ARCHIVED: King of Plembobria to visit Guslantis


King of Plembobria to make State Visit to Monarchy of Guslantis
Starting August 10th, the His Majesty King Tozian of Plembobria will be visiting the Queen of Guslantis. The two monarchs will discuss trade relations and other bilateral cooperation efforts. His Majesty also hopes to encourage foreign investments from Guslant business.

The King will likely stay in Guslantis for several days. The actual duration of the visit is yet to be announced.

Stay tuned for more information.
The Jewel of The North Pacific, as it is known to locals, or to the region, The Monarchy of Guslantis, welcomes King Tozian. We plan to welcome the King at the Charles Palace, after a ride from the Pigletville International, and a quick stop at the Thomas Complex construction site. The King will be welcomed by the Associate Cabinet, as this will give the opportunity of the Cabinet to watch their associates in action welcoming a king. From there, the King will be escorted inside for talks, and later a dinner (lunch) at the Charles Palace Grand Hibernal Ballroom.

Assistant Minister of Information: May Leng
Associate Minister of Human Services: Rachel Singletary
Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs: Marcus Charles
Associate Minister of Finance: Franklin Miller
Associate Minister of Defense: John Delford
Associate Minister of Science: Lauren Brown
The motorcade stopped. Outside the window lay the magnificence of Charles Palace. The motorcade consisted of two limousines, flanked by four Guslant police escorts on motorbikes. In the front and rear of the group were the signature black Royal Security Corps vehicles. Riding in the first limousine were the Minister for Foreign Affairs Rudolph Stein, Minister for Defense Darren Crowly, and Minister for Trade Stacee Amberly. The second were the ambassador to the NPTO Alec Durand, ambassador to Guslantis Loraine Tonkincotty, and His Majesty the King of Plembobria.

Security guards got out of their vehicles first, and proceeded to open the doors of the limousines. The ministers and ambassadors appeared first, and greeted the surrounding crowds. After a short wait, out came the King. He was in his official royal uniform, black with blue and yellow epaulets. On his breast where several medals, indicating his leadership of Plembobria's military force. The ministers and ambassadors gave a shallow bow, as per custom, and the King and his retinue continued on into Charles palace to meet with the Guslant Queen.
As the King exited, the large projectors began to project the Guslant seal on the skyline, and then began to broadcast a live feed of the event. The feed was shot by five drones, one that was about fifty feet above the motorcade, shooting the arrival. Two more were slightly above the crowd, filming from the left and right, and one was just above the motorcade from behind. The final one, marked by maroon stripes, was in charge of getting the up-close shots of all of the members, moving to and fro to get all of the good shots of the feed. These drones were controlled by Ministry of Information hands and they moved gracefully to get shots called by Alicia Burns. When all of the Plembobrian delegates exited the motorcade, the doors to the Charles Palace opened. The drones, including the marked one nicknamed "Op" by Alicia, turned to face the doors as two ministry guards from each ministry escorted their respective Associate Ministers out of the Palace. Each pair of guards stopped on a step and faced each other, leaving the Associate Ministers to walk out and into a straight line. The Chairwoman of the Associate Cabinet was May Leng who looked to the Plembobrian delegates with a welcoming smile. Op moved closer to May as she began speaking. "Welcome to Pigletville! On behalf of the Ministry of Information, the Cabinet, the city of Pigletville, and the jewel of Guslantis, I welcome all of the delegates here on this beautiful sunny day! My name is May Leng, and I represent our Ministry of Information today, I am joined by Rachel of Human Services, Marcus of Foreign Affairs, Franklin of Finance, John of Defense, and Lauren of Science," she said, gesturing to each Associate Minister.

Rachel, looking straight into Op's lens, said with pride, "Now, without further ado, her Royal Highness, Queen Leah Miranda Charles, Duchess of Augustus Town, and is joined by Mikita Nowe of Pigletville and Minister Alicia Burns of Pigletville!" The doors opened again and royal guards marched out and in pairs, faced each other. Out next came Mikita and Alicia, who looked so similar that someone could think one was the older version of the other. Alicia had a headset on was looking at her tablet, calling commands to the drone operators. "Camera 1, let's get a fly-by of Mikita and I, bringing the Queen into view," she ordered and Op flew over her head, as the Queen exited the building, leaving enough time between her and the duo to make the entrance grand. The Associate Cabinet and the guards split and bowed, as she made her way down the stairs. When she passed Alicia and Mikita, they both gave a similar curtsy. Queen Charles made her way to the King and Mikita and Alicia turned to face him as well. The Cabinet came out of the building and Op moved closer to Charles. This time was crucial. How would she greet the King?

Charles got on her knees before Tozian, bowing her head. "Welcome to my home, King Tozian, my people and I welcome you to Pigletville," she said simply. Alicia looked to Alec, hoping he'd know what the heck was going on. Alas, he shrugged and everyone looked to the Plembobrian delegation for their response to the humility the Queen just showed.
"You're majesty" said Tozian, "it is rather unseemly for one monarch to bow before another. Especially one younger, and less experienced in matters of state." Said the King of Plembobria, feeling rather awkward. "Let us begin our meeting shall we?"

As the dignitaries continued into the palace, Tozian, noticing Alec and Alicia's glances at each other, turned to the NPTO ambassador, with whom he had attended secondary school, and winked.

As the national delegations walked through the halls of Charles palace, they came to an open hall, where the two monarchs would begin the long discussions always relevant on state visits. Tozian addressed the Queen, "Queen Charles, I feel it prudent for us to, for the present, conduct our discussions alone. Without the other members of our governments." The Queen nodded, and the other member of the delegations, save a few security guards, shuffled out of the room.

As the various government officials engaged themselves in conversation, Alec glanced at the Minister of Information. "Well, how have things been?"

As the King Tozian and Queen Leah were speaking, a young man entered the room.

"Your majesty..."

King Tozian cut his state visit in Guslantis short today, presumably in response to the assassination of Queen Matilda II of McMasterdonia. The late Queen was a cousin of Tozian's. Bystanders state that the King appeared "deeply saddened" others claimed to have seen him in tears.

There is no official statement from Guslantis or Plembobria on the reason for the visit being cancelled. The King's personal airplane was escorted by two PRAF fighters. Security around Rethel Palace has been increased.