ARCHIVED: A New Syrixian Protectorate!


The one, the true, the great.
TNP Nation


BREAKING- Recently, the nation of Rhuvanland fell into a drastic economic slump, with its streets dotted with rioters and trash, and its government collapsing from within. After various talks with the leaders of Rhuvanland, the Syrixian government and the Rhuvish government have agreed to make Rhuvanland a Syrixian protectorate. The nation is beginning to get back on its feet and is now trading heavily with Syrixia to re-expand its industries and improve its economy. The riots have mostly calmed down, and everything in Rhuvanland, with Syrixian assistance, seems to be getting back to normal. But just what is Rhuvanland?

Above is a provincial map of Rhuvanland superimposed over a physical map of Rhuvanland, and numbered 1-16. Each numbered quadrant symbolizes a Ward, which is the term used for administrative divisions of Rhuvanland. In numerical order their names are: the Autonomous Capital Ward of Dunorion, Sinpan Ward, Vordalkien Ward, Morania Ward, Kazadia Ward, Tiloca Ward, Monymia Ward, Harinia Ward, Neldrada Ward, Blatzkof Ward, Dobaria Ward, Groye Ward, Belfrug Ward, Tshyraya Ward, Nantaire Ward, and Mamporia Ward. Monymia Ward is home to Rhuvanland's tallest mountain, Mount Monymia, standing at 14,942 feet tall. The population is around 80% ethnically German, 13% ethnically Dutch, and 7% other. The country currently has a population of around 9 million people, around a million less than the population of Sweden. Each ward is governed by that ward's Congressman in the Rhuvish Supreme Congress. Speaking of that Congress, let's get a bit more in-depth about it and how it works.

Rhuvish leadership is unique in its own way. Its version of a parliament is called the Supreme Congress and it is made up of 16 Congressmen, (one for each Ward) 1 Speaker, and 1 Deputy Speaker. The Speaker is the leader and meeting-runner of the Congress, though the position of both Head of State and Head of Government is collectively held by the Supreme Congress, usually represented as Head of State by the Speaker of the Supreme Congress. New Congressmen are elected by the Rhuvish people every 4 years, however Rhuvish people can only elect the Congressman from the Ward their current residence is in at the time of election. New Deputy Speakers and Speakers are elected by the Supreme Congress every 6 years. They are Congressmen as well and become simple Congressmen once more if they are not re-elected as Speaker. If they are furtherly not re-elected as Congressmen, they are out of the Congress. Rhuvanland has a variety of political parties, such as the Rhuvish Workers' Party, the Rhuvish Liberal Party, and the Rhuvish Conservative Party.

Below is a declaration from the Supreme Congress of Rhuvanland announcing their new Syrixian Protectorate status. This declaration was well-met by most of, if not all the people of Rhuvanland, who generally have a favorable opinion on Syrixia, its people, and its government.

Declaration 2352 of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress: Syrixian Protectorate Status:

Declaration of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress

Following the civil strife and economic supercrisis that has occurred within the last couple of years, we, your government, have been conducting negotiations with the government of the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia to become a Syrixian protectorate. This will strengthen ties with Syrixia, and allow Rhuvanland to benefit from Syrixia's global reach and diplomatic power. We firmly believe that this will not only benefit you as well as your country but it will also benefit Syrixia as well in terms of economy, diplomacy, and more.

Rhuvanland and Syrixia have shared cultural camaraderie for centuries and now more than ever Syrixia and Rhuvanland have much ethnic similarity. But most of all, we are happy to see such high approval for this motion. The Election Commission notes that around 92.56% of all Rhuvish people voted for protectorate status, and that we, the Supreme Congress, were unanimous in supporting the motion of becoming a Syrixian protectorate as well. We hope that this new Rhuvanland will be greater than ever before, and that together with Syrixia, the Rhuvish people and nation will be forever peaceful and forever glorious.

May both Rhuvanland and Syrixia live long.

-Helmuth Albrecht, Speaker of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress
(ooc: The cartography team has determined that we will not let you annex Ryccia. Ryccia had absolutely no information out to base any claim on. Plus your over half way across the map. And with your already staggering obligations taking on the responsibility of another nation 7,400+ km across the map would be ridiculous for any nation)
Syrixian imperialism leads to attack on national sovereignty
by Luisa Oberto

The Syrixian and Rhuvish governments, citing the economic situation in the latter's country, came to an agreement today to turn Rhuvanland into a protectorate of Syrixia. In smoky backrooms, without transparency or the knowledge of the very people this would affect most, the Rhuvanland government sold out its own nation to an imperialist, mercantilist empire intending to wring a hard-working, innocent people for all they are worth.

The Rhuvanland legislature, comprised of a mere 16 people for a nation of perhaps millions, drafted a cloying, submissive statement hailing their new Syrixian lords. But where are the statements of the constituents these congresspeople represent? The constituents these congresspeople sold out? The Rhuvish Congress, in its release, trot out the suspiciously high and suspiciously precise percentage of 92.56%. What was the sample size for this poll? Were opposition activists encouraged not to answer the door when pollsters came by? Meanwhile, the Balamb Chronicle, a Syrixian newspaper, promises its readers that the Rhuvish people welcome Syrixian rule with open arms. Personally, I'd like to hear this from the horse's mouth.

I haven't even begun to address the trading situation between these two nations. Following economic crisis, the Rhuvanland government has started trading in immense quantities with its very good friends in Syrixia. Does the Syrixian government intend its new empire to be a mercantilist autarky? This annexation in all but name raises many questions, which will no doubt go unanswered. I fret for the Rhuvish people, who, against their will, now find themselves forced to submit to a government separated from them by an ocean. I fret for the Syrixian people, who will have to support with their tax dollars a whole nation as it undergoes this process of colonization.

I strongly urge the Signoria and Gonfaloniere to consider taking decisive diplomatic action. Aggression such as this, on a global scale, cannot go unanswered.
Meanwhile in Summerland, Kalti at the Council Building there is a knock at the door of President Nightsong's office...

President Nightsong: "Come in."

A young journalist walks in, followed by the President's security detail.

Security General Lavoi: "Sorry to interupt ma'am. This fellow here claims to have information vital to you."

President Nightsong: "Well then..." (turning to the journalist) "Let's hear what you have to say."

Journalist Arius: "Of course Madame President. I head the the Odivan Press and was working on a story covering the recent discovery underneath the library pertaining to Andalucia. Earlier today a news story crossed my desk that the Syrixians had announced they were creating a new protectorate in Rhuvanland."

President Nightsong: "Well then... it seems that fate is having fun this week. Not only do we announce an expedition to re-discover the ancestral Kaltian homeland but now the Syrixians want to annex more land. Thank you for bringing this information to me."

Journalist Arius: "You're not going to act on it?"

President Nightsong: "I will." (turning to her security) "Escort Arius out of the building but make sure he is compensated for bringing this story here."

Security General Lavoi: "Of course ma'am. Is there anything else?"

President Nightsong: "Yes... send in Anthony."

Security General Lavoi: "Very well."

As security escorts Arius out of the building, Vice-President Stark enters the President's office.

Vice-President Stark: "You needed me Solveig?"

President Nightsong: "Yes... it looks like the Syrixians want to create a new protectorate."

Vice-President Stark: "Sounds like annexation..."

President Nightsong: "Pretty much... and because of that fact, we are not going to do anything."

Vice-President Stark: "It is because of Andalucia, isn't it?"

President Nightsong: "Exactly. Inform the other Council members of this decision as well as the Conclave, the Assembly and Ardal Tri."

Vice-President Stark: "Of course. Anything else?"

President Nightsong: "You could pray for fate to stop throwing us curve balls this week..."

Vice-President Stark: "Heh... If that happened, life would become pretty boring."

President Nightsong: "That it would, that it would..."
"Sir, the Syrixians are trying to annex Rhuvanland."
"Can't they take no for an answer?"
"They claim that they had permission from the Rhuvish."
"Pah! Lies! Send out a message demanding their immediate withdrawal from this new protectorate of theirs."
"Anything else?"
"Send one of our agents to the Rhuvish capital immediately with a message. Get the message to the Rhuvish leaders that we, not Syrixia, offer the best chance of long-term success as a nation. And tell them that we will protect them should Syrixia lash out against them."
"I shall dispatch an agent immediately, sir."
(OOC: I'm a bit pissed at Myroria and Nebula right now, as this was supposed to be an announcement and not a full-on RP, but I'm gonna go with it.)

It is the afternoon of April 28th, 2015, when the Rhuvish Supreme Council receives the communicate from Floresque. Helmuth Albrecht, Speaker of the Rhuvish Supreme Council, is furious. It seems the rest of the Rhuvish are furious as well, as massive quantities of citizens are protesting, holding anti-Floresque signs. Naturally, though, the Speaker remains calm and steps out to address his people. "My people," he says, "I'm sure you all know about the recent communicate from the government of the Floregasque Republic, and by the looks of it, you all appear to be just as mad as I am." At that remark, the Rhuvish cheered and yelled in agreement. Then, the Speaker continued, "We are going to send Floresque a little message to tell them to back off from Syrixia. Starting now, that is. This is recording, I believe." he paused and then continued, "They are another nation far away from both Rhuvanland and Syrixia, and have NO right to make such inflammatory comments when they do not know the true state of affairs!"

Albrecht continued further. "Was there an opposition?" he said, to which the Rhuvish people replied YES. "Was the percentage of voters for protectorate status suspiciously precise or simply the work of a very good election commission?" he said, to which the Rhuvish again replied YES. "And are the Syrixians OUR LORDS? Are they a MERCANTILIST EMPIRE? Or are they just seeking what we are seeking, and are choosing to help us, bring back our economy, and help their own at the same time? They are not our lords, they are HELPFUL, COMPASSIONATE PEOPLE willing to protect a nation that until recently was in TURMOIL!" at this point the Rhuvish were cheering so loudly in agreement the cries could be heard faintly from a few miles away.

Meanwhile, in Syrixia, a similar uproar was occurring and a similar speech, also recorded, was being issued from Parliament Hall by Shaw Atlas, the Syrixian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture. "The Rhuvish people are completely fine with being part of a protectorate! We know that for sure, it's clear as day; and from the looks of it, you are too, am I right?" he said, to which the Syrixian citizens replied YES. "And since when are your tax dollars going into what the Floregasque government calls a colony? Do they realize that in the grim world of politics there are actually good people who want to help another good people, and these people share many similarities? Your tax dollars are NOT going to Rhuvanland! Look at your bills! You won't find a single Rhuvish ANYTHING!"

And this was true, and the people cheered. "I have always respected Floresque for their beautiful culture and their kind people. Hell, that's my job, for which you all elected me to take up!" he continued. "But when I see things like this, it OFFENDS me. Plain and simple. And who said the talks were private? They were on live TV! Lots of you probably saw them!" At this, many of the Syrixians cheered. "And concerning their critique of Rhuvish legislature, Rhuvanland is a democracy! As is Syrixia! Both countries' elections are free and open and both countries' political freedom rates are currently ranked EXCELLENT on the INTERNATIONAL SCALE! And, while I am fond of Floregasque culture, I am appalled that the nation criticizing Rhuvanland's legislature happens to be run by one family! An oligarchy, plain and simple!" to this, many Syrixians cheered.

"So, on behalf of the people of Syrixia, and as I am sure the Rhuvish are sending a similar message following this inflammatory message, (OOC: They are) I send this message to Floresque." he paused. "Please, good sirs and madams, check in detail the points of view of both Rhuvanland and Syrixia concerning Rhuvish protectorate status. We are not at all demanding they praise us as lords, we are merely taking a nation that was in turmoil under our wing and nurturing it back to health! Ask any Syrixian, they will most likely agree! Ask any Rhuvanlander as well, they will most likely also agree! Of course there were oppositions, but the general consensus in both nations was for Rhuvish protectorate status! Syrixia is disgusted by the inflammatory and incorrect comments of Floresque!"

The Syrixians cheered one last time before Minister Atlas re-entered the building. Meanwhile, back in Rhuvanland, the Supreme Congress had convened an open, publicly-viewed meeting concerning what to do about the Nebulan message. This one would be easier to reply to, since the Nebulans, at this point, had a reputation of being greedy and untrustworthy following their military actions against Balamb in attempt to puppetize the government of one of their closest allies.
Syrixian Assault on Freedom?
Editorial Andulan Nexus-Daily
by Tilis Alera, Senior Editor for Foreign Events

International - Today the Syrixian and Rhuvish Governments came to an unexpected agreement allegedly bringing the Rhuvisti People directly under the influence of the Syixian Government. Making it one of the largest and most questionable moves by a government in recent days.

In response to this the Andulan Government issues a very swift and harsh response. In an almost unprecidently decision 61 out of the 74 Administrators and sponsored by Director Odina himself. Syrixian Diplomates in Andulus have been labeled "Persona non Grada and ordered to leave Andulan Territory within 72 hours or face forced deportation.

This move was followed by roughly a dozen different bills entering the queue for the rest of this week with ranging topics from the ability of Syrixian Citizens to obtain Visas, and the legality of Dual Andulan-Syrixian Citizenship to a review of any trade deals between Andulus and Syrixia. The First, Second, Third, Sixth, and Seventh Circles are due to make ruling on these by the end of the week, but with public opinion quickly turning on Syrixia in Andulus the outcome seems certain. Though the amount of bills entering the docket has also triggered and automated Eighth Circle Judicial review.

It's clear from this reaction of the Andulan Government that we should all be wary of the Syrixian and Rhuvish Officials. Especially with their touted up numbers that would make some dictatorships approval rating seem legitimate coupled with their almost violent reaction to criticism by other nations.

My the Way guide us to the truth.
Diana sighed, she was unhappy with Rhuvanland and what Syrixia was doing, it was annexation. A small amount of her crimson hair fell from behind her ear. Syrixia had twisted their finger around the few people that controlled the nation to bring it into their control, to affect it's people because they're unable to say no. Syrixia was powerful, just like Cronaal, like many other nations.
"Banks, this is awful news. Do they expect us to lie dormant whilst they take Rhuvanland's resources to benefit themselves and none else." Diana asked her brother-in-law with a dead, empty tone. The sun gleamed through the window. Banks stared ad the paperwork at Diana's hands for a short moment and then looked back up, facing Diana herself. He pushed his hand into his silver hair and began to speak.
"They do. Ma'am." He replied.
"I'm sending someone." Diana commanded, aiming it towards Banks.
"Diplomate or Spy."
Banks cocked his head, he felt Diana was taking this situation a little furthe than it had to be but he would not argue, Diana was his queen. Banks was her vassal.
President Solveig Nightsong was home enjoying dinner and watching TV, suddenly her phone rang...

President Solveig Nightsong: "Hello...?"

Verstand Riaditel Vardri: "Madame President... I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Solveig: "Verstand Riaditel... I was not expecting a call from the head of Ardal Tri tonight. What is going on?"

Vardri: "Remember Arius? He's the journalist who came by your office earlier today."

Solveig: "Of course I remember him... Why? Has something happened to him?"

Vardri: "No, no, no... He's fine. What I was calling was concerning the Syrixian situation he brought to your attention earlier."

Solveig: "Ah."

Vardri: "Yup... After Arius left, Anthony notified all of us about Syrixia. I had a small team from Sefydliad dispatched to monitor the situation."

Solveig: "Anything interesting turn up?"

Vardri: "Interesting is not the word I'd pick... This annexation is kicking up a hornet's nest in the international community."

Solveig: "Is it going to detract from our expedition to Andalucia?"

Vardri: "I see no reason why it should. I can put Oiche na Ruin X on standby and assign a few more Sefydliad agents."

Solveig: "Good thinking... a quick strike team if we need it. Though personally we should stay as far out of this situation as possible unless we absolutely must get involved."

Vardri: "Understood, I'll have Dyzir and Ranii come in tonight to oversee the intelligence operation with Sefydliad."

Solveig: "Very well. Have a good night Verstand Riaditel."

Vardri: "Goodnight Madame President."
Syrixia satisfies appetite
From the Daily Blag
Written by Kent Waheed

Yes folks, the rumors are correct. Syrixia just ate a country. Rhuvenland -- now the Protectorate of Rhuvenland is now a Syrixian colony.

The supreme congress issued a resolution in which they stated that 92.4 percent of the people supported this annexation. Why? Because politicians like making up numbers. That's why.

Anyway, much of the media has rightly condemned this international debauchery, much to the chagrin and annoyance of His Royal Travesty, Emperor Alfred of the House of Nursson.

The government of Rhuvenland (that is, the Syrixian backed puppet regime) is also quite irritated at the flying condemnations of the international community. Our rep. in the DU council brought this subject up for discussion, but no one is pay attention to him.

Syrixia has not released an official statement regarding the criticism of the international community, and they probably won't.

Conclusion: The regime is embarrassed.
Statement from the Parliament of Syrixia

Following international allegations of corruption and expansionism, we feel it is our mistake to have called Rhuvanland a protectorate in all literal senses. It is time to put this to rest. The Rhuvish and we, the Syrixians, have agreed to install a protectorate, yes, but this definition is inconsistent in some ways. "Protectorate" is defined as a state protected AND CONTROLLED by another state. We used this definition because it is the most similar to the condition in Rhuvanland however perhaps we should have been more specific. Rhuvanland has complete control over its government and both our and their peoples are prospering. Rhuvanland can be more or less compared to that of a newly reborn state, under the guidance of a mentor who is helping him to ensure he does not fail again.

This is not an act of imperialism, expansionism or mercantilism, nor was that ever intended. You can ask any Rhuvanlander or Syrixian; and they will most likely tell you that they support Rhuvish protectorate status. There was opposition, of course, and we allowed that opposition to protest Rhuvish protectorate status, but in the end the overwhelming majority in both nations was in support. We hope the good people of the North Pacific will understand what is really going on here; two peoples joining in friendship and people helping people. Send people to investigate. If you believe we are lying, you will see for yourselves, if you haven't already, that these allegations are incorrect.

We hope the governments of Kalti, Plembobria and Floresque will understand what is really going on here, and we hope that the fire in the air started by numerous editorials can soon calm down. However, we are disgusted with the government of Andulus for their swift and harsh reaction and request of them to launch an investigation and check their facts in the hopes that peace may reign again. It is with this we decree that what Andulus has decreed about Syrixians in Andulus will not be decreed for Andulans in Syrixia, who have just as many rights as anyone else.

We hope you all understand the true state of affairs and that these allegations are simply false. And again, if you believe this is a lie, we welcome investigators from your nations to see.
For The Attention Of Involved Parties

You may not know of who we are.

Let us remedy that.

Syrixian authorities have 72 hours to remove themselves from the lands of Rhuvanland.

Failure to do so will meet consequences.

This world is doomed.

Eden is fallen.

And we are it's Redeemers.​
(OOC: 1. Wtf. 2. Rhuvanland's position has been changed, I believe as Head Cartographer you out of all people should be aware of this.)
Declaration 2354 of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress: Inquiry on the Identity of This Mysterious Group:

Declaration of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress

And who exactly are you? One; Syrixian authorities are not even in Rhuvanland, nor will they be as Rhuvanland is not an ABSOLUTE protectorate in literal definition. Two; you claim to say this world is doomed, but what we fail to understand is simply how you plan to back up these claims? What is your arsenal? What are you going to "redeem Eden" with? As it stands, until we figure out what we're dealing with here, Rhuvanland will not stand down from these grim threats. Failure to comply by answering our inquiries will not warrant good results.

-Helmuth Albrecht, Speaker of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress
The Aussenministerium (Foreign Ministry) of the Kannexan Imperial Reich has issued a statement urging Syrixia to respect the national sovereignty of Rhuvanland.

"Das Kannexische Kaiserreich maintains its adherence to a policy of respect for international law and the sovereignty of foreign nations and urges others to follow the same. Der Anschluss of Rhuvanland under dubious circumstances and questionable motives violates this precept and is unacceptable to the international order. We join the international community in strongly urging the authorities of Syrixia to remove themselves from Rhuvish territories."

The phrasing of 'authorities of Syrixia' bordered on insult; perhaps it was the slight of the hand, but the words of whichever Aussenministerium official wrote this suggested that Syrixia's government was illegitimate and were merely the "authorities" of that land.
We must beg to differ. The sovereignty of Rhuvanland is in no way being infringed upon. The reason we say Rhuvanland is not a literal protectorate of Syrixia is because we do not totally control them. We are merely guiding them out of the crisis that ended after the Rhuvish-Syrixian deal.

To be honest, we think we should be more concerned with the ominous threats made by these "Eden-redeemers".
National Intelligence Service Report

The Redeemers and Eden

The Following Is Classified As Top Secret DO NOT FILE ELECTRONICALLY. Subjects Have Shown Great Aptitude For Hacking Classified Systems.

Located less than 20 miles from Ghis Town are a series of former freighter ships and oil well, either lashed or welded together in order to make the Eden. The Eden was a project started by [bgcolor=#000]Cassius Marcus Petronius[/bgcolor], a billionaire from [bgcolor=#000]the August Empire[/bgcolor] to be an example of what could be achieved outside of government regulation and control, fully self sufficient with areas for growing food, raising animals and purifying sea water taking up over a third of what quickly became called the Floating City (alternatively the Glistening City due to the way the sun 'glistened' on the hulks for anyone looking out at the city from Ghis). The Leadership at the time allowed the project due to an ongoing review of long term post Event plans.

Within a year however, the Eden had began to devolve into factionalism and conflict. [bgcolor=#000]Petronius[/bgcolor] pulled his support on the advice of the Leadership and the Antagonist faction in the city quickly rose to power, either exiling or killing traditionalists or redeemers. Bodies washing up on Ghis beaches became a weekly event and concerns were lodged about the city by representatives from Kialga, Russian Republic and Kannex. The Leadership acted quickly.

Over the course of a month, Leadership forces working with Redeemers still left in Eden gradually took over food and water processing areas, before a strike team assaulted the Antagonist headquarters located on an oil platform to the far south-west of the city. Unbeknownst to our intelligence sources was the fact that the platform was still drilling and pumping for oil, albeit in a much smaller capacity than in the past. An explosion partially sunk 15% of the city, and the strike team perished in the assault. The Antagonist leadership however, was wiped out and remaining Antagonist forces were neutralised in a largely peaceful manner. Many were re-educated and used in the [bgcolor=#000]Infection[/bgcolor] Program.

The Leadership then had the problem of dealing with the Floating City and its population of as many as 5,000 according to an impromptu census taken in the aftermath of the assault. Most were relocated to the newer towns in the Nierr interior with high ranking or particularly ideological Antagonists or Traditionalists sent to detention centres in the Ghis mountains. In thanks for their help, the Redeemers - an extremist faction who take Dh'arconnist teachings and mix them with the works of environmentalist Ickbar Kel - were given the system after a triple re-vote among the Leadership finally broke a series of ties over whether or not to demolish or destroy the city.

The Redeemers repaired as much of the city as they could and sought to turn it into the Eden that Kel writes about in many of his works - a self sufficient, non-environmentally damaging settlement. The turn around was startling to many who thought the hulks would eventually break apart and be decommissioned - instead the Eden floated naturally within currents of Ghis territorial waters before being required to settle 19 miles south of Ghis Town. Today the Redeemers still run the city, which serves as a training ground for their own security forces and well as environmental activists and advisers, who aid both the Leadership and other nations and companies around the region.

The strength of Redeemer forces should not be underestimated, whilst they seem to lack an air power presences intelligence suggests several anti-air batteries on the Eden itself, and they maintain a naval shipyard on a private island that shows a navy that is at least a carrier group in size. Any attempt by the Leadership to diminish or even remove entirely the Redeemers from Eden would be long and costly. [bgcolor=#000]Recommendation is to use and control them as a outward player committing actions we would rather not commit openly.[/bgcolor]
Section 7E
The Eden

"??????!" Came the order and the 45 jumped up from their prostration on the floor. Senior Redeemer Kallosk stalked upon the upper catwalk of the hold, pronouncing the Redeemers code that they had learnt by heart since they were children.

"We stand for the protection of this Earth and its Eden."

"?????????!" The 44 moved into a defensive poses, bayonets attached to rifles. Too long in the awkward position could damage muscle and caused intense pain but the 45 were the best and none showed their discomfort.

"We show fortitude against those who would oppose our mission."

"??????!" Another pose now, less painful, more intent on the enemies they imagined were there. A low growl of anger seemed to emanate through some of the men, echoing around the chamber, before silenced under their sergeant's severe gaze.

"We struggle because no one else will. We struggle because talk and negotiations have failed."

"?????!" This time there was no low growl, no suggestion of noise. The 45 roared as they moved into a final pose, ready to fight and die for their mission.

"And we kill because to not kill for the Eden would contribute to kill the Eden." Redeemer Kallosk paused in the middle of the catwalk, appraising the 45. "You are the best we have trained. Those who will lead the others. You 45 will command our forces in the coming battles, winning our wars and saving the Eden." They roared again and Kallosk raised his hands for quiet, which came almost immediately.

"It does not end with Syrixians. This is the final task in your training. End these and you will be ready. End these and Eden will rise." Kallosk turned and left then, ready to report to his NIS paymasters that finally, the 45 were ready.
"Is this conversation encrypted?" said the Prime Minister, Alfred Nursson. The Minister of Defense, Auel Vist, looked at him with a confident expression. "Yes. The microphone recording this conversation will be locked away in a secret location. With that said, I believe we should begin." he said. "Sure." Nursson replied. "This conversation, Minister Vist, has to do with the Eden Redeemers. They appear to have a sizable force, but with the information provided to us by the Nierran government, we should be able to bomb and burn their bases if they make an offensive against us. Our military is vastly superior than this simple order, so if we can find them we have this in the bag." Nursson paused. A stressed expression was on his face, probably due to the events transpiring in the last few weeks.

Then, Minister Vist turned and said, "That's the trouble, though. Finding them. These people can be equated to terrorists, threatening and destabilizing the peace in Rhuvanland. We have taken the liberty of giving them guidance; we need to protect them. We have them our word and signed a deal." To this, Nursson replied, "Of course we will help them. After all, if we didn't we'd be a failed state, and one of liars. A Syrixian does not lie, does he?"
Wolfsea currently has two protectorates, both of which are seeing vast improvements to infrastructure and native defence forces. In one case our Protectorate status guaranteed democratic elections for the first time in twenty years. We believe Syrixia should have the benefit of the doubt in exchange for visible attempts to improve quality of life for the people of Rhuvanland.
Freighter Ship Arbus
Off the Coast of Rhuvanland

The Infection Program, Redeemer Kallosk reflected, was actually a good idea from the Leadership - for once. Following the fall of the Antagonist command of the Eden, the National Intelligence Service took many of the rank and file Antags and Traditionalists and re-educated them, inserting them into the Nierrese diaspora as sleeper agents, intelligence gatherers and just general useful hands to have on missions. It was one such former Antagonist who captained the Arbus, a freighter registered out of Rhuvanland's port authority. He was slightly apprehensive upon hearing he would be helping the Redeemers but obeyed orders quickly enough. Kallosk made sure he was never alone with communications equipment, just in case.

They had boarded way out to sea in international waters from another, smaller freighter, the last swap over in a series of similar movements that took them from Eden right to Rhuvanland itself. The Arbus was coming back from a shipping run and had made good time, which enabled it to make the diversion to take on the Redeemer troops. Redeemer Kallosk was in charge of the larger operation, consisting of 750 men in total. Kallosk's personal bodyguard would escort him to the compound they had sourced in Rhuvanland whilst the rest would take part in an initial assault on the port.

Senior Redeemer Kallosk sent a final encrypted message to his NIS handler, confirming earlier messages that they were ready. The Redeemer forces would load up into containers on the ship to prepare for the attack. Meanwhile, deep below decks, some of Kallosk's men made final preparations to the bomb that would sink the ship, blocking entrance to the port from the sea, and perhaps give the Redeemers the surprise they needed to successfully land in Rhuvanland.

Eden was rising, and the Redeemers would soon arrive.
Rhuvish Grand Marina
Capital Ward of Dunorion, Rhuvanland

Joint Rhuvish and Syrixian intelligence operations had, meanwhile, sent drones around all of Rhuvanland. The drones were painted to look like the sky and given special motors to ensure they didn't make any noise. While Rhuvanland had a rather diminutive military, Syrixia was able to back them by mobilizing quickly and sending a force of 2,000 men, with reinforcement call stations ready if needed. Rhuvanland was ready for an attack from what they deemed as terrorists. However, they were surprised when one of their drones saw Redeemer forces on the Arbus. In an instant, every soldier was marching out to the ports while an emergency broadcast had been released to the Rhuvish citizenry. Thousands of people were flocking to their houses, trying to get to safety. Nevertheless, the Arbus was surrounded.
"Sir, the situation in Syrixia is beginning to deteriorate. Conflict is growing closer."
"Bah! The Syrixians have been an issue for some time. How many ships can we spare for conflict?"
"Just five, sir, and 10,000 men. The rest are needed either here to protect our shores or standing by for deployment elsewhere."
"Send out an observation ship to the coast of Syrixia to monitor the situation."
"I'm not finished. Move five of our best ships to somewhere south of Guslantis. I want them ready to attack Syrixia on three-hours notice."
"Yes, sir."
Thomas Building
East Pigletville, GU

The fifteenth floor of the Thomas Building were buzzing with people as Minister Hall scanned the hallway for his visitor. Suddenly, the ping of an elevator was heard, and the doors opened. As the doors opened, Hall heard two sounds: the sound of soldier boots, and the clicking of high heels. The crowd parted for the guests, and Hall saw the woman he was expecting, NPTO Chairwoman and Minister of Human Services, Leah Charles. She was followed closely by Nancy Scottsfield wearing a blue NPTO beret and military uniform, and both were escorted by two more NPTO guards. The four made it to Minister Hall and he led them into his office and showed the women to a seat.

"Good afternoon, Madam Charles, welcome to East Pigletville, I hope your ride here was splendid," said Hall, jokingly as he poured one glass of white wine for himself. "White wine for either of you, freshly brewed from Miragea?" he asked, looking at Charles and Scottsfield. Scottsfield slowly nodded and Hall poured her a glass. "Any for you, Leah?" he asked again, handing Scottsfield her drink. "No, no. I don't drink," she said rather firmly, verbally pushing the offer back at Hall. "Fine then, suit yourself," he said, taking a sip from his wine and sitting down in front of Charles and Scottsfield. "Oh, you two can go, this is official Guslant business," he said to the guards, shooing them off. "Just because this is your Ministry's building does not mean that you have full authorization to excuse official government guards, Mr. Hall," said Leah, again, very firmly. "Leah, it's fine. Dan, Josh. Wait on the roof near the helicopter for further orders," ordered Scottsfield as the two guards left.

"Now, what do you want?" asked Leah, trying to figure out why she was called all the way from Augustus Town. "I want an official government stance," replied Hall, standing up. He proceeded toward the window as Leah replied. "I'm not in charge, Kyle. What do you possibly mean by that?" she asked, now confused. "Syrixia annexed a protectorate," explained Hall. "I understand. Rhuvanland, if I am correct," she interjected. "Did you also know that Syrixia is using them as a military capital?" asked Hall, angrily. "What? This can't be right. Syrixia would never become hostile...," objected Charles. Hall turned on the television behind Charles, and both women turned to see what was on it.

Soldiers in Rhuvanland were marching out to the ports, carrying weapons ready for combat. "Alicia reported this live feed to me early this morning, and I was not happy to see a nation devoted to peace do something like this. I want you to fly to Rhuvanland immediately, and I want this whole situation straightened out. We've never condemned a nation in region by Congress, and I wouldn't want Syrixia to be the first," said Kyle as the women watched in horror.​
Chambers of Defense, Parliament Hall
Balamb, Syrixia

It was around midday. As the soldiers of Rhuvanland were confronting the Eden-Redeemers in Dunorion, Auel Vist, the Syrixian Minister of Defense, sat in his office with a clerk, while reading of the Guslants' imminent visit to Rhuvanland. Auel was pleased, as this provided a chance that could end the Redeemer-Rhuvish conflict before it began. Of course, being the resourceful person he was, Vist jumped at the chance to attempt to contact Guslantis; and that he did. He turned to the clerk and beckoned him to wire the SyrNet to Minister Leah Charles of Guslantis. When Leah's face came up, he said, "Hello! Sorry about the surprise call, but I heard about your visit to Rhuvanland and wanted to have a brief conversation with you." He then paused and continued, "I've seen the reasons for your visit and I'd like to clear a few things up for you before you visit. Firstly, Rhuvanland is not truly a full protectorate, as they have near total autonomy. Syrixia is merely guiding them back to prosperity after their economic crisis. That said, after the deal was made, I must point out the reason Rhuvish and Syrixian soldiers are marching onto the ports of Dunorion: the Eden-Redeemers. In hindsight we're dealing with a terrorist organization here, who are also known extremists, and, as you probably know, have made threats against Rhuvanland, the nation we swore to guide and protect, as well as Syrixia itself. Thus, we'd like to enlist the help of Guslantis and possibly the NPTO Peacekeeping Forces to apprehend the Redeemers and negotiate with them. This would eliminate the last threat to Rhuvanland and life can return to normalcy. This would avoid a conflict."
This alien influence on Dunorion was choking the life out of it, Georg could see. Well-dressed suits walked around yapping with their peculiar Syrixian accents. Syrixian tourists lounging everywhere, smoking, treating this city as if it were their homeland. Rhuvish businesses were now replaced by Syrixians with their peculiar manners and smug faces. Rhuvishmen were now on the streets as beggars, while Syrixians took advantage of their poverty. Meine Stadt... mein schöne Stadt...

The Syrixians had long coveted this place, and now they held their prize. But Georg and the others would teach them Rhuvanland was not a prize to be held. That Rhuvanland, like a trout out of water, refused to be snugly held in their hands.

Heute kämpft das Rhuvische Volk.

It was a beautiful day. The white sun shone above, hanging with the waltzing white clouds in the azure sky. After the clock struck twelve, the sun slowly drooped in the firmament. But the air was still warm and the city lively. Buses drove and honked, their engines roaring as they passed by. Cars, some of which were owned by Syrixians, stopped before the red light as Georg walked across the street.

His target was well-known business building near downtown. Dressed in a unmemorable gray suit and holding a briefcase, he looked just like a Syrixian businessman -- the effect he was aiming for. His hair had been combed to align; his smile was that of a merchant's. Today he'd be selling something unusual to the occupants of this medium-sized business building.

The air of the lobby buzzed with chatter and the clatter of footsteps. Large glass walls bared all and hid nothing. Georg would have to find a small, hidden place. Twisting his thin, pink lips into a smile, he greeted the bored-looking security guard at the desk. He lifted the ID card strung around his neck. It was fake, of course, made from modeling on a stolen ID. The security guard's eyes lit up with interest for a microsecond as he checked Georg's card, then fell back to the smartphone on his desk.

Georg regarded the people whom he walked past, smiles all around. He could not afford to look suspicious now. Up the stairs he went, around the corner and down the hallway. He entered the men's bathroom. No one, at the moment. He took a stall and closed the door behind him, locking it. He opened his briefcase and set the bomb. It was set for five minutes. Even if it were discovered, there wouldn't be enough time to defuse it. Georg smiled, truly smiled now. He and his comrades had no demands. Well, none that could save the Syrixians and their running dogs in this building. In his mind -- the revolution started here.

Georg exited the building. He knew his comrades were doing the same elsewhere in the city, including near the Syrixian embassy. In two hours' time they planned, with a few dozen of their group, to march on the Rhuvish government buildings and protest the occupation. With help from foreign friends, they would rouse the people to take action. The Rhuvish revolution against the Syrixian occupiers would begin.
At Ardal Tri, Sefydliad and Oiche na Ruin were monitoring the situation developing in Syrixia and Rhuvanland. The monitors were not liking what they were seeing and placed a Code Sanguineo to Verstand Riaditel Vardri. Meanwhile, Verstand Riaditel Vardi was in his office when his secure internal line rang... he picked it up and listened to the pre-recorded call:

"This is a Code Sanguineo pre-record concerning Ionsaí and Coimhlint, the monitors are worried... What course of action must be taken?"

Vardri: (before responding swore under his breath) "Well shit, this situation could not possibly have deteriorated at a worse time..."

Vardri: (responding to the pre-record) "Page the Council, they need to be informed."

After receiving the page from Ardal Tri, the Council members were in the Estate building on a conference call with Verstand Riaditel Vardri.

Councilor Damien Holbach: "So Verstand Riaditel, I see you have a Code Sanguineo on your hand over there. What exactly happened?"

Verstand Riaditel Vardri: "Sir, in the past seventy-two hours, the situation in Rhuvanland has gone from bad to worse. There were threats given out by some group calling themselves The Redeemers from Eden. I have set Sefydliad to compile all known information we have on them."

President / Councilor Solveig Nightsong: "What do we know of them?"

Vardri: "Not much sadly. What little we do know is that they seem to be an organization with the intent of going up against the Syrixians."

Solveig: "Well that is a lofty goal. Are they terrorists? And how could they have the might to take on the Syrixians?"

Vardri: "Depends on your definition of terrorist. Honestly, it is possible that the Redeemers could take on Syrixia if they have the element of surprise and can mobilize faster."

Damien: "Well this is great... while Kalti is on the verge of learning more about Andalucia, we have Syrixia mixed up in a situation that is quickly melting down and blowing up in everyone's face."

Councilor Isaac Laux: "Tis the whims of fate. Regardless... we of the Council need to formulate a statement and stance."

Solveig: "I agree. And as much as I loathe to want to condemn the Syrixians, we need to take a stance."

Vice-President / Councilor Anthony Stark: "What about a pure public statement with the Kaltians taking no side as we are embroiled in the Andalucia expedition."

Issac: "It could work. I'll get to it now while everyone takes a two hour recess, meet back here and we can vote on it."

The Council members took their break and after two hours reconvened in the meeting room where Councilor Issac had drafted up a statement. After three rounds of voting and a few minor tweaks it was voted on unanimously and given to the President to send to the leaders of Syrixia.


To the parties involved in the ongoing Syrixian / Rhuvanland crisis:

We are deeply alarmed at the state of affairs in Rhuvanland and wish to see the crisis averted and brought to an end in a diplomatic and peaceful manner. While it is regretful that military troops have been deployed, we hope that peace will prevail and that loss of life can be prevented. While the Confederation of Kalti does not wish to get involved in the conflict due to an engagement in Andalucia, we have authorized a combined Sefydliad / Oiche na Ruin team to monitor. Furthermore, if need be and as a last resort, we will authorize sending the Kaltian Royal XX, XXI and XXII to intervene. The Council does not wish to take this course of action and would prefer sending a team of negotiators to mediate between the varying sides in the conflict.

The Council, Estate
Confederation of Kalti
"Sir, the situation in Rhuvanland is continuing to deteriorate. Terrorists have attacked Syrixian businesses in Rhuvanland and our ambassadors tell us that many nations are on the fence about whether or not to officially condemn Syrixia."
"Well, we'll probably be the first to do so. Inform the press and the international community that I intend to see Syrixian actions condemned. Hopefully the other nations see fit to follow suit."
"Are you sure, sir? This could lead to another war."
"Don't I know it. But the odds of Syrixia being in any position to do us wrong are not good, if the reports I've gotten are correct. I'll go give a speech proposing and advocating condemnation to the legislature. And one more thing: have Admiral Pontus bring his ships within 50 miles of Rhuvanland."
"Yes, sir."
A video, high-definition for its kind, appeared around the farthest corners of the internet, slowly emerging onto the fat surface of the popular web. It was picked up by Kannexan news agencies.

Now, not everyone in Kannex had full internet access yet, as the internet was rather new. Many Kannexans made passing use of it, when there were public computers as in libraries or WiFi in stores. Urban folk, with their new cell phones and personal computers, had begun their migration to the realm of the World Wide Web.

Among the active netizens were the Kannexan news organizations, Kannexan TV channels and newspapers. There was the Weiterburg Daily and the Tiamat Times; on TV there were numerous channels all itching for new world events to report. Such is the characteristics of a democratic society.

The video seemed curiously well-made. It looked professional, both in the use of theme music, to the introductory subtitles and the camera angles. The image of five men in military khakis and masks appeared. They were Rhuvish looking, of varying heights and sizes, but the man in front seemed to be the leader. He had eyes of steel and stood tall, steadying an AK-47 by his waist. He stared into the camera, and the others did the same.

"Wake up, Rhuvanland!

"Attention, all Rhuvishmen who love their country! Heed this call! The imperialist dogs of the Syrixian Reich desire to take over our beloved land, strip her of her wealth and power, violate her sovereign dignity, keep her people in abysmal poverty. Don't believe me? It is happening already!

"Syrixians roam our land, preying on our poor and weak. Syrixian corporations suck the money out of our country and funnel it back to the fat cats in their motherland. Syrixians bribe our government officials, so that their thievery and corruption goes unnoticed here!

"Now, the Syrixian Money-Empire's latest ploy is -- to turn our beloved, proud nation into a slave! A vassal! In the name of 'economic assistance', they will enslave us. Whipped and chained, forced to work at our master's bidding.

"But we will not accept this quietly. Already, brothers and sisters around Rhuvanland have arisen. We have arisen to warn the Rhuvish people of this danger, of this alien threat! People of Rhuvanland -- you are proud and brave. You are not afraid to fight. We have struck the first blow, and now it is up to you -- the people of Rhuvanland -- to finish the war! They may occupy us, they might bribe us government, they may harm us and wound us and even kill us, but we will never yield to the whip! With great justice, the people of Rhuvanland shall rise up and drive the Syrixians into the sea! All hail Rhuvanland!"
Another video surfaced shortly after. This appeared to be by different people; the camera quality was a notch below that of the first one. On the screen appeared a young woman in a business suit, with the Rhuvish flag behind her. She wore a serious, stern face behind her dark-rimmed glasses and she looked directly at the camera when she opened with, "We of the Rhuvish Freedom Party condemn the actions and messages of terrorists in our country. In the campaign to maintain our national sovereignty, we must take the course of nonviolence and peace. To kill is a serious sin. However, we maintain our position, as shared by most of the Rhuvish populace, that the Syrixians must withdraw their designs on Rhuvanland and respect the national sovereignty of Rhuvanland."
There had always been an opposition, as with many if not all political decisions any country makes, however this one was particularly terrifying to the Rhuvish majority. Various Rhuvish people such as CEOs, regular voting citizens, workers and more had met in a public convention hall to decide what to do. The opposition was in the minority, but unlike the issue of the Eden-Redeemers they all felt they had to cover this issue themselves, without Syrixian assistance. Syrixia, in Parliament assembled, accepted this request, meaning unlike the mutual threat of the Eden-Redeemers, Rhuvanland, by both Syrixian and Rhuvish consent, would have to face the Opposition alone.

Eventually, the committee met with people all across Rhuvanland who were against the Opposition and got their feedback. Of the 92% that were not Opposition members, 67% supported peaceful negotiations with the Opposition to find a midway. 22% supported the creation of an autonomous province or possibly an independent state for Opposition sympathizers in and out of Rhuvanland, and 2% supported military action against the Opposition. Naturally since the last option was not nearly at the support quorum and it was also quite barbaric, it was scrapped. The Committee, now known as the Citizens' Committee, met with the Supreme Congress and other branches of the Rhuvish government to discuss what should be done with the two remaining options.

In the end, it was agreed to combine them; the Rhuvish government and the Citizens' Committee would negotiate with the opposition leaders to find a midway. If no midway was found, talks would then switch to the topic of a possible autonomous province or independent state. The notion of an autonomous province would be proposed before that of an independent state. However, these switched talks would not be held if a midway was found. After having the deal settled and then brought through the public for vote, it was approved and attempts to contact the Opposition began.

The Opposition was mainly concentrated in West Rhuvanland and their base was a large bunker complex delved deep into Mount Monymia, the nation's tallest peak; and the complex was called "The Halls of Stone" aptly named since the Opposition had hyper-nationalistic, ultra-ultra-conservative views on Rhuvanland. The Citizens' Committee attempted to contact first, since the Rhuvish government itself was busy dealing with the threat of the Eden-Redeemers. The Committee leader, Dunorion librarian Agnes Liesel, dialed the Opposition's chief phone number and began to speak. "Hello?" she said. "This is Agnes Liesel. I'm a librarian in the city of Dunorion and the leader of the Citizens' Committee, a group of citizens who have decided to stand out for the people of Rhuvanland and, well, do such things as make the call I'm doing now. I'd like to offer negotiations with you so we could possibly try to find a midway, and if we can't, we have some alternatives we'd like to present. Is there a chance this is possible for you?"
The Conservative Party had viewed with alarm the events of the past few months. The party had strong backing in western Rhuvaland and its support was beginning to grow, albeit slowly. The minority that desired to protect Rhuvanland's dignity, they believed, was growing. Soon the people of Rhuvanland will wake and realize, thought Heidi Rhein as she sat in her desk.

There was little else to do. The leftist coalition in government had shut them out of negotiations, and now and then the Party organized protests, but always the government would not listen to the voice of the people. Perhaps they were too afraid. Rhein had respected the government folk, but this... she couldn't believe they would sell their country just like that. It made no sense to her.

The phone rang. It was Beatrice, her secretary. "Ma'am, a phone call for you." The line buzzed for a few seconds while the call was transferred.

Rhein put on her characteristic smile, the kind she used when talking to strangers. "Hi, this is the Conservative Party Speaker, Heidi Rhein, speaking." She listened to the so-called "Citizens' Committee" request. Another one of the leftists' hackjob clubs, Rhein thought. "Good afternoon, Ms. Liesel. Of what are we speaking?"
"We are speaking of negotiations with the conservatives of Rhuvanland." said Liesel. "While Rhuvish political ideology survey statistics show that most Rhuvish are liberal, hence the wide acceptance in Eastern Rhuvanland of the deal with Syrixia, there are also a large number of conservatives in the nation, particularly the one you head, that is growing in Western Rhuvanland. Thus, we would like to see if a midway can be found between the liberals and conservatives, and if one is not feasible we have a few alternative options for your consideration."

Liesel paused, and waited for a response from Rhein, hoping the proposal to host negotiations would be accepted. "Would this request for negotiations be alright with you?" she said.
Heidi Rhein was still perplexed. Liesel was going about it the roundabout way, perhaps another of their tactics. The Conservative Party had earlier denounced the violence; they were unaffiliated with the militant groups and although they observed the situation with concern, they could do little about it. The leftist government isolated them from the reins of power.

"Yes, but of what will we be speaking about?" Rhein asked impatiently. Liesel was not very clear in her request. Another, more important question popped up in her hand. "And your Citizens' Committee -- who in the government authorized you with negotiating power?"
The room was dark. This suited the men (and women) sitting in chairs around a table that neither could see, but was actually quite expensive and made of ebony.
"So. You have something to propose to me?" said a voice. It was deep and smooth, carrying no emotion whatsoever.
"Yes," said a second voice. It was soft, but had a certain hiss to it. "My boss has sent me here with a proposition for you."
"Well, then, let's hear it," said a third voice. This voice implied a certain opulence about its owner.
The second voice cleared its throat. "The Nebulan government, as you know, does not have the best relationship with Syrixia. Both governments have viewed each other with suspicion ever since the Old Empire collapsed and The Watching Nebula rose from the ashes. Our government has a need to make Syrixia look weak. This has doubled since our embarrassing defeat in their civil war. So now we need to do them as much of an inconvenience as possible. And their difficulties with annexing Rhuvanland have given them the opportunity to pull ahead of Syrixia."
There was a pause, ended by the sound of the third voice saying, "Go on."
The second voice continued. "Another one of the Nebulan government's interests at the current time is expanding both our borders and our influence. This means that our interest in various civil wars and revolutions is, as you might expect, considerable. We have a vested interest in the rise of a pro-Nebulan Rhuvish government."
The third voice snorted derisively. "That won't happen. Bloody socialists. I tell you, we won't have any of tha-"
His voice was cut off abruptly as an agent standing in the darkness, at a sign of the first man, grabbed the third man's mouth. He struggled for a moment, then slid quietly to the floor as the ether-soaked rag in the agent's hand slowly took effect.
"Continue," said the first voice, as if nothing had happened.
The second man gulped. "The Nebulan government would, for a certain amount of influence in an independent Rhuvish or West Rhuvish government, be willing to give secret aid to West Rhuvish rebels."
"As stupid as the fool who's now on the floor may be, he has a point," a fourth voice, filled with calculation, noted. "Our interests are in setting up a capitalist government, in which the interests of ...certain people are put above others."
"Indeed," said the first voice. "You must understand the issues that this arrangement would create. Is this all you came to say?"
The second man broke into a sweat. The way the question had been phrased indicated that his long-term survival prospects were entirely dependent on the answer to that question being no. He desperately racked his brain for ideas that could get him out of this room alive.
And then he hit an idea.
"No," he said to the room. "Keep in mind that a right-wing government is not the only way to maintain control over a country or territory. A communist state would serve you just as well."
There was a pause, filled with distaste, but a bit of curiosity floated on the brim, and slowly spread its way to the room at large.
"How?" said the first voice sharply.
"Well, the setup of a communist oligarchy would-"
"It wouldn't work, I'm afraid," said the fourth voice. "Communism just wouldn't work here. I feel that a fascist state-"
"Shut up," snapped the first voice. "Continue, Nebulan."
"A communist oligarchy would suit your situation well, I think," said the second voice carefully. "It would allow you to not only keep the people under your control, but also too poor to overthrow you. Then you could control the wealth and power from the shadows, with democratically elected leaders who in reality are puppets. And if they ever become trouble, then all it takes is sending a few assassins after them, and then blaming it on rebels. You could control the country. That way, you'd have support from the socialist governments of TNP without having to worry about the sort of difficulties that fascist states run into."
There was another pause as everyone tried to get their heads around the concept.
"Ye-e-es," said the first voice slowly. "That might work. But we have a more immediate issue."
"Which is?" said the second voice.
The fourth voice interrupted. "The East Rhuvish want to parley. They want a peaceful end to the crisis. Those soppy liberals actually want to be a part of Syrixia. This leaves us with some issues."
"Exactly," said the first voice. "We could control a united Rhuvish government. But as a Syrixian protectorate? We'd not be able to maintain any power under their thumb."
"I see your problem," said the second voice thoughtfully. "I will consult with my superiors. We can push for an independent Rhuvish state, or two Rhuvish states if that's what you want, or a Rhuvish protectorate and a Rhuvish communist oligarchy."
"The latter would, I feel, be optimal," said the first voice. "That way everyone gets what they want. The Syrixians get their land. The Rhuvish liberals get their Syrixia. The Rhuvish conservatives get their oligarchy. The Nebulans get their influence. Everyone wins."
"Is that all?" said the second voice.
"Yes," said the first. "Agent Brian will escort you out."
A meaty hand clapped down upon the second man's shoulder. He stood and, being led by Agent Brian, walked into the antechamber, where he was blindfolded, turned in circles, and taken to a car.
Meanwhile, back in the conference room, all heads had silently turned to the first man. The fourth voice gave words to the underlying question: "Can we trust him?"
The first voice hesitated before speaking, but only for a moment. "I think that if our dream is to be achieved, we will need Nebulan support. But a communist state? Never. Communist in name only, I think."
"Good." The fourth voice sounded relieved, as though a weight had been let off of his chest. "I was a bit worried about that."
"The Supreme Congress themselves, Mrs. Rhein." Liese replied. "The Citizens' Committee was formed about a week ago from a group of concerned citizens from all backgrounds; homeless beggars, corporate CEOs, schoolteachers, surgeons, and librarians such as myself. Our goal was to act as a force of peace between the liberal Rhuvish government and the conservatives such as yourself. I was elected as leader and I requested of the Congress that we negotiate with you. They held a vote and approved our request, and here I am. Now then, pertaining to what I would like to specifically negotiate about; there is a very clear split between the East and the West in Rhuvanland. As you know, the West is very conservative, and the East very liberal. We have two propositions. One; West Rhuvanland could be given autonomy under Rhuvish sovereignty, or two; West Rhuvanland could become an independent conservative state. Either plan would be beneficial due to the sharp divide between East and West. Any thoughts or other proposals?"