- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
Ambassador Alice McKurggen from the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, was dispatched to the Royal Palace, Kingdom of Plembobria to deliver the following declaration to King Tozian I of Plembobria.
Declaration of War: The Kingdom of Plembobria
In the name of King-Regent Albert, Regent of the McMasterdonians, Count-Palatine of Intelligentsia, Supreme Commander of the McMasterdonian Royal Forces, and Defender of the faith;
ResolutionDeclaring that a state of war exists between the Kingdom of McMasterdonia and the Kingdom of Plembobria
Whereas the Kingdom of Plembobria has commited the following acts against the people of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia;
- Carrying out acts of espionage within the Kingdom of McMasterdonia
- The murder of more than 100 Royal McMasterdonian Forces personnel
- The destruction of an official Royal McMasterdonian Military encampment
- The sponsorship of terrorist activities within the Kingdom of McMasterdonia
- The sponsorship of acts of treason; including the attempted assassination and overthrow of King-Regent Albert of McMasterdonia
Whereas those acts do constitute acts of war;
Resolved by the Royal Caucus that; the state of war between the Kingdom of Plembobria and the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, which has been thrust upon McMasterdonia by the unjustified acts of aggression by the Kingdom of Plembobria is hereby formally declared; that the King-Regent of McMasterdonia is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval, air-force, and military capabilities of the Kingdom of Mcmasterdonia and the resources of the Kingdom to carry out war against the Kingdom of Plembobria; and to bring the conflict to a swift conclusion in favour of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia and it's people.
Albert I
King-Regent of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia