The Great War OOC chat party!

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So "the Great War" has become the name for the overall cold war... what do we call the original Great War?
Yes, because two neutral countries are planning to destroy Nebula and Syrixia...

And really, the purpose of the visit doesn't even concern Tozian or Charles, as they will be meeting behind closed doors the entire RP. The purpose is to continue on the Alicia/Alec arc.
Oh phew.

But seriously stop trying to lynch me because Nebula hasn't responded to my 10,000 PMs. I won't get to be a goody-goody if I get killed by neutralist lynch mobs first! NEBULA WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?! :cry:
I posted about the terminology changes. You really need to cut down on that saga summary! Nobody really cares how my Luftwaffe attacked Shei Ren... cut out the technical details about dumb-turned-smart bombs and whatnot.

Don't worry about the suspension. Nobody is invading Syrixia anytime soon.
I posted about the terminology changes. You really need to cut down on that saga summary! Nobody really cares how my Luftwaffe attacked Shei Ren... cut out the technical details about dumb-turned-smart bombs and whatnot.

Don't worry about the suspension. Nobody is invading Syrixia anytime soon.
Suspension from NPTO = everyone hates me = AKFS HGHEIU HUG WR UWHUF GUWTUGTAOUWTU
Yes. Thanks for the nukes. Sadly I don't need them; just took down Rodon.
Did Cro allow that? Make sure that isn't godmod.
I talked to him on IRC this morning. He seemed to be fine with it, as all he said was "Please don't burn Rodon down." Pretty sure I just went in, got the leaders and left for the South.
Did Cro allow that? Make sure that isn't godmod.
I talked to him on IRC this morning. He seemed to be fine with it, as all he said was "Please don't burn Rodon down." Pretty sure I just went in, got the leaders and left for the South.
May I clean up? c:
Did Cro allow that? Make sure that isn't godmod.
I talked to him on IRC this morning. He seemed to be fine with it, as all he said was "Please don't burn Rodon down." Pretty sure I just went in, got the leaders and left for the South.
May I clean up? c:
Let Cronaal do that. I've got Nebula to negotiate with.
Did Cro allow that? Make sure that isn't godmod.
I talked to him on IRC this morning. He seemed to be fine with it, as all he said was "Please don't burn Rodon down." Pretty sure I just went in, got the leaders and left for the South.
May I clean up? c:
Let Cronaal do that. I've got Nebula to negotiate with.
I love how a good suspension adds peace to the region. :P
Did Cro allow that? Make sure that isn't godmod.
I talked to him on IRC this morning. He seemed to be fine with it, as all he said was "Please don't burn Rodon down." Pretty sure I just went in, got the leaders and left for the South.
May I clean up? c:
Let Cronaal do that. I've got Nebula to negotiate with.
I love how a good suspension adds peace to the region. :P
We were about to attain it anyway; when the motion was brought up we were about to begin the trek to Rodon.

Anyways, I'd rather you not suspend me; but instead find Nebula, wherever the hey he is. That'll make things much less crazy.
I gtg. Nebs, feel free to have Malachit step down officially while I'm gone for the night. Tomorrow morning we'll negotiate and the saga will be over.

PS: If your new Emperator is nice and un-Malachit-y I may even consider an alliance.
If your new Emperator is nice and un-Malachit-y I may even consider an alliance.
*I'd look at Syrixia, incredibly confused*
An alliance with Nebula!
Against whom? Syr, I warn you, if you turn against das Reich... YOU VILL TASTE DIE CURRYWURST-MACHT!
The Nebula we all hate is the one ruled by Malachit. Nebula has told me his new Emperator will be "nicer and more agreeable". With someone like that at the Nebulan helm I think a second chance is fair. We should welcome the new Nebula as a way of sweeping away the old, bad one.
@Bootsie, countryballs aren't allowed to have mouths.

Nebula's new Emperator still needs to make the official announcement of declaring the Great War over. We need to officially usher in the Great Peace, preferably with a peace settlement.
I would just like to say that I'm shocked and appalled at the conduct of the nations involved in the war both in and out of character.
I hope the Helmebaine reforms I am drafting will fix this issue.
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
I would just like to say that I'm shocked and appalled at the conduct of the nations involved in the war both in and out of character.
I hope the Helmebaine reforms I am drafting will fix this issue.
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
I would just like to say that I'm shocked and appalled at the conduct of the nations involved in the war both in and out of character.
I hope the Helmebaine reforms I am drafting will fix this issue.
What else is new? You want a cookie or something?
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