Cummings Central Command



Cummings Central Command
Cummings, Flithendale​

CCC number 34032. Orders are dispatched through this channel. Commanding officers are Gen. Emily AKERMAN (GUS), and Gen. Nancy SCOTTSFIELD (GUS). Additionally, coordinated efforts will be managed by Gen. Stephen MOTLEY (PLE), director of the CCC.

Operation is LIBERATION OF GUSLANTIS Participating units along with their commanding officers are requested to identify themselves. Units identified through this channel are placed under direct orders of the CCC. Commanding officers are expected to dispatch orders of the CCC to their respective units.

Units, report for duty immediately. Stand down until orders are dispatched.

PRAF Fighter Squadron 2, Adml. PETERS
PRAF Fighter Squadron 4, Adml. FINLEY

Wolfsea Fighter Squadron 1
Wolfsea Fighter Squadron 2

Wolfsea Fighter Squadron 3
Wolfsea Fighter Squadron 4
Wolfsea Fighter Squadron 5
Wolfsea Fighter Squadron 6
Nebula Fighter Squadron 1
Nebula Fighter Squadron 2
Nebula Bomber Squadron 1
Nebula Bomber Squadron 2
Royal Canticum LV Air Force
Royal Canticum LX Air Force

Jahana Team, Cnl. JAHANA
Chandra Team, Cnl. CHANDRA
Modi Team, Cnl. MODI
Gupta Team, Cnl. GUPTA
Royal Canticum LV Army
Royal Canticum LX Army

Royal Canticum LV Navy
Royal Canticum LX Navy

Deploy teams around Guslantis to distract military forces, Assault Thomas Building and dismantle communications. Locate residual resistance and crush it.

PRAF fighter squadrons 2 and 4 are reporting for duty, led by Admirals Samantha PETERS, and George FINLEY respectively. Standing by for orders.

Location: Lubec Air Force Base.
These "Syrixian Empire Troops" are ordered to stand down immediately, and to identify themselves and their commanding officers.
(OOC: it is. You are speaking as the commanding officers of the units you control, not as government statements. If you go against orders, you will ruin the mission.)
SAFF's Jahana, Chandra, Modi, Gupta, Jandore, Singh, Chopra, Tohani, and Andosh Teams, led by Colonels Amit Jahana, Arjun Chandra, Aryan Modi, Rahul Gupta, Avinash Jandore, Ravi Singh, Kunal Chopra, Priyanka Tohani, and Pankaj Andosh, are reporting for duty. Standing by for orders.

Location: Jaipur SAFF Complexes 004 and 005.

Troops: 40,000 total.
30 warships, 2 bomber squadrons, 2 fighter squadrons. No landing equipment or ground soldiers.

Location: en route to Shei Ren
From the Res Publica de Callaici (Republic of Callaici), the Marmore Mandatum has ordered the ROYAL CANTICUM LV COHORT and the ROYAL CANTICUM LX COHORT to help in the Liberation of Guslantis. They are commanded by the Callaician Iuncturam Principes (Joint Chiefs); Anthea (Military), Hermes (Air Force) and Cyra (Navy). In total, there are 21,000 troops. They will be operating out of their military bases of Callaici with their Central Command being in Nova Roma.
As Khan I will be leading the Wolvesh forces myself, the second and third fleets (23 ships) are already leaving Crescentaw with additional transport vessels carrying 500, 000 troops (combat and support) with roughly 600 vehicles along with 6 squadrons of fighter-bombers and my personal fighter. We consider Vega's usurping a personal affront, she has chosen to declare war against us and, though we have no desire to harm the innocents of Guslantis, we shall make her think the Sun King himself has come to burn her in his fires.
300 hours notice: Operation is tactical assault, not frontal invasion. Most ground and naval forces will not be used, will be held in reserve.
(OOC: Decided to up the ante. Added some new teams to my post. We're now sending 40,000 troops.)
Phase 1

ORDERS: Nebula Bomber Squadron 2, and Nebula fighter squadrons, proceed to Carrotopolis. Notify when arrived.
Jahana and Gupta teams: airlift 20 nautical miles from coast of Pigleteville. Stand by from there.
OOC: Be sure to update the OP with our teams. Here's the post again:
SAFF's Jahana, Chandra, Modi, Gupta, Jandore, Singh, Chopra, Tohani, and Andosh Teams, led by Colonels Amit Jahana, Arjun Chandra, Aryan Modi, Rahul Gupta, Avinash Jandore, Ravi Singh, Kunal Chopra, Priyanka Tohani, and Pankaj Andosh, are reporting for duty. Standing by for orders.

Location: Jaipur SAFF Complexes 004 and 005.

Troops: 40,000 total.
PS: We will also be adding on to that SAFF Air Legions I, II and III; 3,000 planes. The leader of Legion I is Colonel Vidya Dihani, the leader of Legion II is Colonel Vijaya Putra, and the leader of Legion III is Colonel Indira Patak. As for naval forces, we will be sending a large force of 2 aircraft carriers, 7 battleship frigates, and 20 submarines. If this doesn't get the job done I don't know what will. Due to the organization of the SAFF Navy, the whole naval force will be led by Admiral Mohandas Srichand.

IC: This is Jahana Team and Gupta Team to Central Command. We have arrived. Over.
(OOC: My troops are military, air force and navy. A Cohort in my nation is all three branches deployed together at one time. If you need one branch, just write the Cohort name and then which branch.)
Nebulan 1st Attack Fleet is currently holding position about 30 miles off the coast of Guslantis. Bombers and fighters have been deployed. Nebulan AFI currently gathering data on possible landing points and defensive vulnerabilities.
Nebulan and Wolfsea: Begin attacks. Avoid large population centers. Destroy communications equipment and supply centers.

Gupta and Jahana teams: Stand by.
Gupta and Jahana Teams to CCC. We are standing by. We await further orders. Over.
ORDERS: ROYAL CANTICUM LV COHORT (land and air force) is commanded to proceed to invade Miragea and occupy it. The PRAF squadrons will cover you.
The LV Military and LV Air Force are en route to Miragea. The LV Navy will hold their position off the coast to provide additional air support should it be required.

(You don't need to capitalize my nation's military, I just capitalized them in my post to make it clear what units I was using.)
Miragea is secure that to the efforts of the Royal Canticum LV and the PRAF.

LV Military has the city held with the LV Air Force and LV Navy providing round the clock air coverage to prevent any counter air strikes.
Mikita NOWE to be installed as war governor post haste. Royal Canticum LX may be deployed as reinforcements if needed.
Phase 2

ORDERS: Jahana and Gupta Teams: Send scout. Find route to Pigletville, notify of potential resistance. Advise if reinforcements are needed. Assess defenses of THOMAS BUILDING.

(OOC: You can find some kind of resistance.)
Sending scout now. We have found route to Pigletville via satellite feed, as ordered. Results should come in within the next hour. Over.

(OOC: Omg edit the OP with the new troops I'm sending ;-;)
Wolfsea: Deploy 2 units to outskirts of Carrotopolis. Stand by and do not reveal your position
Chandra and Modi Teams Deploy to outskirts of Augustus Town. Stand by and do not reveal your position.
We have a fleet of undercover agents on the northern shore of Guslantis. We can send them in to get some intel for you, to maximise the effectiveness of your assault.
The first and second Detatchments of the second legion, counting 12, 000 infantry and 16 light tanks, have landed and taken position. The other Legions are on standby.
Message to the Cummings Central Command:
The Kingdom of Vazos is thoroughly impressed by the swift action taken to liberate Guslantis from its usurpers. We wish to assist in this endeavor. Therefore, by the power vested in me by His Royal Majesty Belrak Sahas, High King of the Islands of Vazos, I am deploying the First Fleet to Guslantis. However, Vazosi law does not permit us to submit authority over our vessels or troops to foreign entities. We shall cooperate with the Cummings Central Command, but cannot join your coalition. I trust that our unique situation will be met with understanding.

Via sincere,
Lord Osrad Vadhi?, Grand Admiral of the Royal Vazosi Navy