Sure, that'll be perfect. This RP as already said is laid back, so it can pretty much anywhere. I will post later today the Nasanian Response(the government is sometimes slow in reaching a decision).Guslantis:Would you like Guslantis to help? You mentioned area close to us, so I don't know if you want intervention.
Understood, these pirates strength at the moment is not fully determined. The smaller ones use quick speedy ships to raid the vessels. This new batch are kinda bold in taking the ship, but then again the crew was less than.. er....resistant. There are rumours of a very large(and rich) pirate navy in the area too that operates much like a government does, paying people off to avoid capture and such. The story will involve at least one government giving them safe harbor and support.Andulus:Note: The Andulan Government maintains two Fleets that patrol areas directly out of Andulan and Ertolian Territorial Waters. The largest of which is a 50 ship fleet that patrols Andulan and DU trade routes between the waters of Guslantis, Nierr, Imperium Augustum, Aurora Orb and Archegnum. And the smaller of which is a 28 ship fleet that patrols trade lanes between Nierr, Guslantis and Andulus.
Glad to hear it! Let's get this started!Nebula:Sounds good to me.
I'm in for sure.