ARCHIVED: Official DU Application Thread



Democratic Union Applications​

The Democratic Union is an international organization for the advancement and protection of democracy throughout the world. This Union is also a military alliance, via our Collective Defense Agreement, as well as a Free Trade area, via our Proclamation of Free Trade.

Our Union is diverse, politically and culturally. We have a variety of laws on the books protecting human rights. It is recommended that you review these laws before applying.

When you apply, your application will be reviewed and likely approved by the Speaker, upon which you will be granted provisional membership for two weeks. Provisional members have the same rights and privileges as full members, except that other members may object to their membership. If a certain number of members second your objection, the Council will vote on your membership.

[b]Conventional long name: [/b]
[b]Conventional short name: [/b]
[b]Form of government: [/b]
[b]Brief description of your government's structure: [/b]

[b]Head of State: [/b]
[b]Head of Government: [/b]
[b]Capital City: [/b]

[b]Chosen Ambassador to the DU: [/b]
[b]Nation's opinion towards democracy: [/b]
[b]Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? [/b]
[b]Is your nation currently at war? [/b]
[b]If yes, then with whom? [/b]

Oath of Membership:
I, [[Head of State and/or Head of Government]], swear to promote the ideals of peace, freedom and progress among the other nations of Eras. By joining the Democratic Union, [[I/WE]] understand our role to the world, and will act in such a way that will only benefit its future. [[I/WE]] vow to preserve, protect, and defend the laws charter of this Union, and protect the cause of Democracy throughout Eras.
Conventional long name: United Regions of Geographic Masses
Conventional short name: UROGM
Form of government: Democratic Republic
Brief description of your government's structure: Heavy emphasis on capitalism while maintaining as much law, order and education to my citizens as possible.

Head of State: Mister Masses
Head of Government: Mister Masses
Capital City: Positive Capitalism

Nation's opinion towards democracy: Promoter, staunch supporter
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? No

I, Mister Masses, swear to promote the ideals of peace, freedom and progress among the other nations of Eras. By joining the Democratic Union, I understand our role to the world, and will act in such a way that will only benefit its future. I vow to preserve, protect, and defend the laws charter of this Union, and protect the cause of Democracy throughout Eras.
(Andulus and its Protectorate Ertolia have been wiped off the map with the consolidation and rebranding of the Ilian Coalition so I am reapplying for membership.)

Conventional long name: The Great Coalition of the Allied Freeholds and Coastal Republics of Ilia
Conventional short name: Ilian Coalition
Form of government: Confederation between Democratic Socialist Freeholds and Oligarchic Republics
Brief description of your government's structure: There are three layers of the Coalition.

The Coalition Layer is governed by the Council of State, a 13 member body with 1 member from each of the Freeholds/Republic, 2 members to represent the interest of the Allied Freeholds and Coastal Republics, and an popularly elected Premier. This Layer coordinates the United Defense Commission, and macro-economics.

The Nation Layer consists of the Allied Freeholds and Coastal Republics, while the IAF acts like a Parliamentary Republic with Unitary Housed Assembly and Prime Minister, the ICR acts as a Republican Oligarchy with a de facto corporate controlled Senate led by a Speaker. This layer organizes the Military during peacetime, secures the borders, and etc

The State Layer is the lowest official layer but not necessarily the least powerful. It is occupied by the individual Freeholds and Republic of which there are 5 of each. Each has their own slightly different governance depending on their geographic and population makeup. This layer is the main layer that deals with matters of Justice, Tax Collection and etc.

Head of State: Adon Icoreca, Premier of the Council
Head of Government: (See Above)
Capital City: [Multiple] Ciar, Allied Freeholds; Tala, Coastal Republics

Nation's opinion towards democracy: The Freehold tends to be more pro-democracy while the Republics are for Democracy with Limitations.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? N/A
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom?

I, Premier Icoreca of the Coalition, swear to promote the ideals of peace, freedom and progress among the other nations of Eras. By joining the Democratic Union, I understand our role to the world, and will act in such a way that will only benefit its future. I vow to preserve, protect, and defend the laws charter of this Union, and protect the cause of Democracy throughout Eras.
Can Mr. Masses and Lord Lore please state their ambassador's names? I for got to put that in the application :headbang:
Conventional long name: Socialist States of Egalotir
Conventional short name: Egalotir
Form of government: Democratic Socialism
Brief description of your government's structure: Head of state followed by a Parliament, and broken down in ministries overlooking all areas of government.

Head of State: Vincent Abligatori
Head of Government: Mattheus Badaloni
Capital City: Criovera

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Adam Mazitator
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Highly valued.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No.
Is your nation currently at war? No.
If yes, then with whom? N/A

I remember the good ol' founding day of the DU. I am happy to be back again and help in any way I can.
Conventional long name: Socialist States of Egalotir
Conventional short name: Egalotir
Form of government: Democratic Socialism
Brief description of your government's structure: Head of state followed by a Parliament, and broken down in ministries overlooking all areas of government.

Head of State: Vincent Abligatori
Head of Government: Mattheus Badaloni
Capital City: Criovera

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Adam Mazitator
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Highly valued.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No.
Is your nation currently at war? No.
If yes, then with whom? N/A

I remember the good ol' founding day of the DU. I am happy to be back again and help in any way I can.
(OOC: If I may just come in and say a few words of update; you no longer exist on the map as you were gone and your former land has been claimed. I'd probably guess the map gods would give you back the land, though, unless you want a new claim or unless Ceretis gets pissed off. XD. Anyways, welcome back; just wanted to let you know that!)

(OOC PS: I'm not a horrid juvenile godmodder anymore! :clap: :hug: )

(OOC PS EDIT NOTE 2: While you were out, the institution of RP moderation was created, and RP is now more realistic. So 20 million man armies are slightly out of the question. You threatened the use of such an army during the Ixelonia RP so I figured I'd let you know. Syrixia as it stands has an army of 500,000, and the world's largest military in Kannex has about a million soldiers.)
Conventional long name: Socialist States of Egalotir
Conventional short name: Egalotir
Form of government: Democratic Socialism
Brief description of your government's structure: Head of state followed by a Parliament, and broken down in ministries overlooking all areas of government.

Head of State: Vincent Abligatori
Head of Government: Mattheus Badaloni
Capital City: Criovera

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Adam Mazitator
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Highly valued.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No.
Is your nation currently at war? No.
If yes, then with whom? N/A

I remember the good ol' founding day of the DU. I am happy to be back again and help in any way I can.
(OOC: If I may just come in and say a few words of update; you no longer exist on the map as you were gone and your former land has been claimed. I'd probably guess the map gods would give you back the land, though, unless you want a new claim or unless Ceretis gets pissed off. XD. Anyways, welcome back; just wanted to let you know that!)

(OOC PS: I'm not a horrid juvenile godmodder anymore! :clap: :hug: )

(OOC PS EDIT NOTE 2: While you were out, the institution of RP moderation was created, and RP is now more realistic. So 20 million man armies are slightly out of the question. You threatened the use of such an army during the Ixelonia RP so I figured I'd let you know. Syrixia as it stands has an army of 500,000, and the world's largest military in Kannex has about a million soldiers.)
That news makes me happy! More realism is better:)

Thank you for the updates, I'll also just make a new land claim no need to inconvenience people.
(Edit: I am going to take the same approach as I have with the North Pacific Treaty Organizaztion. If Callaici and Tir na Andalucia are both accepted, I will roll all three into one over-arching group that represents The Union of the Rose. A new representative will be announced at that point who will take over from Vyncis, Mala and Hadyn.)

Conventional long name: República de Callaici (Republic of Callaici)
Conventional short name: Callaici
Form of government: Presidential Republic
Brief description of your government's structure: The President de la Saviesa (President of Wisdom) and the Consell Àguila (Eagle Council) constitute the Executive Branch of government, one position is the president and the other is his / her cabinet. The Consell Corb (Raven Council) is the Legislative Branch while the Consell de Jutges (Council of Judges) is the Judicial Branch.

Head of State: President de la Saviesa (President of Wisdom) / Consell Àguila (Eagle Council)
Head of Government: President de la Saviesa (President of Wisdom) / Consell Àguila (Eagle Council)
Capital City: Port de Cali

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Mala Aumius
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Democracy and the voice of the people is vital to a free society.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? N/A

Conventional long name: Wladwriaeth Ddemocrataidd o Tir na Andalucia (Democratic State of Tir na Andalucia)
Conventional short name: Tir na Andalucia
Form of government: Democratic Kritarchy
Brief description of your government's structure: The Y Pum Beirniaid (The Five Judges) constitutes the Executive Branch of government. The Mae'r Weinyddiaeth (The Ministry) is the Legislative Branch while the Wardeiniaid o Gyfraith (Wardens of Law) is the Judicial Branch.

Head of State: Y Pum Beirniaid (The Five Judges)
Head of Government: Y Pum Beirniaid (The Five Judges)
Capital City: Annwn

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Hadyn
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Highly valued and embraced.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? N/A
Upon realizing how ridiculous it would be to have three nations in this organization under the control of one person, I am going to take a simpler approach. Roderic Engstrom shall become the primary representative for The Union of the Rose (from a role play perspective this includes Kalti, Callaici and Tir na Andalucia). Vyncis Maley, Mala Aumius and Hadyn shall be sub-representatives and I may occasionally role play as them to throw in a voice of approval or dissent but they won't vote (limiting myself to one vote so as to not skew anything).
Conventional long name: The Union of the Great, Lesser, and Independent Houses of Myroria (formal), the All-House Union of Myroria (informal)
Conventional short name: Myroria
Form of government: Elective constitutional monarchy
Brief description of your government's structure: Myroria is a constitutional monarchy. The monarch of Myroria, styled the Sedera or king/queen, in theory has unlimited power to make decrees as he or she pleases. In reality, however, the monarch's power is curtailed by a complex relationship with Myroria's legislature, the Council of Great Houses, composed of 421 representatives from the three Great Houses - confederations of Myrorian families that historically were based in tradition, rite, and religion, but now function mainly as political parties. There are no elections in the traditional sense of the word; membership in a Great House, and by proxy participation in government, is mainly a matter of birth, marriage, or "adoption". Anyone can be adopted into a Great House.

Head of State: Her Majesty the Sedera, Fendrina Vadeni Quarrovth
Head of Government: Head of the Majority, Councillor Idril Quarrovth
Capital City: Pelagis

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Ninirassour Moominseth
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Of the three Great Houses represented on the Council, Myroria's legislature, two - Quarrovth and Vrotrith - are committed to further democratic reform, though they disagree on by what process this should happen. Likewise, two Houses - Quarrovth and Moomintroth - are committed to the Middle Way, a Myrorian approach to the "rule of the people" that is steeped in ancient tradition. Most families in Myroria are tied to a Great House through oath. By the legal severing of these bonds, or the transfer of these bonds to another House, the common people can affect who represents them on the Council, though the leadership of each House chooses Councillors themselves. A census conducted every five years reorganizes the Council according to the changes in these oaths, apportioning seats to each House depending on the proportion of members their group has.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? Myroria has a neutral view of most members of the DU. It is tied in alliance with Plembobria and McMasterdonia through comembership in the Novrith Pact.
Is your nation currently at war? No, but forces are on standby to deploy to Rhuvanland if our ally, Imperium Augustum, requires them.
Conventional long name: The Marä of Naizerre
Conventional short name: Naizerre
Form of government: Democratic tribal council.
Brief description of your government's structure: Citizens of Naizerre elect tribal representatives (this includes immigrants who form their own tribes or are allocated one with careful attention taken to ensure unity) who act as the legislators of the nation. These representatives choose the Ruling Council, although the office of Ngê Nbïä (High Chief) is directly elected.

Head of State: Ngê Nbïä President Mboto 'Jack' Jones
Head of Government: Ngê Nbïä President Mboto 'Jack' Jones
Capital City: Tögbätä

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Teofilo Tsanka
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Is important, but not to the detriment of the Marä.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? Naizerre considers most eastern nations poorly, accusing them of exploitation and warmongering.
Is your nation currently at war? Yes
If yes, then with whom? The Syrixian Empire.

I, Ngê Nbïä Mboto Jones, swear to promote the ideals of peace, freedom and progress among the other nations of Eras. By joining the Democratic Union, I understand our role to the world, and will act in such a way that will only benefit its future. I vow to preserve, protect, and defend the laws charter of this Union, and protect the cause of Democracy throughout Eras.
Conventional long name: The Federation of Sierra Benz
Conventional short name: Sierra
Form of government: Democracy
Brief description of your government's structure: a presidential republic (president - voted for 5 years and can be revoted as many times as he wants)

Head of State: Felix Defranco
Head of Government: Felix Defranco
Capital City: Zerta

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Alex Calvion
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Democracy is the key to a free and powerful nation
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? Kannex (territorial disputes over the northern land currently controlled by Kannex)
Is your nation currently at war? no
If yes, then with whom?
Accepted for provisional membership lasting two weeks.
Conventional long name: The Empire Of The Big Apple
Conventional short name: The Big Apple (TBA)
Form of government: Federal Democratic Republic
Brief description of your government's structure: Federal representatives are voted on by the people of each district, and these representatives vote in the legislature. Through an online portal (website), citizens may voice their opinion on individual bills, and if three quarters of a eligible voters in a representatives constituency vote three quarters for or against a bill, the representative is required to vote for the peoples opinion. Individual states have different governments, as well as municipal governments. The head of government is voted into office every 4 years, and can veto bills. The representatives in the lower house are voted in every 2 years, unless four fifths of the people in a district vote for their representative to leave office. The upper house is voted in every 4 years.

Head of State: [me]
Head of Government: [me]
Capital City: Big Apple City

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Harry Schultz (Secretary of Foreign Affairs)
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Strong supporter of democracy.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? N/A
Conventional long name: The Empire of the Gemini
Conventional short name: thegemini
Form of government: Monarchy
Brief description of your government's structure: Legislation is based on the Westminster system. Executive is the monarch.

Head of State:
Head of Government:
Capital City:

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: James Alexander
Nation's opinion towards democracy: We support democracy.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No.
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? N/A
Both accepted, welcome. You are under provisional membership for two weeks, during which time your membership may be challenged (I wouldn't worry though. :P)
Conventional long name: The Haven of Demescia
Conventional short name: Demescia
Form of government: Democratic Autocracy
Brief description of your government's structure: Citizens directly vote for a demagogue, whose actions are either restricted or unrestricted by the constitution based on what they entail.

Head of State: Keegan Seeds
Head of Government: Keegan Seeds
Capital City: Combre, Mavoña Majora, Demescia

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Nikolas Steward (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Nation's opinion towards democracy: We as a people believe in equal voting powers among citizens, and to preserve democracy and civil rights in this world in the most peaceful way possible. Our influence should be subtle and our actions cautionary.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? Not at all.
Is your nation currently at war? If by war you mean telling terrorists in our country to eat a dry, rotten mango and leave then yes we are at war.
If yes, then with whom? Figuratively, Domesua (our position is purely defensive without offense)
Conventional long name: The Democratic Republic of Adalbern
Conventional short name: Adalbern
Form of government: Democratic Republic
Brief description of your government's structure: 3 Members of Parliament, or Representatives, of each city are chosen in a federal election every 3 years, and can be elected multiple times. Once a Representative wins at least 5 elections, he/she is given the title of Senior Representative, at which they can run for executive positions within their respective political parties. The Executive Head is the President who is voted democratically in a nationwide election every 5 years, and can hold a maximum of 2 terms.

Head of State: Herminio Plinio
Head of Government: Herminio Plinio
Capital City: Eberardo

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Sir Waldhar Eemeli (Senior Representative of Eberardo)
Nation's opinion towards democracy: Highly treasured and valued.
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? Nope.
Is your nation currently at war? Nope.
If yes, then with whom? NIL
Conventional long name: The Republic of Lorbank
Conventional short name: Lorbank
Form of government: Democracy
Brief description of your government's structure: presidential republic, the president can be re-elected any times since the last constitutional amendment (2000).

Head of State: Leslie Burves (1998)
Head of Government: Charles Taylor (2011)
Capital City: Lisledo

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Bill Lewis, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Nation's opinion towards democracy: A nation can't succeed without equality between people
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? N/A
Both accepted, apologies for the delay. Your membership would've been provisional for a week however due to the wait you have already endured, the chair waives this provision.
Conventional long name: The Empire of Northern Scovia
Conventional short name: Northern Scovia
Form of government: Semi Constitutional Monarchy
Brief description of your government's structure: The Emperor is the Head of State and he can Veto any law, Make Alliances, etc. The Prime Minister is the Head of Government. The Prime Minister has all the same powers as the the Emperor, but he can declare war(with government approval). The Government is are made up of elected officials from each providence.

Head of State: Emperor Andy Hydraria
Head of Government: Prime Minister Aleena Garcia
Capital City: Hydraria

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Owen Heath
Nation's opinion towards democracy: A country can't live without democracy
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? No
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? N/A
Accepted provisionally, although a member can object to your acceptance for a period of time. Welcome to the DU.
Conventional long name: The Federation of Tridus
Conventional short name: Tridus
Form of government: Constitutional Representative Federal Democratic Republic
Brief description of your government's structure: Follows the model of the U.S. government model with a slightly more simplified judicial system. The biggest change is the foreign-domestic split. The assembly and senate are split in that domestic and foreign policy bills originate in each house respectively. Bills must pass both houses, and be signed by either the president or prime minister, President in the case of foreign/intelligence bills and Prime Minister in domestic bills, and the cabinet member to which the bill correlates. The PM and Pres each have cabinets to aid them in their respective duties. Domestic for PM are the ministers, and Foreign/Domestic for Pres are secretaries. If the Pres/PM or Cabinet Member vetoes, then it can be overruled by 2/3 of the house it originated in. Other than that, it is almost exactly the same.

Head of State: Prime Minister Julius Opulus
Head of Government: President Seruvius Valentius
Capital City: Tridus

Chosen Ambassador to the DU: Secretary of Diplomatic Affairs Oppius Aurelius
Nation's opinion towards democracy: It is essential for a functioning free society
Does your nation have a negative opinion of any current members of the DU? Since we have just begun major diplomatic relations, no
Is your nation currently at war? No
If yes, then with whom? N/A