ARCHIVED: A Game of Shadows


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation
"It shall soon be over." Hermann thought. The Loyal would have their revenge on the greedy empire. His soul would be at peace after the betrayal. The betrayal of Kannex and Rhein against the Loyal. Reconciliation? With East Rhuvanland? With the leftist scum? With the Syrixian Money-Empire? Never. The Order of the Loyal would fight for Western independence and would never associate with the leftists, lest death await them. The majority of Westerners had been brainwashed. This idea of "Peace" was a lie. There was no peace to Hermann and the Loyal. There was only glory, and only sovereignty.

Hermann loaded his rifle. He was ready. What better place to pick than this? The Order would attack symbols of Syrixian power, rather than sites of actual importance. His comrades were to attack symbols of financial power, political power, cultural power. He was to be first. He would attack a symbol of religious power, and strike fear into the hearts of the Syrixian scum. And what better place than the city of Manaan, home to Syrixia's biggest church? He was, in his eyes, an ambassador of Gott, as were his comrades. They would show Syrixia the error of its ways, and intimidate Kannex because of its betrayal.

As the Escqi, Julian XVI, Head of the Church of Syrixia, sat in his car going through the square to the Escal Apartments, Hermann aimed his rifle.
Once Hermann knew his gun was perfectly aimed, he pulled the trigger. Three bullets zoomed out of the barrel and directly hit the Escqi. Hermann saw his target had been hit and quickly ran back down the stairs and into Atroba Doha's main chamber. Already there were police forces there, with flashlights and tasers, so Hermann had to be careful. He snuck into an air vent and began shimmying his way through. He was a mere 7 feet from the door when he heard a bullet hit the vent and bounce off. He had been heard!

Hermann immediately stopped. "They've found me." he thought. He needed to be quiet, in hopes that the police would think nothing of the noises in the vent and proceed to move on. After about two minutes, he began to shimmy ever closer to the exit; to freedom. He looked out the exit hole. Police were everywhere, prowling the surrounding area, while crying people dotted the streets, making a sort-of exodus to the grand church to see what had happened. Hermann dropped his rifle behind him incase he was found, thought up an excuse for being in the vents, and made his way down the ladder, out of the vents.

However, by the time he had put his rifle away and began making his way down the ladder, he was unaware a police officer had found him and had been watching him for about a minute. It was not long after Hermann and the police officer met eye contact that he was apprehended. He had failed to escape, but he had completed his mission. The Order would see him as a martyr, and revere his actions. When West Rhuvanland finally saw the light, the people would praise him and revere him as a national hero and an example of West Rhuvish nationalism.

Naturally, the press was all over the incident and a Balamb Chronicle article was released the next morning, as the entire nation cried. Their spiritual leader was killed by the bullets of a ruthless extremist without respect and ripe with pettiness. Syrixia itself was distraught.
The Balamb Chronicle:


MANAAN- A SUDDEN TRAGEDY HAS OCCURRED! While on his way from Atroba Doha after his private nighttime prayer to the Escal Apartments, Escqi Julian XVI, leader of the Syrixian Church, has been SHOT! Around 10:58 PM three bullets were shot from the roof of Atroba Doha and hit the Escqi. Two hit the head, and one hit the back. All careened straight through His Holiness, and landed, blood-covered, on the floor of the square. Police have found and apprehended the perpetrator, West Rhuvish extremist militant Hermann Koch. Koch has been sentenced to life in prison for this terrible crime following the brief trial that took place.

Many people are saddened by the loss of the spiritual leader of Syrixia's state religion and one of the largest religions in the North Pacific. The Prime Minister of Syrixia himself, Alfred Nursson, had this to say: "I am truly saddened, as is all Syrixia today. His Holiness was a truly compassionate religious figurehead, and a visionary. He loved his country, he loved his countrymen, and he loved God. We can all take a lesson from his book. He truly lived a virtuous, kind, and happy life, and spread those feelings amongst his people. Of course, Syrixia will go on, but it has lost a piece of its culture and pride today. I hope the Conclave can pick a new Escqi who will live up to the high standards His Holiness has set, and I am at least happy that His Holiness has now become one with God and is smiling down on us from Heaven."

A candlelight vigil and subsequent funeral will be taking place this afternoon in front of Atroba Doha. All the Tahaqis are expected to be present, and will go into Conclave after the funeral ends to pick a new Supreme Asqiff. Currently, the most likely to become Escqi is Tahaqi Yuhein K. Hapoqi, long known jokily as the "Vice Escqi" due to his personal friendship with the Escqi and extensive religious knowledge and wisdom. Hapoqi has also started the Julianus Fund, a fund for senior citizens' care named after the late Escqi.


The Escqi right after being shot. He was pronounced dead after arriving at the nearest hospital.
The Xentheridan government thoroughly condemns the murder of His Holiness, and many high-ranking people in the government hope to attend the funeral. We also condemn the leaders of the Order of the Loyal for carrying out this mindless attack. In the meantime, we offer our condolences to the family of the Escqi.
President Heidi Rhein of Free Rhuvanland condemns the senseless murder of His Holiness Escqi Julian XVI of the Syrixian Church. "Patriotism is not the shooting of innocent religious leaders," Rhein has said. "Let us strive towards peace and reconciliation."

The governing ministers of the National Protestant Church of Kannex have released a statement mourning the death of "dear brother Julian XVI," saying that he was "a godly man."
The Khan and the Wolvesh people offer their condolences to the people of Syrixia, we hope those responsible for this cowardly and dishonorable attack upon a holy man are brought to swift justice for this heinous crime. The Lady of the Moon has prepared a ceremony of dispatch to take place in the keep of Kul Katura's monastary.
The President sends his deepest regards to Syrixia after their loss. We hope that those responsible for this act are brought to justice, and maybe then Syrixia can find some peace in such an unfortunate time.
Meanwhile, as Syrixia and the region were mourning the loss, Adolf knew it was his time to strike. Already the symbol of Syrixia's cultural and spiritual power had been taken out, and now it was time to eliminate a symbol of Syrixia's political and secular power. The Order had chosen perhaps the most important symbol of them all, the old Prime Minister, Alfred Nursson. Adolf was behind Parliament Hall, slowly creeping along. The fat old fool would meet his end, and the Order's message would be complete. It was time to show Syrixia the power of West Rhuvanland; the power of nationalism and faith in one's country, instead of the petty faith in money that the putrid Syrixian scum possessed.

There was an emergency meeting of Parliament in session at the moment concerning Syrixian security forces, due to the assassination of Escqi Julian. Hah! Syrixian security, even if improved, could not combat the Order; Adolf thought. The Order was not like a grand army, but like a highly venomous viper. Small, elusive and deadly. Even Syrixia's well-armed, technologically adept million man army could not stop them. Indeed, as he had thought before his apprehension, Hermann Koch was a martyr and Adolf, his comrade, was committed to continuing Hermann's mission. Adolf thusly snuck into a manhole and made his way through the sewers into the subcellars of Parliament Hall.

The subcellars were massive, but Adolf found his way. He eventually arrived at the external entrance to the secret bunker used by the Ministers to escape the Socialists in the Civil War. This entrance allowed Adolf to bypass the extremely well-guarded cellars, above the subcellars where he was. Creeping up the ladder, he found himself directly below the hatch leading to the Chamber of the Parliament. Once he opened that hatch, it was a mere 10 feet from where the Prime Minister was standing. Adolf could not hear Nursson speaking due to the thick composition of the hatch, so he had to either wing it or abandon the operation and disgrace both himself and the Order. Adolf was unlucky. Parliament had gone into recess. When he quickly opened the hatch and shot, all he wound up shooting was wood.

Suddenly, the Ministers screamed. Parliament was quickly adjourned for the night and all the Ministers ran out of the room while Adolf climbed out of the hatch, guns blazing. He managed to kill two Ministers however all the Cabinet Ministers as well as the Prime Minister and his Deputy escaped with their lives along with most of Parliament. This was not as intended; the intended plot was to kill Nursson himself. However what occurred was good enough. To save himself from capture, Adolf put his gun to his head and hoped that his comrades would not be so unfortunate in the future, and whatever came next. Adolf then pulled the trigger. Syrixia had too much on its plate from the assassination of the Escqi a mere day before Adolf's operation, and the Balamb Chronicle, as expected, declined to comment. Instead, all that was released was a notification of the operation.

The next day, however, this was released:

Official Communicate from the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia:


To: Nations of the North Pacific, Specifically Ones Involved in the Rhuvanland Conflicts
From: The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia

Yet another assassination attempt has plagued Syrixia, a mere day after the assassination of His Holiness Escqi Julian XVI of the Syrixian Church. This time, a West Rhuvish gunman named Adolf van Zieghausen attempted to kill Prime Minister Alfred Nursson during an emergency meeting of Parliament. Entering through the subcellars of Parliament Hall via the sewers and then finding his way to the Chamber of the Parliament itself, van Zieghausen quickly appeared out of nowhere and shot the Prime Minister's desk, missing Mr. Nursson entirely as Parliament was in recess at the moment, and the Ministers were conversing in numerous parts of the room, Mr. Nursson being one of them. After the first shot, numerous Ministers attempted to flee and two were killed before van Zieghausen committed suicide to escape capture. We have discovered that both van Zieghausen and the perpetrator of the Escqi's assassination, Hermann Koch, are connected to an extremist secret society within West Rhuvanland known as the Order of the Loyal, and henceforth request the assistance of whomever it may concern in finding and apprehending the Order's leaders as well as finding their motives before they cause more damage.


Auel Vist
Minister of Defense, Syrixia

John Yse'qi
Minister of Homeland Security, Syrixia

Shaw Atlas
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture, Syrixia​
The Khan hopes Mr Nursson is recovering from this ordeal and formally offers a respite in Crescentmaw as an official guest of the Khanate as well as use of our Ravens in dealing with this problem.
The Prime Minister is still shaken but recovering normally. As for the offer concerning coming to Crescentmaw, the Prime Minister will not be leaving his home today until he is feeling ready. Concerning tomorrow and the following days, that is yet to be determined.
To the Right Honourable Prime Minister Nursson of Syrixia:

I wish to make clear my disapproval of the Order of the Loyal and its actions taken against Syrixia, and I am sorry that this had to happen to you, Mister prime minister. Though no formal diplomatic relations exist between Syrixia and my nation, I will gladly support Syrixia in preventing further attacks should they need it.

Might I also suggest making an appeal to the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces, they would likely approve of an operation to stop this insanity.

I am sorry this happened, and you have my best wishes for the future,
Sincerely yours,

President of Republican Pacific Islands
Your Excellency, Benjamin Walker:

Firstly I must thank you for your kind words after the terrifying incident. I nearly had a heart attack and have been fighting for a few hours now, though it seems to me the battle has been won. Concerning formal diplomatic relations, if you'd like, I could send a few diplomats to commence these, though I am happy to say that informal relations have already been established. It is now high time for the next step in furthering the friendship between our nations.

Finally, concerning the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces Appeal, they would not be of use in this situation. This situation would require a full-on military investigation and operation to neutralize the Order, which does not quite fit the bill of a peacekeeping force. I thank you for your suggestion, however, and I am proud that my beautiful nation currently holds the Deputy-Chairmanship of NPTO.

I once more thank you for your kind words, good sir.


Alfred Nursson

Prime Minister of Syrixia
The Free Republic of Rhuvanland condemns, with the strongest possible terms, the attempted assassination of Prime Minister Nursson. Free Rhuvanland disassociates itself with such individuals and groups that turn to political assassinations and terrorism to further their goals. President Heidi Rhein has stated the Order of the Loyal will be listed as a terrorist group.

Within days after this announcement, five individuals were arrested on suspicion of association with Order of the Loyal and related fringe-nationalistic groups. Three small banks are being investigated for ties with the group. The West Rhuvish police have found that the operations of the group calling itself the Order of the Loyal are based overseas, mainly in Syrixia. Only scant evidence has been found of Order of the Loyal presence in West Rhuvanland.
The Protectorate of East Rhuvanland is shocked and angered by the attempted assassination on our friend and compatriot Mr. Alfred Nursson, as well as the unfortunately successful assassination of His Holiness Escqi Julian XVI. The work Mr. Nursson did to bring the East back to economic safety saved our country, and without him, his compassion, and his kindness, our nation would not be the same.

Speaker Agnes Liesel has delivered an official announcement branding the Order of the Loyal as a terrorist group, and we thusly reaffirm and concur with the statements of our Western brothers in saying that the Order of the Loyal are extremist threats and do not in any way represent the true ideals of West Rhuvanland. A nationwide investigation has been launched however no possible suspects have turned up thus far here in the East.
We condemn the actions taken by the terrorists and demand that West Rhuvanland do something about them.
Cronaal deeply prays for the safety of Alfred Nursson and the families of the two victims killed during the event, as a result, we'd like to donate money to the families. We also condemn the actions of the terrorists who've also killed Escqi.

Yours Sincerely,
A man and a woman approached the Parliament Building of Syrixia though were stopped by the guards at the entrance. Adament that they were representatives of the Confederation of Kalti despite no official identification, their letter was soon brought to the attention of the Syrixian government. After passing on the letter to the Syrixians, the pair departed the building and made their way to a small hotel they were staying at during their visit to Syrixia.

To The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia,

The two people who delivered this letter are of no concern to the greater world but rest assured that they have no intention of harming you. They are friends and sent on behalf of the Kaltian Estate Council in this time of crisis happening in Rhuvanland. We are greatly saddened by the loss of the Escqi, Julian XVI, Head of the Church of Syrixia and the attempt on the life of Prime Minister Alfred Nursson. As this looks to be a challenge of deception and shadow, we are offering our services in hunting down the Order of the Loyal and bringing them to bear and to account for their crimes against Rhuvanland and against Syrixia.

To bring this full circle, know that the people your guards encountered were of the Oíche rank of our guild and hold the present status of Assassin. Their names are not important but you may refer to their call signs of Zeta and Omega. If you do wish to utilize their services, hand them the symbol tomorrow at twelve noon when they return to the Parliament Building. If you do not, they will return to Kalti and be reassigned a new task.

Maisu Ayin
Assassin's Guild of Kalti


OOC: Just a note... Oiche na Ruin is the special forces (occasionally covert) unit of my nation. The Assassin's Guild is much smaller and only interacts with Kalti and the region when a very subtle touch is needed during a crisis.
"You wanted me, sir?"
"Ah, yes. Take a seat."
The general's office was dark, but he still sat at his desk, watching the darker shadow in front of him slip into a seat.
"We need you to go to West Rhuvanland. Investigate the terror organization. Infiltrate it if possible."
"Gamma Delta Omega?" the shadow asked quietly.
"Of course. Naturally we will also do our best to arrange your release should you be arrested by West Rhuvish law enforcement."
The shadow nodded and left.
"This brings a whole new element into this game of shadows." said John Yse'qi, Minister of Homeland Security, as he conversed with the Minister of Defense, Auel Vist, on the phone. "These people seem to be affiliated with the Kaltians and recognize the type of conflict that is going on here, but they did not present official identification. Should we trust them?" "They seem to be willing to help us." Vist replied. "Let's send them, and see what happens. If they betray us we have an army to make sure the intended job gets done." "That sounds good." Yse'qi replied. "I will tell the Kaltian Assassin's Guild that we accept their offer, on the condition that the targets are brought to Balamb alive so they may be tried."
At noon the next day, the Assassin's codenamed Zeta and Omega returned to the Syrixian Parliament Building where they were greeted by Minister of Homeland Security John Yse'qi and Minister of Defense Auel Vist.

The women, Omega, spoke up first...
Omega: "Ministers, I apologize for yesterday and the confusion around our identity. My friend and I are here on the request of President Nightsong herself, you may call her and ask for confirmation if you wish."

The man, Zeta, interrupts...
Zeta: "What my collegue is trying to say is that it is our guilds policy to have no member carry official Kaltian identification on them. Helps to keep the identity of the Guild members an internal Confederation secret. The only true identification we carry is our insignia."

Omega: "Now, on to business... We wouldn't be standing here if you did not call on us. Maisu Ayin told us of going against the Order of the Loyal. What more can you tell us about them?"
Ambassador Crown steps out of the car, his clothing is as usual very well appointed, but somehow somber on this occasion. Mrs. Crown, subtly dressed in a classic dress stands beside her husband on the sidewalk, homemade cake in hand. They had just finished making their rounds regarding recent events. "Thomas, do you have the letter for the Prime Minister?" she said glancing over at his empty hands. "I do, it's right here," as his hand touched his suit coat. Their driver and guard waited outside by the car as the Crowns walked to the door. They showed their diplomatic papers to the guards even though the guards knew them; better to follow procedure at a time like this. The minister was expecting their visit, and they were immediately directed to wait in the parlor.

The Prime Minister steps into the room, though mostly himself still seems amiss. The ambassador stood to greet him, "It's good to see you again Mr. Nursson and I'm glad you're safe." He gestures in his wife's direction "She baked you a cake, we hope it may in some way help bring a bit of comfort." They socialized for a while before broaching the subject of the letter. "I have a response from my government, it's a letter from the royal family." He hands him the wax sealed letter from his coat pocket.

Officially sealed comunique of House Callahan::

Our deepest sympathies go out to the nation of Syrixia and its church in these troubling times. After hearing of the tragic loss of Escqi Julian XVI, my people held a prayer vigil in the Square of Martyrs for the repose of his soul. Officials from my government and members of the royal family attended his funeral; it still seems insufficient to convey the depth of our sorrow in this moment. Though some members of the royal family were unable to attend as they were away on official business, let it be known that they extend their personal condolences in this matter, and that His Holiness was on their minds and in their prayers. May the solemn duties of the Conclave of the Tahaqis in their selection of a new Supreme Asqiff be swift and true. The coverage of the conclave events are being broadcast for the benefit of members of the Church of Syrixia abroad in Ceretis.

We further extend our sympathies and prayers to the families of the two Ministers whose lives were tragically cut short. The events of these past few days are tragic and unsettling. We are glad that Prime Minister Alfred Nursson, though understandably shaken, is uninjured and in good health. Let it be known that the people of Ceretis condemn the wanton actions of the radical 'Order of the Loyal' residing in West Rhuvanland and abroad. We stand with our ally Sirixia in their time of need.

I have directed the intelligence and military assets of the Kingdom Republic to offer their cooperation and assistance in locating and elimination or incarceration of the leadership, agents, and conspirators of the 'Order of the Loyal' at your request. May justice in this matter be swift, allowing those wounded by these events to find solace and healing.

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam; Pax Vobis,

Czar Harold Callahan, Clan Oleander, House of Callahan, Emperor and Autocrat of the Ceretians and the First Men, Lord of the Thirteen Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm
Czaritsa Margaret Callahan, Empress Consort of Ceretis

Czar Harold Callahan
Czaritsa Margaret Callahan
The mystery man took an airplane to New Sekai, then another to Syrixia, then a third to Rhuvanland. He began asking around quietly, to see if anyone knew where the local headquarters of the Loyal were.
At the same time, one of the few remaining undercover Nebulan agents received offers to investigate the Loyal.
"What a wonderful letter and a wonderful cake! You shouldn't have, but thank you. I always did love cake." Nursson said before reading the letter. After reading it, he looked up. "Your military assets along with ours could be important. Syrixian security cameras have picked up a mysterious man with a Nebulan accent. He's going around and looking for the Order's HQ. I know not what will happen to this man once he finds them, but his whereabouts may help us find them as well, and launch a coordinated military strike to take out the Order." Nursson paused for a moment and then inquired, "What do you think?"

Meanwhile, downstairs, Ministers Yse'qi and Vist were conversing with Zeta and Omega. "As far as we know, the Order of the Loyal is a West Rhuvish far-right extremist organization bent on West Rhuvish independence and total disassociation with the East Rhuvish and the left wing entirely." Minister Yse'qi said. Then Minister Vist chimed in, "As the West is now committed to peace with the East and talks are ongoing between Syrixia and Kannex to reunify Rhuvanland, the Order has resorted to terrorism to send their message and further their aims."
(OOC: Sorry if the description of the building and it's surrounding area aren't correct. I don't know much about Syrixia!)

Eden Hall, the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Cronaal, stood at the foot of Syrixian Parliament Building steps and stared upwards at it's beauty, it was a magnificent neo-classical structure that stood high and tall above all buildings surrounding and was mostly made of an almost-white limestone. It's open central-square area was bustling with people all around, tourists and citizens alike, with large, muscular bodyguards surrounding the perimeter in light of recent events. The sky was clouded though, the atmosphere was bleak, empty and the breeze was cold making Eden wish he'd never came, it was unlike Cronaal's beaming hot sunlight and glistening, sandy beaches that stretched from coast-to-coast and entirely unnatural to him. Eden Hall himself appeared to be unchanged by the atmosphere of Syrixia, his blonde, slightly 'spiked' upwards, ,hair which faced the right and appeared to be softer, smoother than a flower's petal, and his deep, black suit ,which seemed darker than the sky during an eclipse and perfectly contoured his body and pinched inwards in between his chest and stomach, and mirror-like leather shoes all the same, he also held a black, armored briefcase which held several important documents that could help further the search for the Order.

Eden took a deep breath and began to walk up the steps until he was, rather suddenly, forced into the grounded by a violent, hooded man whose identity couldn't be assumed by first glance. The briefcase flew into the air and fell into the ground with a large pound, as if gravity had been increased. Eden hit his head into the limestone stairs as the unknown man grabbed with haste and began to run for the nearby road! Eden, very shortly after, got up from the ground and began to run after the man with all his might, both of them were pushing citizens out of the way and into other people in order to catch, or delay, the other. Several of the perimeter guards began to move around, some speaking through earpieces whilst others started motioning themselves to Eden and the thief. The whole area was in commotion as the thief and Eden approached the road with a guard, or two, following after slowly until, finally, they'd left the courtyard area. Eden and the thief began to run down several back roads, and main roads, until they'd reached an alley. Eden blocked the thief off from escape as the thief muttered a few words to himself quietly, Eden then unsheathed a small pistol from behind his suit jacket.

He pointed it at the thief,
"Put the briefcase or I'll... demobilize your leg." Eden commanded with a powerful tone, aiming his weapon at the unknown man. He threw the brifcase down into the floor with as much force as he could, then smiled. When the thief muttered to himself, he'd used an earpiece to bring another one of his own to the scene. Eden fell to the ground after a strong thud to the back of his skull. He'd been kidnapped by the Order.
The worst part of all of that was that no one had noticed Eden's kidnapping. Nearly everyone in Syrixia was watching, very intently, the chimney at the top of Atroba Doba, right above the Most Holy Chapel, where not only the Holy Skull was, but where the College of Tahaqis met in Conclave to elect the next Escqi from amongst themselves. Today was especially a great day, as unlike the days before, white smoke exited the small chimney. The crowds erupted with cheering as the smoke continued to rise. Finally, when it stopped billowing out of the chimney, the Senior Tahaqi-Deacon and his attendants emerged from the curtains and onto the top balcony of the grand church.

There they stood for a couple minutes, while one of the attendants opened a large yet thin book and showed the Deacon what was to be announced. It was a common tradition in the Syrixian Church to announce the election of the new Escqi in a specific format, a format used for hundreds of years. While empires rose and fell such as Melletonia or the Syrixian Empire itself, the Church had always endured, and was now preparing to ring in a new Escqi and his escqacy. Once it seemed like the Deacon was ready, another attendant motioned for the crowds to quiet. The Prime Minister and Parliament watched from a special booth in the middle of the square, with thousands of churchgoers around them.

"Anuntio vobis...gaudium magnum." the Deacon said in a thunderous voice. He was announcing to the world a great joy, and this initial statement was accompanied by applause and cheering before the crowd was shushed again. Then, the Deacon uttered the famous words, "HABEMUS ASCAM!", meaning that an Escqi had been elected. "Eminentissimum," he continued, "ac Reverendissimum Dominum, Dominum Yuheinus, Sanctae Syrixiae Ecclesiae Tahaqiem...HAPOQIUS!" He was saying that the Most Eminent and Reverend Lord Yuhein Hapoqi, Tahaqi of the Holy Syrixian Church, had been elected. Now, it was time to announce the new Escqi's name. "Qui...recibi nomen imposuit..." the Deacon continued, "...IOANNES...TERZO!" This meant that the new Escqi had chosen the name John, and he was the third to use the name.

The Senior Tahaqi-Deacon then left the balcony with his attendants, and some security staff returned to Parliament Hall for a brief check while John III dressed into his escal gear. The Kaltian Assassins and the two Cabinet Ministers were still talking outside, having resumed after breaking to see the announcement live online. The Prime Minister and the Ceretians, of course, were together with Parliament in the booth in Manaan, arriving there via a quick plane ride. Eden Hall of Cronaal was supposed to come too...but where was he? Security forces panned to the Cronaal embassy to discover that the windows were broken and the lights off. Something was amiss, and after a quick dispatch and a quicker search, it was determined that there had been a break-in and a kidnapping. The Order of the Loyal's logo on one of the desks told them everything about who the perpetrators were. This meant WAR. A war...on terror.
After the cheering and joyous sounds of the crowd died down, Crown, leaned over to the Prime Minister "I've notified Sloane down at strategic services to investigate the order. One of his intelligence cells thinks they may know something." The ambassador shifts in his seat "Your investigators reported the mystery man had a Nebulan accent? Hopefully that was just a coincidence or this could be a barrel of trouble. But if we act quickly with special forces, there hopefully shouldn't be anything for the army to deal with."

With a concerned look on her face, Mrs Crown added in "Our foreign security office has reported the arrests of order members in West Rhuvanland, and Rhuvish investigators are suggesting the order's operations are based here in Syrixia. If those reports prove accurate, would your people be comfortable with Ceretian forces operating in Syrixia and Rhuvenland? We wouldn't want to see another full scale war break out if it can be prevented."
"You'd have to ask the West Rhuvish government if you wanted to operate there," Nursson said, "but I can tell you right now you're welcome in Syrixia. As long as you don't disturb anything, of course. Speaking of that, I should note that we think the Cronaal Foreign Affairs Minister Eden Hall and some diplomatic staff at the Cronaal embassy in Balamb were kidnapped by the Order. We may need to find out where their HQ is faster than before."
The Nebulan mystery man felt his phone buzz.
"They're all talking about someone kidnapping an ambassador! They say he had a Nebulan accent! Was it you?"
"Of course not!" the man said, surprised. "In Syrixia and Rhuvanland the word Nebula is synonymous with evil. I swear on the Emperator's goatee that I was not involved."
(OOC: As a note, Cronaal is very isolationist at the moment. Eden Hall and Diana Wrokford are really the only main figureheads of Cronaal speaking to the outer world besides regular citizens using the internet meaning Eden is a 'Gateway to Cronaal' of sort. Could I also reinforce that Eden Hall is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, not an Ambassador!)

Heavy breathing. Clanging sounds of machines. Steam. Eden regained his consciousness to find himself gagged, tied up and placed in the center of a small, brick-walled room filled with some generators. It was dark and damp in the room and the only way out was a small, locked, metal door meaning it was very hot inside the small room. He was lying on the floor and began to squirm around in panic for a small while, making muggles and groans before realizing he was only in his underwear, he was able to see his well toned legs and slight abs on his chest as a single, distraught tear slowly ran down his soft cheek. He was scared and didn't know what was happening until the door began to rattle and shake a little. Then it opened. It was the hooded man again, only he wasn't hooded. He was a tan-skinned man with light brown hair, styled in a quiff facing left, he also had distinct blue eyes which stood out from the rest of his face. Eden began to make louder muffled noises until the man kicked Eden in the skull, it left a long, stinging pain which pulsed in his brain and left Eden with great pain.

"Iqui ke, you little cunt!" The man shouted violently at Eden has he picked him up by the shoulder and removed Eden's gag. He shoved a small nail into Eden's other shoulder resulting in an almost endless, ear-piercing screech that felt like it lasted for minutes instead of seconds, the pain rushed from his shoulder and all the way down his arm as his bone shattered into a hundred tiny pieces whilst blood poured out of where the man left the nail in Eden's shoulder. Eden began to cry from the immense, overwhelming pain.
"Never fucking spy on us you bastard, Iqui ke!" The man shouted at Eden maliciously, Eden looked up at his face, grinding his teeth and trying to surpass the pain,
"I- I-" Eden was cut off by the man throwing his fist into Eden's cheekbone, he then reached into Eden's underwear with one hand and grabbed a stapler from his pocket with the other.
"Did I tell you that you could talk!?" The man shouted at Eden, louder than the past few times. The man grabbed Eden's penis and placed it under the stapler and proceeded to push the stapler down and shove a metal staple into his flesh. Eden screeched and screamed, he squirmed and stuggled. The pain of what the man had just inflicted was ridiculous, Eden didn't even understand why he was here. Blood gushed out of his genitals. His eyes began to turn into lakes of tears with is eyes asking for mercy, his mouth couldn't. This man was a sadistic monster.

The above post has been hidden, per the outcome of a moderation review of the post. It contains elements that are unacceptable under the rules of the forum and the author has been contacted to explain this.
(OOC: I'd watch the language, if I were you.)

The Free Republic of Rhuvanland would welcome the presence of Ceretian police attachés and advisers. The National Police is committed utmost to the eradication of radicalism and terrorism. We strongly condemn the kidnapping of Mr. Eden Hall.

An old foreign ministry official was interviewed last night on national Rhuvish television: "It is my belief and the belief of many officials above me that the Nebulans are involved in some way. Since the Invasion, the Nebulans have been attempting to discredit the Rhuvish in any way possible. It is not surprising that Nebula would undertake such steps to undermine its rivals in Rhuvanland and elsewhere."
In a press conference, the Emperator vehemently denied any involvement in the kidnapping of Eden Hall.

In a private message to the governments of Ceretis, Cronaal, Syrixia, and West Rhuvanland, the Emperator explained that an elite agent has been sent to infiltrate the organization, and that he had been forbidden from participation in kidnapping, torture, and murder.
While Eden was being tortured in one of the deeper rooms of the Order's HQ, the aforementioned Nebulan agent finally found his way to the entrance. The building was in Oq Aran, a small town to the south of Balamb. It was very small and hidden well, but under it was a massive complex of tunnels. Formerly this building was the entrance to a sewer complex, however the old complex was closed down mid-construction. This was because it was found it was being built on top of a volatile pocket of gas. While scientists removed the gas the complex still wound up being closed.

This old complex was later finished by the Order and turned into a base of operations, which the Nebulan agent was now approaching. Upon entering, the Nebulan agent was immediately greeted by guns. The Order members could easily tell from his complexion and accent that he was Nebulan. "Why are you here, Nebulan dog? What do you want?" one man said after another man locked the door. "If you come to rescue Hall, we would love to have you join him."
Präsident Heidi Rhein squinted at the strip of paper. She set it down and took off her glasses. "Well, dies ist toll. An 'elite agent'." She swiveled her chair the other way, gazing out the window. The sun shone over the blue-and-white steel buildings, which sparkled in the light. Rhein admired the Capital skyline from afar. Just a few months ago, an attack by commandos had paralyzed this city. Now, it was up and running. Her administration had more sure of that. "Nun, der Fortschritt?"

A man in a suit stood in front of her desk, as if reporting to his superior officer. Which, in a sense, he was. "We are currently monitoring at least three groups, each no more than eight individuals, that call themselves 'the Order of the Loyal'." It was a childish name and nobody in West Rhuvanland had thought they could accomplish anything. But now a minister from a major country was missing. And while they found no evidence for a sizable 'Loyal' presence in West Rhuvanland, suspicious individuals had entered the country with hidden intentions in mind. "As for this message, we can do something about this."

The secret information galvanized the National Police. An individual found to be Nebulan was located and arrested by West Rhuvish police. He was found to have traveled from Nebula to New Sekai, then to Syrixia, before landing in West Rhuvanland. National television news programs released the news and shrieked of this as proof for Nebulan mischief. "It is my firm belief," a notable Rhuvish newscaster said, "that Nebula is behind the Order of the Loyal, and is directly and fully responsible for the attacks on the Syrixian church and prime minister as well as the kidnapping of Minister Hall."

President Rhein's office has not released any official statement.

(EDIT: Ninja'd by Syrixia!)
The agent paused before speaking. "I used to be a Nebulan. Then my criminal group was exposed by a spy. I fled to Galacta, joined a terrorist ring. Then Nebula annexed Galacta and I had to flee. Rhuvanland seemed a good choice; public opinion was decidedly anti-Nebula after the Bay of Cows invasion. When you made the news you seemed to be an excellent organization for a man with vendettas against various politicians and officials."
"Hmph." the man snorted. "Once a Nebulan pig-dog, always a Nebulan pig-dog. I don't trust you. Give me physical proof."