St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
It had become a common sight to see MA9A2 military vehicles on the main thoroughfares of Laizê, capital of Nierr and home to the Leadership Council. Military parades were a monthly event as the regime ramped up its military in the face of foreign attempts to outlaw certain kinds of warfare. It all played into how the masses were controlled by the Council - and how the Council controlled the competing factions.

A convoy of just three of these vehicles was an uncommon sight, however. Usually two or three would accompany a diplomat, dignitary or leading member of the council who would travel by in the relative luxury of an armoured limousine. The convoy sped through streets that were largely deserted in the evening's haze. Laizê had been a business town before the Leadership moved here and turned it into a city in its own right, but it didn't exactly attract the nightlife of Ghis Town or one of Nierr proper's coastal hotspots.

The convoy slowed as it navigated its way into the centre of the city, approaching Prophet's Tower, named after Tal Akeem, the Tarlan missionary who brought Dh'arconist thought to Nierr. Although it is the Edenists who most closely follow the ideology, Akeem is venerated by all Nierran due to the good he brought the country. A small checkpoint stands near the entrance to the building, manned by two men and a woman, all in the pristine uniform of the Council Guard, the elite bodyguard unit that protects all Council members, led by General Derson Verne.

The guards allow the convoy through, and two dozen soldiers of the Council Guard disembark from the vehicles and secure a perimeter. They bring with them the bound and disheartened Senior Redeemer Radinvar, a dangerous Edenist radical, who led a faction that was considered extreme even by the Edenist leadership. Radinvar looks straight ahead, expressionless, as he disappears inside the building.

The Council normally meets on the 11th and top floor of the building, overlooking the city that was designed to have them at its center. On this evening, however, the Council is in one of the basements, with just a few guards, awaiting Radinvar. It was rare for more than one member of the Council to be known by the general public, but in recent times the Council had become even more secretive. After the death of Vladmir Jafar not a single member of the Council was a public figure.

Six soldiers, carrying the AR9R1 assault rifle variant escorted Radinvar into the room, along with General Verne. The leader of the Guards carries an SG2 shotgun as well. The sight of so many armed men in an enclose space rankles with a Council member, who demands they lay down weapons. Verne only raises an eyebrow and places his gun down on the table the Council sits at. The same Council member who spoke before orders Verne to uncuff Radinvar. The General debates the order, telling the Council they would reject letting such a dangerous man be unbound. The Council member dismisses Verne's advice, again ordering him to uncuff the radical.

The General looks to the Leader of the Council, a portly man with all the fortitude of a fart in the wind. He receives no help there. The Council member asks Verne again to unbound Radinvar. The General moves to his captive with ill-grace, snatching up his shotgun as he starts to remove the bindings from Radinvar's hands. He pauses, again telling the Council they should rethink these orders before they regret them. The Council Leader doesn't even speak, just motions for him to continue.

Radinvar immediately spins around, pulling a silenced ASP .45 automatic pistol and kills the Council Leader dead. The assembled soldiers open fire, but not on Radinvar, gunning down the remaining Council members. General Verne downed the one who ordered him to untie Radinvar with a shot to the gut, and as the Councilman lay dying, looms over him and says.

"I told you you'd regret that."

All over Nierr, government offices are being secured by elements of the armed forces, as the Redeemers take power.

Television and internet in Nierr went off for more than three days as rumours spread among the populace of what had happened. Police and military presence on the streets stepped up massively, and a curfew was introduced. Finally, on the third day, the signals resumed, but all feeds were replaced, to begin with, with a single image.
Followed by a direct feed to Council room on the 11th floor of Prophets Tower, solely occupied by Senoir Redeemer Radinvar. On screen graphics introduced him as President of Nierr, and he began to speak.

"Nierrans. Ghis. All those who live and work under the watchful eyes of an unelected self-serving Council. For too long this has been the system by which we exist. It has ended, in blood, blood that will feed and fuel a new Nierr. A new Ghis. A new future for all of you.

From this day, I will act as President, head of state of a country where all are bound by the same laws. Where we respect our Eden and protect our Eden and fight for our Eden. For our Eden, our world, our families and our environment are under threat, from nations as varied as they come."

Radinvar spoke with a passion and fluency that helped his message, one that already resonated with many Nierrans. "They come here under the guise of progress and commerce and free trade - and they split open our Eden and steal its resources. I welcome those who come here to work. Individuals and families who come here in the hopes of a better life. A better future.

I hate those who come here to damage our Eden for their benefit. For their commerce and their wallets. Those are the ones we shall end. Those are the ones we shall fight. Those are the ones we shall destroy." Radinvar seemed calmer now. The passion and anger gone, replaced with a softer voice as he tried to make a final point.

"A fire starts with a spark, and grows into an inferno. Threaten our Eden, and we shall unleash the fury of a fire - magnified ten hundred thousand fold - onto the world. Test us and you perish. Join us in protecting and fighting for Eden, and you will be rewarded - in this life and the next."

The stream cuts out, with several networks left with dead air, having cut off their own feeds. They scramble for something to put on, with their viewers already lost to talking heads and analysts on other channels, all asking the same question.

Is this new government, led by a radical, threatening war on those who damage Eden, seeking to build a nuclear arsenal?
"Sir, the Redeemers have taken power in Nierr."
The Emperator thought for a moment. "They're radical even for us. I'd prefer not to have to make a statement on them until I have to."
At Ardal Tri, Verstand Riaditel Marcus was enjoying a coffee break when an analyst walked in.

Analyst: "Sir, we have a situation in Nierr, Code Onyx."

Marcus: "There goes my lovely coffee break."

After being informed of the Code Onyx, Verstand Riaditel Marcus goes to his office and starts an encrypted video call with Maisu Ayin of the Guild. The contents of the Code Onyx are discussed and primarily involve the death and overthrow of the government in Nierr by the Redeemers. After discussing many options, it is decided to send Omicron to gather field data and surveillance and to play a game of wait and see. Following this, a report is filed and sent to the Council to notify them of having a Guild member out in the field. Now the waiting begins to see how the Confederation should respond.
Diana sat at her mahogany desk, it was covered in assorted documents, papers and stationary of all sorts with a small computer shoved in the back-left corner and a mug of coffee dominating the center of the desk. She dropped a small folder, rectangular in shape, documenting the recent events in Nierr and Ghis Town, Diana frowned and slowly shut her eyes behind the lenses of her thin, metal glasses and then quietly sighed and then looked up at a man wearing an armored military suit, sitting across the desk in a chair only slightly smaller than her large, faux leather desk-chair.
"Martin, do you realize how far-fetched this sounds?" Diana exclaimed to her RCG (Royal Chief-General) Martin Rose, she knew little of Nierr and what she read seemed like a fiction story about a dystopian near-future, not reality - an ideological extremist group coups Nierr, cuts off outside access and then announces their leadership.
"Your Majesty, you have to understand that this is happening now. the Eden Redeemers have taken couped Nierr and Ghis Town. I need a Royal Commandment from you in order to continue observations over the situation." Martin explained, he was highly curious in the situation concerning Nierr, it was a unique situation and little had happened and he didn't know the full story either.
Syrixia, however, knew the full story well. Nierr and its Leadership long had tensions with Syrixia. The two governments of each nation were not in a state of cold war, nor were they in a state of peace. However, the Eden-Redeemers resented the Most Serene Republic with everything it had, and Syrixia returned the hate. After the Rhuvish Economic Crisis, Syrixia had stepped in to lend a kind hand and possibly gain an ally in the process. This finally happened, but after many months. Before this and due to ideological differences, the country was eventually split between West and East Rhuvanland.

While the West had to deal with Brigade 2056 and the Bay of Cows invasion, the East had to deal with rampant rumors of a Redeemer attack. This was carried out, but the Redeemers that were sent were vastly outnumbered. While the Redeemers made no further strikes, vast hate remained between Syrixia and the Redeemers. Rhuvanland had declared neutrality, meanwhile, and with the Nierrese coup, Syrixia was now face-to-face with its most hated adversary, and both Parliament and Minister Shaw Atlas would have none of it. When a clerk walked in to answer his call, Shaw acted fast. He knew Syrixia had to act quickly.

Parliament Hall
Balamb, Syrixia
6:33 PM

"You called, Mr. Atlas, sir?"

"Yes, I need the SyrNet aligned toward the Helmebaine Alliance channel."

"Got it."

Eventually, the Helmebaine Alliance channel was open. Atlas began to speak.

"Syrixia is highly concerned with the Edenist coup in Nierr. With the NPTO elections in full swing, I have instead chosen to alert the Helmebaine Alliance as a quicker response is needed to address this situation. Thoughts and concerns on the subject?"
Krhal Qual -- Mira Balka -- Cetus AD -- Kialga-Lourti

Annora Simon looked across her kitchen table, where her husband sat. Matthew Simon had been near the Cetian border with Ghist Town just a day prior and had witnessed the confusion of the people from a distance. He had returned to Mira Balka this morning and had spilled to his wife what he had seen. Annonra had quietly listened to him, absorbing what she could in order to report to the Council. In her own mind, siding with the Edenists would best serve her people, especially those located nearest to Ghist Town.

Soon, Annora made her way to Krhal Qual, the Council House for Cetus. Within she had a direct line to the Council and President Snyders. A conference call was initiated from her desk, and soon Snyders and four other Council members joined with Annora.

"A small group, yet enough to form a base," she began. "There is a situation that has sprang up here, within a nation bordering Cetus. The government of Nierr has collapsed, and a revolutionary has taken control of the government system. The new president, and I use that term as best possible with our knowledge, speaks of destroying those who seek to destroy this, Eden. Our knowledge ends there, though I have positioned a camp near the border to keep a channel open so that we may know."

Of the other five voices, a response became clear. Working with the Edenist group would prove worthwhile, opposing them would be arrogant, and ignoring the situation would be ignorant. Chairman Kinsley's voice spoke clear, a firm tone set in it.

"Annora: The Council will meet in an emergency session tomorrow to discuss. I do not expect you to be present. In fact, I expect you to remain in Cetus and continue to observe and report. Within five days, we will have a definite answer for you, and for the President of Nierr."

The other voices agreed to Kinsley's statement, side from the quiet President of Kialga-Lourti. The call ended, and Annora stared down at her notepad. She had scratched the word "Eden" across the edge of the paper, and her notes looked little more than chicken scratch. Annora felt a pain in her stomach, a nervousness. A knock came to her door, which she quickly ushered in. Governor Jasmine Hewitt approached Annora's desk, a laid her hands on the surface. A single statement played on her lips.

"Regardless of the Council's decision, Cetus will support Eden."
Good evening, this is Fuchs 5 News, bringing you the news from all across the Kannexan Reich, from Sanssouci to Pelhafor. I am your anchor, Herr Wilhelm Holzwald.

The Imperial Northwestern Command has been placed on high alert since yesterday, in reaction to news of a coup d'etat in Nierr. A group calling itself the 'Redeemers' have taken over the mysterious Nierran Council. The coup planners are reportedly led by Radinvar, who now holds the post of the Nierran President. It seems the rebel forces were supported by most of the Nierran military. A military crackdown is underway in the small country.

Kannexisches Kaiserliches Heer (imperial Kannexan Army) forces have been mobilized along the Nierran border in Achutien, Amlitzer, and Jurchland provinces. Their mission is to care for any Nierran refugees escaping violence and to prevent any spillover of the chaos into Kannex.

Chancellor Hans Kreutzer's office this morning released a brief press statement condemning the actions of the Nierran coup d'etat and calling for free and fair elections in Nierr.

Stayed tuned for more.
Unknown Location
Somewhere in Guslantis

A woman with a high-tech mask covering most of her face was watching her large monitor screen with delight. "I see, this is an extraordinary accomplishment by Nierr," she said, as she held a quellazaire. "Such a fond sight to see such a powerful organization coup their country from an awful leader. Isn't that great?" A little AI, similar to Ayuda, came up behind her. "Yes, Agent Vega, you will eventually have your time in the limelight, once King Hilley is dead," said the AI. "Plans for that are already in motion, my Clan will successfully assassinate the King, Minister Hall, Minister Baldwin, and former-Minister Hoskins for their disrespect of the Krieg Clan, get me in contact with the leader of Nierr and let me speak with him," she said to the AI. She stood up as the monitor showed her face, ready to record.

"Good evening, President Radinvar, my name is...well, all you need to know is that people call me Agent Vega, and that is what I expect you to call me as well," she said, smoking one puff from her quellazaire. "I, along with other unimportant agents run a similar organization out of Guslantis, and we are planning on taking power out of the hands of the currently ruling diplomats. While I will not name names, I will tell you that Guslantis will soon be under our control. I do hope to meet you in person, instead of just by video transmissions. Of course, in our business, face-to-face is not the best option for secrecy. Also, if you are watching this, and you are not the President and are trying to track us down by using our server, it simply won't work. My AI assistant is running this transmission and himself on a proxy server. Good luck," she said before she turned off the monitor.
The Chancellor's Office
Kalrid, Dalies
9:27 AM

Chancellor Lyons sat across of Sarah Billier and Eric Sanuters, two people who knew exactly what was in store for them once they got on the bad side of the Chancellor. It was made especially worse due to the unfortunate timing: the morning.

"Tell me one more time why I pay you. Tell me why you are working for my government and not doing your jobs! You both have potential, but I do not think you understand that what to do. Once you find something that I should have known about, you tell me. Simple as that!" yelled Chancellor Lyons, getting up from his seat and pacing back and forth with his face still fuming a bright red.

"I am sorry, sir. I was under the impression that you knew about the coup in Nierr," appologized Sarah. She looked to Eric for support but was only given a slight, timid nod.

"I was under the impression that you knew I was having a meeting today. I felt as if I was helpless in there," Lyons paused, getting a breath and seeming to calm down, "One strike, that's it. Get out of here and do your damn jobs." The two left without saying a word. Once the door closed after Sarah and Eric left, the Director of Foreign Affairs, Hope Sherhan, walked into the office of the Chancellor.

"Let me guess: Nierr?" asked Chancellor Lyons. He held a small smile while motioning for Hope to sit down.

"You guessed right, Nierr is the hot topic of the world right now. I suggest we make a move before this gets bigger than we can handle," Hope said back, sitting down in the couch where Sarah just was sitting. Chancellor Lyons motioned for her to continue with a quick nod of approval. "I want you to get back in the face of the public by stating your concern with the coup and denouncement of this new power."

Lyons thought about it, still pacing back and forth with a burrowed brow and hands massaging his temple. "I'll have a press conference on the matter tomorrow at noon. Meanwhile, I want a briefing on the matter. I need Dalies to know that Dalies will not, in anyway, support this act of senseless violence and suppression. I'll talk to Mr. Silverson on getting the Democratic Union involved or something. I just want this solved. I'll sign onto whatever it takes."

"Very smart, Mr. Lyons. I'll have my people send up any papers that you should look over regarding Nierr."

"Forget the papers," the Chancellor groaned, "have them send up some aspirin."

Code Onyx: Nierr
Omicron Report #1

(OOC: This report is being sent via an encrypted channel to Ardal Tri in Summerland.)​

As far as I can ascertain, the people on the ground are either for or against the revolution. As for the Redeemers themselves, they seem to be content with any nation that stands with their ideology. I am unable to acquire full details but from the chatter on the grapevine, the word is that the revolutionaries are threatening war with those nations that disagree. Based on my field intel at the moment I suggest a wait and see policy for the Confederation with the three government's taking no side in the issue at the moment. However, I do recommend putting our diplomatic corps on standby and offering their services as a middle ground negotiation party.

We would be interested in the possibility of opening diplomatic relations with your government.

Please respond quickly.

Artemis was old. She had lived for all her life aboard the Ark, even before the Redeemers were granted the Ark after the Antagonists fell. Spared the periodical Redeemer purges of non-believers whenever a new master was elected, Artemis was the greatest source of information - and other secretive commodities - in all of Nierr. For the right price, the most classified information could be yours. Some even said Artemis would allow select players in the games of powers to buy and sell lives for ever greater stakes.

President Radinvar was not one of those players. Denied all but the most basic of scraps of information from Artemis when he was naught but a leader of one of the many factions, now he was determined to bring her to his side. He had dispatched the previous head of the National Intelligence Agency when he launched his coup - and his deputy had fled to Ghis Town with many other officials not important enough to have been purged in the initial drive.

Senior Redeemer Kellosk was the man President Radinvar had tasked to bring Artemis to him. His former rival had brought his faction over to Radinvar's side as soon as the coup had become widely known, helping to pacify some of the faction leaders more inclined to resist a man they had condemned as a heretic to the movement. The Ark was quiet and peaceful, even as demonstrations started in Nierr and Ghis Town.

Kellosk and his men slowly worked their way through the labyrinth that was the Ark. Radinvar's own soldiers had been removed from the Ark when he was excommunicated from the movement some years before and there was no presence of his own there, instead he had found himself relying upon the various factions supporting him to secure the Ark.

Kellosk was known to Artemis - intimately if some of the rumour mongers more inclined to disparage Kellosk were to be believed - having been apprenticed to her for a time in his youth. For decades he had acted as an acceptable middle man between Masters of the Redeemers and Artemis whilst also building up his own network of spies and sources. It seemed fitting for President Radinvar to send one of Artemis's students to facilitate her joining him.

Kellosk found Artemis burning the last of her papers as he entered her room, an old communications room on a half sunken freighter. He stepped into the room and greeted his old mentor.

"Artemis. The President requires your presence in the capital."

For her part, Artemis was ready. Clutching a small portable hard drive and a bag of belongings, she followed Kellosk back through the Ark and to his waiting vessel, which set off in the direction of the Nierran coast. Deep into the night, Artemis found herself standing upon the forward deck of the ship, looking out at the pitch dark. Without turning, she spoke.

"You've been watching me all night renégat. Come out." Stung by the barb, Kellosk stepped into the light, some feet behind Artemis.

"You mistake my intentions, mentor." Interested piqued, Artemis turned to look at her former pupil.

"Oh? You would not take me to the dog?"

Kellosk shook his head sadly, pulling a silenced pistol from his jacket pocket, shooting Artemis twice. As her body tumbled off the boat, Kellosk reached back into his pocket, thumbing the hard drive he had taken off of Artemis. Her knowledge would live on, but President Radinvar would never get it.
As cars burnt on the streets of Ghis Town and in cities across Nierr, thousands remained out in violation of the curfew. President Radinvar had allowed protests during the day but had declared the curfew would remain in force. Despite this, the crowds on the streets grew larger every night, as security forces withdrew from confrontations. It would not come to bloodshed, not yet.

With humidity even at night uncommonly high, the street protests became scenes of vibrancy and noise, as musical performances broke out and a carnival attitude began to take hold. A soundtrack of protest was the backdrop for a meeting of pro-government figures in a private residence on Ghis Town's shorefront. Military and civilian figures, although caught unawares by the coup, had begun to organise.

And with large numbers of the police and military in Ghis Town loyal to them, the foundations of a fightback against President Radinvar were beginning.
"Sir, our informants in Nierr have informed us that the beginnings of a rebellion are forming."
The Emperator sighed and leaned back.
"Is that not a good thing, sir?"
"No!" he snapped. "It's a bad thing. The only thing that will be achieved by another coup is the replacement of a radical dictatorship with a military dictatorship. And the Helmebaine will support it, and that leaves us in a very interesting and difficult situation, especially with things heating up in Rhuvanland."
The Chancellor's Office
Kalrid, Dalies
3:20 PM

"Chancellor Lyons, I tell you that a simple conference will not solve this conflict! Blood has already been shed, far too much. It is only a matter of time before the rebellion goes head to head against the new found leaders of Neirr," General Gerald Statcher told the room in a persuading but growing angrily tone behind his words. After looking around the room for support, he sat down after not receiving the nods and approving gazes he wished for.

"You go on and on about this bloodshed but if we send troops to aid the rebels, who knows how much of our very own people my die? I am not ready to plan a full on invasion! If you were not aware, the who North Pacific is about to be thrown into a colossal war; way may need every bit of manpower we can get," replied the Chancellor, pacing back and forth as he normally is seen. The room, aside from the occasional stifled cough, was silent for a minute until Director of War Kennith Jones Pitman glanced up after looking at a stack of stapled papers.

He cleared his throat,"Sir, it would not be close to a full on invasion; we would only be supplying the rebels with resources and much needed training. Of course, we could throw in the occasional airstrike to put the nail in the coffin but I need to say that this is a matter that requires thought and input from the whole council."

"Screw the council. Everyone who needs to know about this and everyone who carries an important opinion on this matter is in this room. Jack, can we afford this?"

Jack Hagel, the Director of Economics answered, "Well, war is very costly, including unforeseen expenses." He paused for a minute, contemplating his next words and his decision on the matter. "I think we could even afford that. Our new hydroelectric power plants are doing amazing, our unemployment rate is less than 4%, and Dalies is making more and more money a year with the new efficiency programs in place."

"Great news. Pitman, work with General Satcher to draw up a plan to aid these rebels. Mrs. Snow, schedule a press conference on the new involvement of Dalies in the situation in Nierr and make sure the people know we are supporting the underdog. Hope, get the Emportator of Nebula on the phone, I want to know what they are doing concerning Nierr," Lyons said with increasing enthusiasm,"Lets get going people! This is going to be a long week."

Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of His August Majesty, Caesar,
The August Senate issues the following Dictate.

Upon consideration of the following, the August Senate declares that the Honorable Radinvar has conducted a just war against the government of Nierr.

The August Senate acknowledges the Sovereign Principle - a state is synonymous with its head. There was no sovereign state prior to the Honorable Radinvar, as the people of Nierr did not recognize that head. In full understanding of the Sovereign Principle, the August Senate recognizes the Honorable Radinvar as the head of state of the government of Nierr and Ghistown, as a legitimately sovereign entity in his own right.

Furthermore, the August Senate recognizes the defeat of the government of Nierr by the Redeemers to be an act of law enforcement against a non-state actor. The Senate sees it fit to declare that with immediate effect, any and all proceedings in Imperium are to recognize the Radinvar government as being born from nothing, after just war against a non-sovereign actor.

The August Senate dictates that Imperium sees and hears the Honorable Radinvar.

By the divine assent of His August Majesty, Caesar Felix Albinus Augustus, the Senate recognizes Radinvar as sovereign.
Krhal Qual -- Mira Balka -- Cetus AD -- Kialga-Lourti

Annora sat quietly on the loveseat that sat in the Krhal Qual's common room. There were scarce few moments before Governor Jasmine made the announcement before Mira, before Cetus, before Kialga-Lourti. Annora shuddered. The twenty-six year old Councilwoman was the youngest to sit on the Council, and the most unprepared to deal with international conflicts. President Snyders stood behind the loveseat, having flown into Mira just hours before, ready to join Governor Hewitt in announcing Kialga's stance on the conflict. Another chill went up Annora's spine when the doors to Krhal Qual opened. Framed in the light, a young officer stood at the ready to escort Annora and her party out onto the stairs.

As the four of them stepped out onto the stairs, a small round of applause went up from the gathered crowd. This was President Snyders' first public appearance in Cetus since the District joined Kialga-Lourti. Snyders stepped up to the small podium first, a drop of sweat across his brow.

"Greetings, everyone. A situation has come to form in neighboring Nierr and Ghis Town. We are even working from limited details as it stands, but there is one thing we know for certain: a revolution has sparked in Nierr, and has the potential to carry over into Cetus from the Ghis Town border. This is what we know, and we continue, even now, to monitor the situation."

Snyders stepped aside, indicating Governor Hewitt forward, as mummers spread across the crowd. Annora watched the crowd as Jasmine stepped forward. Faces of anger and confusion existed across the crowd, and Annora felt the announcement that was to come would turn confusion to anger and disgust. Jasmine smiled to crowd and began.

"As President Snyders has stated, the situation grows across the border, yet we are unaware what could potentially happen. However, one thing is certain, we need a stance. If we remain neutral, it could be seen as an ignorant action taken by our government. To stand against the revolution would lead to devastating consequences from President Radinvar, should he be trusted on his promises. The action that we will follow with, that the Council has agreed on, is stand with President Radinvar and the Edenists..."

Annora heard nothing more. The crowd grew restless and aggravated. Fear gripped around her stomach and she felt nauseous. Before she collapsed, she saw a single face in the crowd, and her vision grew dark when she hit the ground.
Carolina UDAF Air Base
Carolina, Dalies
12:00 PM

The heavy, warm air was filled with the piercing scent of fuel, the constant chatter and roar of powerful engines, the grime that came with usual maintenance involving oil and lubricants, and a slight feeling of anxiousness and apprehension of combat in the near future. The whole air base was getting ready for the eventual move toward Nierr and hopefully toward a peaceful solution to the coup and rebellion. In one of the largest hangers, Hanger 12, was a small welcoming party for an assistant working for the Chancellor of Dalies. The whole party was attended by four UDAF SUVs containing soldiers and various officials that will help oversee operations in Nierr; one topless jeep which held a driver along with the UDAF Station Chief, Edwin Kershaw. Edwin Kershaw was a tough looking man; large, bulky shoulders, a razor sharp jawline, bulging veins along his arms, and a loud voice that projected orders into the minds of his subordinates. He, unlike his peers, did not go through officer training, but worked his way up through the ranks using his brilliant tactical mindset and his qualities that made him a leader among men. He checked himself in the mirror one again while waiting for the car containing the assistant to show up to the hanger.

13 minutes later, a jeep pulled into the hanger and stopped in front of the SUVs and Kershaw's jeep. He shouted for soldiers to get in position before muttering something to himself about punctuality, then got out and smiled, arm outstretched to give a welcoming handshake. A small, frail woman got out and began to walk toward the station chief, smiling while looking around the hanger.

"Hello Chief Kershaw. I am Molly Quizel, assistant to the Chancellor," she said, shaking Kershaw's hand, face contorting in slight discomfort as the chief had a stronger grip than she imagined. Kershaw saw her discomfort and quickly pulled away.

"It is very nice to meet you, Ms. Quizel. I would like you to know that anything you need, come to me. If you would care to join me for a ride around the base, I would be more than happy to show you the progress and preparation that has been made for the operations in Nierr," stated Kershaw, projecting strength toward the small woman, yet smiling to show his professionalism.

" Well, as much of an honor that is, I am here only to inform you that you have been hand selected by the Chancellor and General Satcher to lead air operations in Nierr. I decided to tell you in person because this was on my way to Carolina; specifically to the Local Leaders Conference. Congratulations, Mr. Kershaw."

Kershaw was speechless. Stuttering out of surprise, he thanked her and told her that the Chancellor could expect the very best from him. Then, Molly Quizel turned and walked back to the jeep, which was still running, and drove to the main gates of the airbase, exiting to go to the city of Carolina.

Darkly lit rooms seem to be all the rage nowadays, the man thought, surveying the room. He was in the Command Center, although it was mainly a meeting room of sorts. At the moment though, it was empty. Just him, two computer terminals and two technicians, working on who knew what. Certainly he wasn't cleared to know. Which made him wonder why he was there.

He walked forward into the room, ignoring one of the technicians who turned to look at him. The technician shrugged, then placed a pair of noise cancelling headphones on himself. The other technician followed, then pressed a button on the wall. Five columns rose up out of the floor in front of the man, who stationed himself an equal distance between them. The darkened faces of the Group of Five greeted him - although greet is perhaps the wrong word to describe the Five most dangerous individuals he'd ever met.

The one on the left started, distorted electronically. "Who is in play?"

Without glancing at the image, the man started. "Kellosk is missing, probably with Artemis. Radinvar doesn't know this yet, he awaits them, even as he loses his grip on Ghis Town. Pro-government forces have looked to take hold there, with Radinvar's forces either confined to their bases in the south, or in a small compound in the city center. They are surrounded there, but dug in."

Another of the Five interjected. "And at sea?"

"Three fleets. One loyal to the government, 35 ships in number, is off the coast of Ghis Town. Another, equal, perhaps smaller slightly, is at port in Nierr. They are controlled by one of Radinvar's men."

"And the third?"

"Unknown. The largest fleet, over three times the size of the others. 110 ships, positioned out to sea and led by an Admiral Pieterszoon Danseker. His allegiance is not of public knowledge. Intel suggests that the immediate family of his servicemen are either aboard the vessels he has or are elsewhere, out of play."

"Can we reach out to him?"

"Perhaps. He is well protected and isolates himself from all but his closest advisers."

"Then do so. In the meantime, we have a contract that we will fulfil. One less player will be on the board."

The man quirked an eyebrow, before bowing and leaving the room. He wondered just who the Five had been contracted to kill, and who had the money to buy a life so important in this conflict.
UDAF Capital-class Destroyer Steez
International Waters
3:24 AM

In the dimly lit planning room, Captain Akip Yavas stood next to Lieutenant Desmond Parsons discussing the tactics to be used when the eventual naval combat comes to the vessel. Captain Yavas was a well experienced captain of the Steez, his second ship that sailed the seas under his command in the Dalies navy. His ungroomed grey hair concealed a face roughened from the spray of the ocean, salt, and constant battering of wind; scars embedded themselves in his lower jaw, caused from shrapnel of a defective grenade used during live training. His dark blue eyes, set deep into his skull, complimented his naval uniform he and the other COs wore. The young lieutenant concentrated on the map laid out before him. He asked the occasional question, making sure he understood the strategy and followed the orders of Yavas exactly how he said them to be carried out. The chatter between them and the slight hum from the nearby engines were quickly interrupted by a ring of a phone. Captain Yavas dismissed Lieutenant Parsons and strolled over to the phone.

"This is Captain Yavas speaking," he answered

"Sir, this is Private Wakely. Commander Rhone told me to call down to tell you that the contact from Nierr is here and is waiting for you in your office along with the Commander and an official from Chief Kershaw," stated the private.

"Thank you, Private. I'll be up in 2 minutes," Captain Yavas hung up the call, left the room and made his way toward his office up toward the bridge of the ship. His standard-issue military boots echoed off of the metal stairs leading to the upper decks.