The Great War: OOC


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
Since Nebula and Rhuvanland's tensions have (unfortunately) boiled over, Cronaal suggested I start this thread. If there's gonna be a world war, it needs to be planned.

Also, Nebula, don't worry. I did it for you.
I also started an IC thread, so we can actually do stuff other than plan. XD
Landebert Beckett Edric of Darcania has stated that if Rhuvanland, a Helmebaine Alliance member, were to declare war on Nebula, the Faibuaizu Alliance (Which Nebula is a member of) would declare war on Rhuvanland and the Helmebaine Alliance.

Don't misrepresent me. We'd have to declare war on Rhuvanland, not the Helmebaine Alliance. And I didn't say we would, only that we're required to by treaty, which we do have the choice of breaking.
By attacking Rhuvanland, Darcania, you are attacking the Alliance. So in a way the statement is correct.
By attacking Rhuvanland, Darcania, you are attacking the Alliance. So in a way the statement is correct.
Continue to misrepresent my statements and we will have a problem.
By attacking Rhuvanland, Darcania, you are attacking the Alliance. So in a way the statement is correct.
Continue to misrepresent my statements and we will have a problem.
Syrixia, darcania is saying that faibaizu nerd have a choice to follow the charter's suggestion of joining the other nations in their wars.
Wouldn't say a world war. It has to be like over 15 nations if it would be a North Pacific World War considering there is 6,000.
Yeah, but look at how many are actually on the map.

If the entirety of the Faibuaizu and the Helmebaine end up at war, that's most of the map right there.
Wouldn't say a world war. It has to be like over 15 nations if it would be a North Pacific World War considering there is 6,000.
I'd like to point out several things.
  1. Many of those nations are "puppets", aka nations belonging to the same person.
  2. Most "mains", aka the main nation for each person, are not members of the forums.
  3. Most members of the forums are not very active.
  4. Most active members are not RPers.
  5. Most RPers do not have a spot on the map.
  6. Most RPers with a spot on the map are isolationist, dealing with only their own problems.

From that, it would seem that 15 would be more than is actually available.
How many are on each side? Then you've got three neutralists (I think) with Wolfsea, Darcania, and Guslantis. I could be wrong, though.
There was a small conference following the Nebulan-sponsored Bay of Cows invasion of Rhuvanland. Nothing was achieved; insults were exchanged between the West Rhuvish and Nebulan representatives.
Sadakoyama will not take sides with any nation in this conflict, however we have concerns that a nuclear exchange will have a deleterious effect on the global environment, eventually affecting our own.

Sadakoyama makes war like a Salarian; our first response to this crisis would be to activate sleepers and use them and other infiltrators to disable the WMD launch capacities of the belligerents on both sides. Preferably making them look like accidents or equipment failures. While also encouraging the scientists and other intelligencia of the affected nations this would be an excellent time to consider applying for Sadakhan citizenship.

If that is acceptable in this RP, I'd be happy to participate, else I'll just sit it out. We are otherwise eager to see the less educated among you weeding each other out. :P
Of course you can participate.

Also, Bootsie, I sent you a PM. Read it. ASAP.
I would like to reiterate that Nebula, at the current moment, does not have a nuclear weapon ready for use at the moment.
As far as I'm aware, neither side has WMDs ready for combat at the current moment.
Well, sure. We'd want to start moving our people into place though so they are ready if it seems like things are moving in that direction. Then we'd just monitor the situation.

Sadakoyama is not interested in your political maneuverings as long as it does not directly affect us, or interfere with our long-range plans. Think of it like a "Prime Directive" sort of thing. Only administered by Hank Scorpio.
True. Syrixia is trying to keep it local, but in the end it probably will escalate.
By attacking Rhuvanland, Darcania, you are attacking the Alliance. So in a way the statement is correct.
Continue to misrepresent my statements and we will have a problem.
Syrixia, the OP still isn't edited...
True. Syrixia is trying to keep it local, but in the end it probably will escalate.
I think it will start out fairly local, just Nebula vs. Rhuvanland, but (for the sake of argument) Nebula begins to have a major advantage, then (hypothetically) Syrixia or Kannex will jump in to help, and Nebula will start to lose the advantage, and call in the Faibuaizu, and then Syrixia will call in the Helmebaine and it'll all go to hell.

This is, of course, just my idea of what might happen. We'll see how close I get. :)

And of course, if Rhuvanland accepts the Wolvesh offer, things are going to get really weird.
True. Syrixia is trying to keep it local, but in the end it probably will escalate.
I think it will start out fairly local, just Nebula vs. Rhuvanland, but (for the sake of argument) Nebula begins to have a major advantage, then (hypothetically) Syrixia or Kannex will jump in to help, and Nebula will start to lose the advantage, and call in the Faibuaizu, and then Syrixia will call in the Helmebaine and it'll all go to hell.

This is, of course, just my idea of what might happen. We'll see how close I get. :)
This is probably a good idea of how it would go, but Syrixia would be reluctant to join the war. Especially with elections literally a week away.
True. Syrixia is trying to keep it local, but in the end it probably will escalate.
I think it will start out fairly local, just Nebula vs. Rhuvanland, but (for the sake of argument) Nebula begins to have a major advantage, then (hypothetically) Syrixia or Kannex will jump in to help, and Nebula will start to lose the advantage, and call in the Faibuaizu, and then Syrixia will call in the Helmebaine and it'll all go to hell.

This is, of course, just my idea of what might happen. We'll see how close I get. :)
This is probably a good idea of how it would go, but Syrixia would be reluctant to join the war. Especially with elections literally a week away.
Elections? Syrixia has elections? :)

In all seriousness, though, would you say that there are circumstances (short of the use of WMDs) that Syrixia would jump in and help Rhuvanland?
Only if the conflict escalated and became global.

Or if Rhuvanland was conquered.
Okay, why does Wolfsea have a laser-shooting satellite? I don't see how that's remotely modern-tech.
It's probably more like a sort of small bullet or something that got so fast from the gravity and pressure that it crashed and made a small crater. That is possible, and would definitely get people's attention.
*does math*

I don't think that there would be much of a crater, actually. There's no net force due to the lack of acceleration, and the existence terminal velocity (probably higher for a small, streamlined bullet than for a large, un-aerodynamic human, but still), coupled with the bullet's small weight would ensure that the bullet's momentum isn't that big either.
"Rhuvanland Military Action Act is hereby passed by the Congress of the Empire of Kannex. Gott erhalte den Kaiser, Gott erhalte das Reich!"

Kannex, is this a declaration of war against Nebula?