Conference on the Status of Shei Ren


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
Called by the Commune of Shei Ren | Conference hosted in Lha Shan, Shei Ren​

The leaders of Nebula and Syrixia are hereby invited to Lha Shan, Shei Ren, for a conference. Here, they, along with delegates from the Sheireni People's Assembly, will negotiate the postwar status of the Commune of Shei Ren.

Welcome, leaders.

Da Nanh, elected leader of the Sheireni People's Assembly, the only thing close to a government on the island, addressed the leaders attending. "Welcome to Lha Shan, the largest town in the Commune of Shei Ren. The People's Assembly, the decision-making unit of the Commune made up of all its people, has chosen me to speak to you, along with my two fellow delegates, Dgo Henh and Sha Luonh.

He continued, "Today we are here to negotiate the postwar status of Shei Ren. I ask that we put aside our differences and work together for the good of the people I am representing. We are open to creating a new nation and forming an independent government of our own, and so this conversation is very important to the future of our island. First, I'd like to ask the delegates from the current de jure ruler of Shei Ren, Nebula, to make their opening statement."


Malachit stood. "Regrettably, the Emperator is unable to attend. He is currently quite busy handling the economic crisis. However, I will be negotiating on his behalf.
"This brings us to our main issue. With the economic crisis, can an independent Shei Ren avoid a nosedive? I think not. And the Nebulan military establishment serves to counterbalance the Helmebaine stronghold at Andromezadite. Another problem: under Nebulan control, military took precedence over industry. What development Shei Ren had been planning was halted by the Nebulan invasion. Shei Ren needs our help to get back up in the region."
"If I may," Minister Atlas interjected, "I do not think the Xentheridan presence in Andromedazite is of any importance to this topic. This is the postwar world; we must strive for peace, not war. Syrixia suggests that Shei Ren becomes an independent state and joins both the Faibuaizu and Helmebaine Alliances as an observer. Nebula and Syrixia would begin a loan program to Shei Ren to help its modernization, and this program would last about a year or two. Shei Ren's debt payment in the future would be something we can talk about later today."
"I am unaware of any observer program in the Faibuaizu. And"--- Malachit shuffled some papers in front of him--- "as of yesterday Antlerio made the switch from a fiat currency to one backed by cerium. We are not in position to loan out money and those at the bottom would have our heads if we did. No, the only way to ensure funding can go into Shei Ren is to leave it under Nebula."
"Not true." said Atlas. "By becoming independent Shei Ren can open itself to the world and build alliances. Just because Nebula cannot fund Shei Ren does not mean Shei Ren cannot be funded at all."
"Alliances? Both are tangled messes of bureaucracy. Common belief in Nebula is that to join Helmebaine is to become irrevocably tied to Syrixia."
Atlas chuckled. Malachit was doing Malachit things, and this was no exception. Opening his mouth to speak, Atlas noted, "This makes sense. Both our nations just exited what many are calling a cold war."

"But, whatever Shei Ren decides to do," Atlas continued, "there is one thing that remains a must. Shei Ren must achieve independence if it is to gain its own national identity and be the master of its own destiny."
Malachit remained serene. "Neither of us is willing to give ground, it seems. Perhaps a referendum among the citizens of the island?" He grinned inside under the certain knowledge that many Nebulan soldiers had settled down there.
"Malachit-san," Nanh interjected, "Every native Shei Ren islander is part of the People's Assembly. If a vote is what is needed we will vote there, as it is an already-established body and is staffed by around 95 to 98 percent of the Sheireni population."
"Shei Ren has no citizenship right now, I'm afraid." said Nanh. "You must be a native Sheireni, which accounts for over 90% of the population, to be in the People's Assembly. All Sheirenis are automatically drafted into the Assembly at 20 years of age, in accordings to our tradition set before us by the fathers of the commune."
The former Emperator gave Nanh a look. "That may be, but do not forget that the Nebulan legislature can still overturn your entire legal system at their whim. Your autonomy may end if you do not conform."
(OOC: I thought Antlerio wasn't here. What is this "The Emperator gave Nanh a look"?)

"You are disrespecting the traditions of our forefathers; traditions of independence and freedom." Luonh noted. "We have no legal system at the moment, we just gather, talk, vote, and go. We will not conform to the hegemony of the Nebulan state. The people of our island want to be independent, and to form a new nation."
Malachit made a small hand gesture under the table. The guard standing behind him noted it and left the room.
"Do you have anything to back to that claim of sovereignty with?" Malachit spat.
"The people of our island are how we back our claim. We are the native Sheireni people; we were here first, and we will be independent." Nanh noted. "Colonization from another nation is something we can not tolerate. Nebula must leave; it does not belong here."
"And yet you tolerated it when 20,000 troops were garrisoned here. We can always go back to those days if you wish."
"We do not wish for there to be war." Nanh said strongly. "You are trying to force it upon us, but we will not let that come to pass. Know the ways of peace and let a people be free. What if Nebula was in our shoes? Would you fight, causing damage to infrastructure as well as numerous deaths, or would you choose peace, avoiding any damage but still winding up with independence?"
"I would not go threatening war again. You are no longer in office. I think your superior Antlerio would be the judge of that." said Nanh. Atlas then interjected, "It's also worth mentioning that while we strongly advise you do not choose war, obviously; if you were to go to war, you can bet that the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces wouldn't let you. If Nebula even so as touches Shei Ren, Syrixia will contact them immediately."
"Oh? Where the hell were you when the occupation began? More to the point, where was the NPTO? Oh, that's right, you took matters into your own hands, and rightly so, because the NPTO is waaaay too slow when it comes to this sort of thing. And you know the Guslants will be all over you if you do."
"Even if NPTO is slow, if you even touch Shei Ren, you will find some sort of international condemnation, and it won't be only from us."
(Sorry, I've been busy with school and it's getting harder to squeeze NationStates in. I'm working on it.)

Malachit grinned like a cat. "Oh, we would barely need to touch it. After all, our military base was never removed."
Nanh facepalmed. "Remove it, then." he remarked. Malachit was clearly starting to annoy him.. "If you are so interested in our island, then we could simply have foreign relations. However, we must become an independent nation."
"You fail to understand," said Malachit, losing patience. "You are a valuable asset to the Nebulan government. If you want independence, serious reimbursement will be necessary to make up for the loss."
"You are not losing anything." Nanh scoffed. "You are just returning to normal. You are returning to how Nebula was before you came to our island. You have only recently come to our island; now Nebula must leave. The war is over. If Nebula refuses the notion of peace, it must learn how to deal with it. We will pay no 'reimbursement.' We are not an 'asset' to anyone. We are our own people."
Malachit had returned to his serene ground state. "In that case, the Legislature will never recognize your independence."
"Fine, then." said Nanh. "But everyone else probably will." Nanh cleared his throat, and then calmly remarked, "Now then; any remaining Nebulan soldiers or former soldiers on this island must leave."
"Foreign troops do not belong on a nation's soil unless they are either allowed to be there or are invading." Nanh replied firmly. "We will not allow Nebulan troops to continue to be here; and if Nebula even dares to invade our island, the sheer weight of the condemnations falling on your heads will destroy any chances you have at staying on the world stage."
Nanh grinned. "Well, I'd like to keep it a surprise. You will see soon enough."
(OOC: Retconned the assassination.)

"Ok, ok, both of you!" Atlas interjected angrily. "Listen. What Syrixia wants is peace. The way things are going now, you both seem as if you want a war. This childish animosity ends now." Atlas sighed. "Malachit, what 'reimbursement' do you have in mind for the islanders to pay in exchange for independence?"
"Several million dollars in metal assets, and an assurance from the Helmebaine alliance that all military personnel have been removed from Andromedazite."
"Andromedazite is not under your jurisdiction, so you do not need to worry about what goes on there. And why metal assets? What the hell does metal have to do with any of this?"
Malachit sighed. People could be so thick.
"Metal, gentlemen. Remove a single metal from the crust of the eve and civilisation will begin to feel the effects immediately. We use iron, aluminum, titanium to build. We need copper, tantalum, and lithium for our electronics. Gold and its valuable compatriots are valuable to unreasonable extents.
"We request the equivalent of fifty million dollars in various metals to compensate for the loss of Shei Ren."