Democrats still managed to get the anti-gypsy law through the House. The small majority vote was obtained by lobbying independents and nationalists; a move the Green Party calls 'dancing with the devils and their pawns'. With the bill now in the Senate, it is expected to pass easily, obtaining a large majority, with the President expected to sign it into law this week.

President Ketan Narain signed Executive Order 097 last week. The new executive order gives Mayors' and their Councils the ability to implement congestion charges to their inner cities. Many local residents in Verony, Ahmedabad, Cale and Maine have protested the new powers as although inner city residents get lower rates, the charges could cause huge negative effects on households within Luskainia's larger cities. The Mayor of Cale, however, has stated that the powers will not be used, instead, there will be more green spaces and foot paths as well as improved public transport and fewer roads, encouraging more people to use public transport.


HEADLINES: Presidential Elections! Issue 1

We are now six months into the campaign period for the General Elections, which are fast approaching, and things are not going to plan for incumbent President Narain. At the very beginning of the campaign period, President Narain announced his intention to run for a second term, immediately gaining the nomination for his party, the Democratic Party. Narain was expecting to go up against Republican (then) front runner Charles Newtown, the Senator from North Coryland, who had, up until now, been seen as the clear republican nominee. Narain had been expected to be significantly higher than Newport in the polls due to his standing as the incumbent, however, things changed when Governor Alexander Maynard of Gryphon, declared his candidacy for the Republican Presidential Nomination. Since, then Governor Maynard has been across the country gathering huge amounts of support. In the first Republican debate, Newport appeared as the victor with Maynard coming in second. However, Maynard's campaign was just getting started and in the next three debates, Maynard decisively won and sent him to the top of the polls for the republican party and nationally. Governor Maynard is currently neck and neck with President Narain in national polls, but before the GE the republican party must vote for their nominees. The Primary votes are scheduled for next week. Below are factfiles on the frontrunners of the Presidential Election.

President of the United States of Luskainia


Legal Name: Ketain Narain

Age: 65

Current Offices:
  • President of the United States of Luskainia : 1st Term
Past Experience:
  • City Councillor of Shawville
  • Representative of Coregan (3rd Congressional District) : 11 Terms
  • Senator for Coregan (2nd Coregan Senate District) : 1 Term

Policies and Stances:
  • Against Nuclear Weapons
  • Against the Death Penalty
  • Pro-Choice (Abortion)
  • Pro-entitlements and benefits
  • Pro-large government
  • Seeks to disarm (nuclear) the USL and cut back dramatically on defence spending. He had proposed budget cuts for the defence and military but it was blocked by the Senate.
  • Seeks to privatise the metro and rail services as well as many other travel services.
  • Seeks to raise the taxes of those earning over $200,000 to 50%.
  • Seeks to increase the number of benefits.
  • Seeks to welcome more immigrants to USL by protecting illegal immigrants who seek legal status as citizens of USL.
  • Seeks to increase local government by delegating more roles to create more jobs.

Senator for North Coryland


Legal Name: Charles Matthew Newtown

Age: 52

Current Offices:
  • Senator for North Coryland (4th N.C. Senate District) : 2nd term
Past Experience:
  • Senior Partner at Rayburn-Ila Law (10 years)
  • Representative of North Coryland (10th Congressional District) : 4 Terms

Policies and Stances:
  • Against entitlements and benefits
  • Against bailouts for private companies
  • Pro-Life (Anti-Abortion)
  • Pro-Nuclear Weapons
  • Seeks to increase spending for the military and defence budget to allow for increases in personnel, improvements to current arms technology and to increase the number of USL military bases abroad.
  • Seeks to introduce the State Security Act which would grant Intelligence Agencies the right to watch internet activity of all USL Citizens and foreign visitors when in the USL.
  • Seeks to sell of Government assets which could be operated by private owners so to create competition in certain markets.
  • Would increase the 'free from tax' amount from $12,000 to $15,000.
  • Seeks to slash benefits and halt the introduction of planned benefits that would be introduced in the next presidential term.
  • Seeks to increase security checks at airports and all border crossing points and will step up the checks for hopeful citizens.

Governor of the State of Gryphon


Legal Name: Alexander Maynard

Age: 54

Current Offices:
  • Governor of the State of Gryphon : 3rd term
Past Experience:
  • City Councillor of Clearmont : 4 terms
  • Mayor of Clearmont : 2 Terms

Policies and Stances:
  • Against entitlements and benefits
  • Against nation building and policing the world
  • Against large government
  • Pro-Choice (Abortion)
  • Pro-Nuclear Weapons
  • Seeks to increase military and defence spending in order to revamp the military but is opposed to increasing overseas bases. Seeks to further increase the number of bases within the USL.
  • Seeks to introduce free basic health insurance for all citizens if they cannot gain insurance of private companies.
  • Would not increase or decrease taxes.
  • Seeks to greatly reduce benefits and entitlements, whilst protecting benefits to the disabled and elderly.
  • Seeks to increase security checks at airports and all border crossing points and will step up the checks for hopeful citizens.
  • Seeks to increase the 'no tax' bracket from $12,000 to $14,000 for everyone under 55 and $16,000 for everyone over 55.
  • Seeks to sell of government owned assets which could be better run and operated by private owners, whilst maintaining some shares within the companies.
  • Seeks to eradicate the issue of homelessness by building homeless shelters which would be funded by both the government and private companies. The private companies would recieve tax benefits if they invested in the shelters and if they offer jobs, with training, to the homeless.
