ARCHIVED: The Emergent Order of Things

St George

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Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
This rp will contain many words from the Sango language, a creole from the Central African Republic made up of French loanwords and the Ngbandi group of languages. A glossary will be included at the end of this and any other posts.
Economic hijack and foreign gangsterism is the biggest threat to the Marä of Naizerre. Only together, through integration, protection and the galgula removal of the eastern smugglers who rob and pillage the nation will we defeat this menace. - Mboto 'Jack' Jones, Ngê Gbïä of Naizerre​
Tögbätä, Naizerre - Naizerre's re-elected High Chief Mboto 'Jack' Jones addressed the people of Naizerre in a televised speech today, following his win in bitterly fought elections that were described as 'largely free and fair' by international observers. Mboto used the speech not only to set out some key parts of his legislative agenda, but also to attack opponents at home and abroad, following allegations that some opposition parties were partially funded by foreign governments.

"It has often been said," He told the estimated audience of more than 11 million, "that in the east they are prosperous, they are advanced and civilised. That we of the Marä should look up to them and look to them as an example to copy. To them I say, Zîngo! Zîngo and see them for what they are. Syrixia is a warmonger. Nebula a hotbed of gangsterism. Democratic Unions and North Pacific Treaty Organisations run amok, hijacked economies and ruining nations. Look to Cronaal and the damage they did there."

The High Chief, born Mboto but who goes by the name of Jack, would go on. "Some of my opponents would look to those nations for funding and support. Foreign interlopers disrupting the natural mbëlä of things. I would rather be a Gbamunzû than let one smuggler into the Marä. To allow Tö Gîgî over the Marä would be tïkïsängö. I would be bound to arrest myself and lock myself away in the deepest sulûlu."

High Chief Jones would have kinder words for closer neighbours, such as McMasterdonia, saying, "I was told to sign a mbëtïlö with the Tö Gîgî. Any mbëtïlö with them would be yë tî kamënë. There will be no mbëtïlö with the Tö. There will be a mbëtïlö. One with our nyîtâ, our neighbours, an unbreakable mbûki. We will commit ourselves to our nyîtâ and cast out the influence of the Tö."

Going into further details about his agenda the High Chief revealed that Sango, the most spoken tribal language in Naizerre would become the sole official national language and be taught in all schools from the coming year. He urged minority groups, especially expatriate populations within Naizerre to integrate and embrace the new language. Reaction from opposition groups ranged from guarded interest and outrage and observers of the situation watch with interest to see what, if any, reaction from the named nations and organisations will be.
Marä - tribal nationality, in this instance to describe the people and lands of Naizerre as a whole
Ngê Nbïä - High Chief
Zîngo - awaken
Mbëlä - order
Gbamunzü - albino prostitute
Tö Gîgî - east (tö) outside (gîgî), in this instance meaning eastern outsiders
Tïkïsängö - treason
Sulûlu - prison cell
Mbëtïlö - treaty
yë tî kamënë - shameful act
nyîtâ - brother
mbûki - blood pact
Syrixia condemns such an act by the Naizerri government to close themselves off from the world. The modern world is one of friendship and globalization, not isolation. We urge Naizerre to look out to the rest of the world. Behind the veil that was the Great War, there lies not evil in the east, but beauty and splendor.
When informed of the speech's contents, one of Nebula's few remaining gangsters laughed so hard he collapsed onto the concrete floor of his jail cell.
On this day, the 12th of the 8th of the 15th, Añola wishes to congratulate Ngê Gbïä Mboto 'Jack' Jones in his electoral victory - also believing that no bribery or vote-rigging took place. We wish and hope that Ngê Gbïä Mboto is a wise, just leader that allows Naizzere to develop and withstand itself against the many tyrants of the first world; Syrixia and Nebula being prime examples. Following this, we highly applaud the statements given about both The Watching Nebula and The Serene Republic of Syrixia, their unjust fighting and essential economic and long-term destruction of Cronaal is utterly and entirely their fault - blaming Syrixia and Kannex for the death of Eden Hall, the reason Queen Diana Wrokford II became insane, and noting that their tyranny over Rhuvanland allowed rebels to gain prevalence and conduct their brutal murder.

Moving onto the subject of the National Language, we applaud Ngê Gbïä Mboto's statement on such. Allowing the most common language, Sango, to become more widely known across Naizzere could simplify many processes and allow foreign nations to more easily contact and negotiate with the urban and tribal cultures of Naizerre.

Yours Hopefully,
Carlos Rogeuze III
Gonfaloniere's Palace

His Excellency, High Chief Mboto Jones,

I write to you today to congratulate you on your election to the High Chiefdom of Naizerre. In a fair, honest election, the Naizerri electorate chose you to lead them, imbuing your office with the grace and trust of the people it governs.

I, like many Floregasque both in the government and with interests abroad, watched your televised speech as it aired. Your condemnation of foreign interference in your politics as well as politics elsewhere was a refreshing change of pace from the brinksmanship, saber-rattling, and open war between nations. Your opinion is one that is shared with many Floregasque citizens as well as a substantial number of members of the Signoria.

These nations, mired in constant war and violence, have snuffed countless lives and destroyed so much, but what have they created? Only suffering and woe. Do the leaders of these nations think of the people their petty feuds affect, or is their entire existence only a number on a casualty report to them? You were right to call these warmongers gangsters, and I agree that that is exactly what they are. Who but a criminal, after all, would carpet bomb cities, or even threaten nuclear destruction upon their enemies? Who but a gangster would make war based entirely on minor philosophical differences?

These wars that have torn the world nearly to shreds have left the fleets of foreign merchantmen in Floresque's ports thinner and thinner. The economy not only of our city-state but of the world has been damaged by this senseless violence. Boats requisitioned by governments only to be blown to shreds weeks later will not be easily replaced, and the losses in our stock market will not be easily reversed. It is entirely within the interest of the Floregasque Republic to oppose international war not only for our own economic interests, but for the humanitarian interests of innocent civilians whose lives have been totally changed by this violence. Able-bodied workers are being shipped to the front lines by the thousands. Floregasque companies abroad find their employee pool shrinking as quickly as artillery shells are sent into the battlefield.

It is clear that you understand this well. At this point, you are indeed better off making money at home than spending money to fuel the economies of these warmongers. I applaud your people-oriented mindset. Teach your children in the language of their homeland first. Let them have a full understanding of their own language before picking up another. It is clear to me that you have chosen your own nation before any other, and an honorable man would make no other choice.

In a world half-burned with fire and half-blown with mortars, non-alignment is the only sensible option. If that is the option you have selected for your nation, then your people have elected the right man for the Chiefdom. As long as non-alignment is the goal of Naizzere, you will have the support of the Gonfaloniere, the Signoria, and the entire Republic of Floresque.

Alessandro de' Avelocci
Gonfaloniere of the Floregasque Republic

Piero de' Avelocci
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic
From: The Office of the President Minister of the Russian Republic
To: The High Chief of Naizerre, Mboto Jones

Dear Friend,

I congratulate you on your re-election to lead your country in the coming years. Truly, no country is free of conquerors that is not free to make its own choices. My countrymen and I wish and hope that your country remains so free and prospers for all time.

Since the lamentable days of the Czars, the Russian Republic has sought to be a friend to all nations, and to support their freedom to determine their own fate. It is my intention and my hope that you will find in us a reliable friend to your country.

In the event of any cause for concern by any act of any Russian national or other associate of this Republic, please be assured that the Republic's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will answer your government responsively and responsibly.

In the event of any interest in any co-operative endeavors toward furthering your country's ambitions, from academic exchange to international sports, I beg you to contact my office.

Sincerely Yours,
President Minister Alexander Nikolayevich Kerenskij
Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of his August Majesty, Caesar,
The Augustine Office releases this communique to the Honourable Mboto Jones.

To the Honourable Mboto Jones,

I, Caesar Felix Albinus Augustus, congratulate you as you enter a new period exercising your divine right to rule. It is my responsibility, as Caesar, to congratulate the nation of Naizerre for exercising its free and proper right to vote to select the representation they have been graced with.

Yours is a reign that belongs to the Marä, Ngê Nbïä, and it is equally a reign that belongs to you. You are the Marä - one and the same. Countless nations in the East have forgotten this basic principle, ready to sell themselves to their neighbours and their so-called 'allies' under the guise of the Democratic Union and the North Pacific Trade Organization. And as they sign these mbûki, they have paid in blood.

On behalf of the Tö Gîgî, I implore you to set an example for the lost - those who would claim to be your nyîtâ but compel you to perform yë tî kamënë, both within your nation and without it. It is time that those who remember tradition, their roots, their own Sango assert them against the world.

Imperium is as much Tö Gîgî as it is Gîgî Tö. We speak not in defense of the deplorable, but to echo your warning of them.

We offer you nothing, and we expect nothing. All we will do is wait, and watch.

There will come a day when Mboto Jones' Marä will become a Naizerre within the Naizerre Gîgî. That will be the day when you choose between state and nation. We are certain you will come to the same conclusions that Imperium has.

Caesar Felix Albinus Augustus