ARCHIVED: The Great War


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
Tensions between Nebula and Rhuvanland have boiled over. The Nebulans are blocking Rhuvanland while the Rhuvish are beginning to mobilize. Landebert Beckett Edric of Darcania has stated that if Rhuvanland, a Helmebaine Alliance member, were to declare war on Nebula, the Faibuaizu Alliance (Which Nebula is a member of) would declare war on Rhuvanland.

Is this the start of what could be TNP's biggest conflict yet?​
We demand that the Rhuvish government cease its mobilization immediately. Failure to do so will result in a major attack on Rhuvish soil.
Rhuvanland will not stop mobilization unless Nebula removes its blockade and works towards peace.
Bombers began taking off from the three Nebulan aircraft carriers that had been stationed at the blockade. After the six squadrons of bombers were up, they headed for their Rhuvish targets.

Nebulan Command had been very specific about the targets. Major military bases. Munitions plants. Tank factories. Iron foundries. Stretches of railroad. Oil pipelines and refineries. Ammonia and nitrate plants. Anything that could be useful in war came under attack.

However, the number of bombers was simply not enough to destroy the Rhuvish ability to make war...
The Khan sighed heavily as he sat upon the throne, it had been his intention to be the shield of the nrth pacific but now war was coming, and his people were bred for war. Goltah stood by him, his hand resting on his former protégé's shoulder "Your ambitions are not yet dead Sebt... we can still be the peacekeepers you want us to be...." "But at what cost Goltah... I am forced to choose between those I have sworn brotherhood with and preventing an unnecessary war..." he sighed. Goltah shook his head, he had watched Sebt grow from a timid young boy into the Khan who desired to use their strength of arms as protectors rather than conquerors "Your Grandfather always told us you would, one day, be greater even than Yrka himself, I have never doubted his words, neither should you." he smiled, prompting Sebt to smile back "What I'm doing could make us more enemies than we've ever faced before..." "Aye, and it could avert a war." the older man nodded, showing his approval. Sebt sighed "The order is given... prepare for broadcast." he sighed, waiting for the necessary equipment to be brought in. He drew his sword and waited as a column of concentrated sunlight arced down from the sky into the central ocean, fired by one of their orbital Heliocannons. The column would be noticed and doubtless draw attention. Sebt drew his sword and waited for the broadcast to begin, the comms division doing all they could to make sure the broadcast is seen by both alliances.

"People of the North Pacific, the Helmbaine and Faibuaizu Alliances, you doubtless have just detected the firing of one of our satellite weapons, this we have done in order to make sure we have your attention. Rhuvanland and Nebula sit on the brink of war, a war that will drag our two organisations into a senseless conflict. The Wolvesh are warriors by nature, war and conquest are in our blood, but we are not senseless killers... as Khan, my first decision was to make us a shield for our region, we chose to give up conquest in favour of peacekeeping, it was on that idea both our alliances were formed, and now we make ready to tear at each others throats like rabid dogs."

Sebt paused for a second to add a little dramatic effect.

"I make now this offer to the people of Rhuvanland, choose your best warrior, your finest champion, and I shall face them, alone, in an honourable duel, I place my own life upon the line in hopes you will accept appeasement on the field of honour. If not then... we will destroy any invaders who attempt an attack upon our home. I place the entirety of Wolfsea's arsenal, land, sea, air, at the disposal of the NPTO's peacekeeping forces."

ending his speech, Sebt slammed the point of the blade into a slab of Black Marble, a traditional symbol of the Etrebean empire as an invitation to duel him. The cameras cut and he sighed, he had done what needed to be done, he looked anxiously at Goltah, this would, by far, be his most controversial decision to date as Khan, the Wolvesh army was colossal, it could probably tip the scale to the Faibuaizu's advantage, but what would that lead to? Whenever another issue flared, even over something trivial, they would be used as leverage to strongarm other nations, they would become the demons and monsters of childrens nightmares.

He closed his eyes, thinking of the child about to be born, his own daughter, an remembered the look of betrayal on his own fathers face as his sword lay broken beside him, the duel had been brutal, father & son close to killing one another. His fathers sanity had been slipping but the idea of nuclear mines, self-destructing the country, that was a madness beyond anything else. The Grand Khural were quick to allow his challenge but he still had to face him, fight his own father. He had been lucky, his father was a beserker, favouring heavy blows and brute force. Sebt was more finessed, more strategic, he eventually wore the old man down and was able to break his sword. He rarely thought of his parents, now held in the Antillan archipelago, but he always remembered the look on his fathers face, a man whose desire for conquest led to his shaming and defeat, he would never force anyone to see that look on his own face. He stood and he waited.

(and that's probably my longest post on these forums...)
The Nebulan government applauds the courage of the Wolvesh Khan, but we want to know what this duel would achieve, should either side win.
The Rhuvish were not shocked at the Syrixian declaration, as it was only natural that they would try to keep the conflict local and unescalated. However, they were surprised at Wolfsea's. "We have no quarrel with Wolfsea." the Chancellor said in her official response. "A duel would likely not stop Nebula. They've already been bombing many important locations in our country, and we are now beginning to fight back. If Wolfsea gets involved, even if it's a duel, the conflict will most likely escalate. That is why Nebula must be defeated as soon as possible, before it's too late."

The Rhuvish forces, meanwhile, had lost Dunorion and Bürheim City. Things were looking down but the Rhuvish would not give up. The bulk of the Rhuvish military formed a ring around Alzenstadt, while the naval and air forces attempted to bomb Nebula's.
Sadakoyama has begun an extensive media campaign, across all formats, in the affected nations. Where applicable and allowed, the campaign includes comedy specials, feature films, guest appearances on popular television and radio programs, magazine articles, comic books and advertisements. Either overtly or subtextually, the message (delivered in a humorous, witty, and culturally savvy manner) seems to be that Sadakoyama is a great place for scientists, artists, and other smart people to visit, go to school, or even come to live, and the current political situation makes it a really good time to do so.
Statement from the Kaltian Estate Council

While saddening to see a war break out between Rhuvanland and Nebula, the Confederation wishes to maintain a neutral stance towards peace. Failing this, the Confederation will call upon the aid of the Democratic Union and the North Pacific Treaty Organization in taking the side of democracy and freedom against the tyrannical aggression of Nebula. As always, we of the Council urge peace and calm and for negotiations to take place to find a solution to this conflict.

Solveig Nightsong
Councilor and President of the Confederation
Nebulan paratroopers were landing in rural Rhuvanland. The bombing raids had been for the most part successful, but they had alerted Rhuvanland to the possibility of invasion. After the first few cities had fallen to Nebulan forces, the rest had regrouped and were putting up a significant amount of resistance. Nebulan bombers were launching repeated attacks on the enemy lines, weakening their resolve and creating holes in the Rhuvish defense, but General Rhodochros knew that it wouldn't be long before the Rhuvish would be able to begin a counterattack of sorts. After all, the Nebulan forces had sent soldiers with the blockade in expectation of war, but they hadn't anticipated the beginning of the conflict so soon. The Nebulan forces would have to dig in and defend against a Rhuvish attack before enough reinforcements could arrive to continue the advance. This they began to do.

Meanwhile, the Nebulan fleet was engaged in a massive battle with the Rhuvish navy. Warships moved into close range of each other, blasting the other vessel point-blank. As with the land attacks, the Nebulans had the advantage of surprise and experience, but also as with the land attacks, the Rhuvish had them outnumbered, and they could only last so long.

The Nebulan government has announced its intent to commit another ten ships and another 50,000 troops to the conflict.
The top Rhuvish businessmen and CEOs were naturally drawn to Sadakoyama and many Rhuvish companies moved there. The economy began to fail, and more people joined the military as a result of the job losses; and the ring around Alzenstadt got thicker by the hour. However, suddenly, a large force of 36,000 troops burst forth from Alzenstadt, and another 24,000 joined them from within the Ring. They marched as one towards Dunorion, however as the center and north of Rhuvanland were mostly still controlled by the Rhuvish, Nebula was wresting control in the far West and far East, as well as in the South.
"Rhuvanland Military Action Act is hereby passed by the Congress of the Empire of Kannex. Gott erhalte den Kaiser, Gott erhalte das Reich!"

The Nebulans, coming from the north, had overextended supply lines. This was a foolish move on Nebula's part.

Three carrier battle groups made their way across the Central Ocean to intercept the Nebulan reinforcements. The behemoth motherships of Amlitzer, Johann, and Sanssouci led the charge, each accompanied by ten surface ships -- destroyers, frigates, and corvettes -- and a classified number of nuclear-powered submarines. The carrier battle groups adopted a triangular formation, with a squadron of six destroyers and four frigates in front of them, also escorted by a classified number of submarines. This was the Jang Fleet, led by Admiral Wilhelm Jang.

In the Central Ocean enroute to Rhuvanland, the Jang Fleet ordered the ten Nebulan ships to turn back or face destruction.
The 17th Luftwaffengeschwader (17th Air Wing) based in Pelhafor, was okayed for sortie. The three squadrons of the 17th raced across the skies and in an hour was in Rhuvish airspace. In the captured Rhuvish ports, Kannexan bombers rained down fire and hell upon unsuspecting Nebulan troops. The bombers struck behind Nebulan lines and began attacking Nebulan ships with missiles, rockets, bombs. They especially targeted transport ships and electronic communications ships. If they were lucky they found aircraft carriers to fire at. Skilled Kannexan fighters played tag with Nebulans across the blue sky. The Kannexan planes were of advanced, most recent design. Impervious to radar, fast and maneuverable. Kannexan fighters helped Rhuvish aerial forces contest the heavens.
The Nebulan admiral asked for a few minutes to think about it.
"If you don't turn back now, we will fire. Over." This was spoken in plain English, albeit with a German accent.
All of the major Nebulan websites -- those most frequented by the people -- went offline. Simple DDOS attacks struck down the websites of major Nebulan corporations. The accounts and passwords of major Nebulan figures were hacked. The military, financial, and governmental websites of Nebula saw themselves under attack by an army of Imperial Air Force hackers back home. Military and governmental accounts were especially targeted. Data was stolen and millions of dollars were being lost every hour. The Air Force jammed the radar of the Nebulan military network and prepared missiles to attack Nebulan communications centers. But Chancellor Hans Kreutzer ordered this last action on hold -- they would wait and see.
"All right, we'll turn back."

The Nebulan fleet changed course.

Nebulan fighters were launched to counter the attacks of the Kannexan bombers. A massive air battle began.

"Sir, Kannex has entered the war."
"Excellent. Just as I expected, they will join with Rhuvanland unthinkingly, with no real directive but to help the Rhuvish. Deploy the cruise missiles."

Three squadrons of Nebulan bombers took off from an airbase within Nebula. They flew to the coast of Alta Italia, then launched a massive payload of cruise missiles, targeting major military bases and ports in Kannex.

The Nebulan government hereby declares war on Kannex.
Meanwhile, technicians prepared the Nebulan missile defense system for use against retaliatory attacks by Kannex.
We don't have any comment to said about the actions of both nations. However, we are imposing economic embargoes and sanctions against Rhuvanland and their allies. Also, we on the highest alert and our military are prepared for any military actions against The United States of New Sekai's and any of our allies' sovereignty.
Kannexan missile defense was ready. Short-range ballistic missiles threw themselves against cruise missiles, creating bright yellow explosions that could be visible from Kannex and neighboring countries. A few Nebulan missiles hit, but they were randomly aimed and did not damage any essential infrastructure. The Kannexans responded in kind. Over the continent, a large battle erupted as fighters went to dispatch the Nebulan attackers. A large aerial fleet of drones was launched from bases all across the Empire, drone after drone after drone skiiing off the runway into the air. The drones danced around, chased the Nebulans -- they were not bound to human limitations. The drones converged on the three squadrons of bombers. Bombers were not made for air-to-air combat, so the drones and fighters took down these easily.

Kannexan bombers, escorted by elite fighters, slung a large payload of cruise missiles struck against Nebula. Airbases were a prime target. The first squadron arrived, followed by others. Eighteen Kannexan F-35As crossed in Nebulan airspace at sonic speed. They were divided into three waves of six. Lowering to 100 ft off the ground to avoid radar and missiles, the planes hung low from the sky as they swooped at Nebulan airbases. Covering overhead were four F-22 Raptors. The first wave of bombers sprinkled a mix of anti-radiation missiles as well as JDAMS, dumb bombs turned smart. The anti-radiation missiles destroyed enemy radar and jamming and made a mess of communications. The other bombs struck airbase main towers and defenses. The bombers flew past and turned, initiating the second wave of attacks. JDAMs and cluster bombs rained upon runways and flight-lines, rendering them unusable. Then the third wave come and mopped up the place clean, destroying hangars and planes. The destruction was complete.

The Empire of Kannex hereby declares war on Nebula.

Back home, officials went into bunkers as the Kannexan Empire turned into a fortress. The Emperor and his family were ushered into safety. Chancellor Hans Kreutzer and the cabinet commanded from secure nuclear bunkers, as did Congress. Cabinet ministers spread out across the Reich. The whole nation was now at war.
OOC: Watch the godmodding, Kannex.

Helicopters were deployed, along with fighter escort, to the waters near Kannex. While the fighters patrolled the area, fighting off Kannexian attacks, the helicopters deployed huge numbers of naval mines, essentially cutting Kannex's navy off from initiating further conflict.

Meanwhile, the Nebulan fleet that had been waylaid had gone the long way. There were several different ways to get to Rhuvanland from Nebula, and the fleet had taken one. Kannexian planes were shot down by ground-to-air missile emplacements on the ships, and reinforcements were able to win through and continue the Nebulan ground offensive.

Meanwhile meanwhile, AFI agents on the ground in Kannex began quietly placing bombs in various important government and infrastructure locations.
The top Rhuvish businessmen and CEOs were naturally drawn to Sadakoyama and many Rhuvish companies moved there.
Upon arriving in the distant Sadakhan waters and/or airspace, the private yachts and jets of the wealthy Rhuvish elite were directed to a single point of entry just off shore of the artificial island of Ys. Most failed the initial testing for communicable disease, adequate socialization, intellectual and/or emotional development and were refused entry. Others were appalled at the punishing tax rates imposed on the wealthy by the University's Office of the Bursar and refused to accede to them, even after much gentle explanation of the detrimental effect on society of wealth hoarding. Sadakoyama began to be faced with a growing number of unwanted refugees who found themselves unable or unwilling to enter the country and without fuel for their obscene luxury vehicles to go anywhere else.

In the meantime, Clearly marked hospital ships were dispatched to collect those refugees who passed a preliminary health and intelligence screening.
OOC: Hey, I'm not the one who magically teleported his fleet into front of Rhuvanland, thousands of miles away.

The Federal Republic of Rhuvanland counterattacked. The naval war was still ongoing -- the Rhuvish navy was still very much alive. Missile boats, destroyers, corvettes, and frigates rained missiles down upon Nebulan ships. The Rhuvish lacked aircraft carriers, but they didn't need them. Airfields were abuzz with Rhuvish fighters and bombers taking off and cutting into Nebulan naval formations. Where the Nebulans had only a few aircraft carriers to support their aircraft, the Rhuvish had the entire country's worth of airbases. Missiles from ground, from sea, and from air struck down with a vengeance upon Nebulans hiding in their positions and on Nebulan ships. They zeroed in on the aircraft carriers' towers and runways.

The aircraft carriers were large and cumbersome. Although surrounded and well-escorted by Nebulan warships, the carrier was still a liability. It sat there, like a huge overweight mother carted around by her small children. Rhuvish submarines penetrated into the Nebulan formation. The traffic of missiles in the air was mirrored by the movement of torpedoes beneath the surface. Torpedoes smashed at hulls, especially that of the aircraft carrier.

The Rhuvish navy cut off the amphibious forces. The Nebulans had landed before they had even gained naval supremacy in Rhuvish waters. This was a huge mistake. Rhuvish destroyers wrecked transport ships from afar and reclaimed the coast. Nebulan troops were left stranded on land, besieged on all sides by Rhuvish troops now fighting urban-guerrilla style. Rhuvish troops shot from windows in office buildings, launched rockets at the few Nebulan tanks that made it to land. Rhuvish helicopters soon came and plucked at Nebulan troops like turkeys.
OOC: Watch the godmodding, Kannex.

Helicopters were deployed, along with fighter escort, to the waters near Kannex. While the fighters patrolled the area, fighting off Kannexian attacks, the helicopters deployed huge numbers of naval mines, essentially cutting Kannex's navy off from initiating further conflict.

Meanwhile, the Nebulan fleet that had been waylaid had gone the long way. There were several different ways to get to Rhuvanland from Nebula, and the fleet had taken one. Kannexian planes were shot down by ground-to-air missile emplacements on the ships, and reinforcements were able to win through and continue the Nebulan ground offensive.

Meanwhile meanwhile, AFI agents on the ground in Kannex began quietly placing bombs in various important government and infrastructure locations.
OOC: Okay, given the Jang Fleet turned back the Nebulan fleet, there is no way your ships would be anywhere near Kannexan waters. I call godmod.

The Kannexans held dominance over their airspace and waters. It was like standing before a giant at an arm's length. The Kannexans were simply closer. Missiles filled the air, downing Nebulan helicopters and minelayers. The minelayers that managed to lay some mines were swept aside by the Jang Fleet, still occupying the center of the Central Ocean. Minesweepers cleaned up the child's mess that were the naval mines.

Since the Nebulan fleet had gone the long way, the Jang Fleet took the short way and reached Rhuvish waters first. Even before the Jang Fleet appeared on the radar screens of the Nebulans, nuclear submarines attacked from the depths of the ocean, puncturing hulls and launching torpedoes. The amphibious landings were disrupted -- Nebulans by no means held naval dominance. Then the main body of the Jang Fleet appeared. The aircraft carriers of Nebula proved to be huge targets for surface missiles and torpedoes.

The Kannexan Air Force in Pelhafor and Kannex launched surface-to-air missiles, up, up, up. Propelled by rockets, the missiles seem to catch a shield of flame as he soared higher and higher into the atmosphere. Oxygen levels fell. At last, at the extremities of the Earth, the missiles found their targets. The missiles slammed their way into Nebulan satellites.
"Things are getting bad."
"Gah! Deploy the sulfur chloride!"
Nebulan soldiers put on gas masks and goggles, then headed for cover. Nebulan ships moved away from Rhuvish vessels.

A squadron of jets flew over, dispersing the blood-colored mist over Rhuvish and Kannexian positions.

(A note: sulfur chloride is not directly poisonous, nor an irritant in its normal state. However, it reacts with water to form hydrogen chloride, which in turn dissolves in water to form hydrochloric acid. Or, to put it in other words, in excess sulfur chlorides are quite dangerous as they will quite easily form substances that can cause significant damage to the eyes and respiratory systems.)

Chaos began to spread through the areas that were affected by the sulfur chloride.
Finally, the Rhuvishmen forced the Nebulans out of the city of Bürheim, and the Nebulans were left at a small area west of the city. The area was rural, and little did they know Rhuvish troops were behind nearly every rock formation and bush ready to wreak havoc and oust the Nebulans from their territory. But there was more good luck on the way. While another Rhuvish ally, Syrixia, had pledged to not fight directly for the time being, they, as many knew, were supplying Rhuvish troops. Parliament itself had commissioned the ultimate act of support in the form of an aircraft carrier. Syrixia already had a whopping 6 aircraft carriers, and another was now finished and ready to be shipped to the Rhuvish Navy.

However, it was not all good luck. Back out at sea, the sulfur-chloride disrupted instruments and the sailors' visions. The naval formation which had held tightly so far was on the verge of breaking.
The gas, for the most part, dispersed in the vast ocean air. The jets that dispersed the gas could have dropped something explosive, but instead went with this. They were quickly hunted by fighters and missiles. Many sailors went under-deck to avoid what gathered of the gas. The Rhuvish vessels sailed forth, slinging missiles at the fat aircraft carriers.

Kannexan missiles from surface ships continued to smash Nebulan ships in the rear. Torpedoes from hidden ninja submarines wrecked Nebulan defenses. Now, the Nebulan troops on ground were being blasted from the air and on the ground by angry Rhuvishmen. The Nebulan fleet was now being attacked from both sides.
"Things are getting bad."
"Gah! Deploy the sulfur chloride!"
Nebulan soldiers put on gas masks and goggles, then headed for cover. Nebulan ships moved away from Rhuvish vessels.

A squadron of jets flew over, dispersing the blood-colored mist over Rhuvish and Kannexian positions.

(A note: sulfur chloride is not directly poisonous, nor an irritant in its normal state. However, it reacts with water to form hydrogen chloride, which in turn dissolves in water to form hydrochloric acid. Or, to put it in other words, in excess sulfur chlorides are quite dangerous as they will quite easily form substances that can cause significant damage to the eyes and respiratory systems.)

Chaos began to spread through the areas that were affected by the sulfur chloride.
Sadakoyama condemns Nebula for its use of such toxins in non-defensive warfare and strongly suggests they restrain themselves from killing the environment whilst killing each other.
Meanwhile, Nebulan ships began dropping depth charges.
Kannexan submarines dropped deep into the ocean, undetected by Nebulan ships. Many hid in the ocean depths, while others made their way to attack the transport ships.

The aircraft carriers behind the front squadron began launching drones.
"Jam their signals!"

The drones, having lost their controllers, began to fall out of the sky, one by one.
While war was being waged south of Guslantis, in Pigletville, there were armored trucks lined up outside of the Thomas Building. The Cabinet was exiting the building, and were boarding the trucks. "This is outrageous," noted Abigail, getting in the first armored truck. The rain poured down on the group as Minister Tucker got in the second armored truck with Associate Minister Fuller. "One moment is peace, the next is war," he said, before the doors closed on his truck.

Up on one of the highest buildings, Hall and Charles looked down on the trucks. "We're leaving Pigletville," she said, sadly. "The city has been attacked before, and could be attacked again, Kyle and I will make sure Pigletville doesn't fall again," Akerman said from behind the duo. "I'll have Ayuda inform the public," said Hall firmly. "No, Alicia must do it," Charles argued. "Why? She's not in the Ministry of Information!", Hall argued. "Because the citizens know her face, they know she'll never tell them wrong," said Charles, before nudging Alicia in front of the huge GusNet monitor. "Fine, get it over with," said Hall, angrily.

Outside the Thomas Building, Alicia's face projected on the glass walls of the building, billboards, television screens, tablets, phones, and almost everything electronic in Guslantis. "Citizens of Guslantis, this is Alicia Burns via the GusNet. Nebula has declared war on Rhuvanland, and a war south of Guslantis has been formed. The Cabinet will be evacuating Pigletville in the next five minutes to go to their eastern bunker outside of the city. In his absence, the king has appointed the governor, Mikita Nowe to serve Pigletville and report everything directly to him in his bunker. In addition to Governor Nowe, the Minister of Defense and Minister of Information will be staying behind to serve Pigletville. In other news, a national curfew will be put into place, and all citizens should not be out after the hour of 11 o'clock. Finally, citizens from war-bearing nations are welcome in Augustus Town, but they will be checked thoroughly for weapons or explosives, and the customs agent has the authority to deny them access into our nation with these items. Thank you, and goodnight," she said before the Guslant seal projected and everything went back to normal.

"Now, go, you must go to safety," said Hall, who, for once in his life, cared for civilians. Charles quickly grabbed Burns, and rapidly descended the stairs. When she exited the building, she looked at Captain Reynolds for guidance on which truck. "Human Services is Truck #4. Science is Truck #3. Please make your way to those now," he said as they followed his directions. As Leah watched Burns get in the truck in front of hers, and Baldwin enter the truck behind, she opened the door to her truck and got in, slamming the heavy door behind her. Captain Reynolds and General Scottsfield entered the sixth truck, and Reynolds gave the signal to go. The fleet of trucks pulled out onto the heavy traffic toward the bunker.

Almost thirty minutes later, as they left the Pigletville city limits, Hunter in the first truck, contacted Ayuda. "How may I help you, your Highness?" asked Ayuda. "Please use the GusNet to contact President Archer, I need to speak to him," Hunter replied. "I can get you in contact with him. I'll use a proxy server to make sure your bunker won't be located if you get there while you're on the chat with him," said Ayuda eagerly. "Sure, that works," said Hunter as he looked out of the tinted windows.