Plembobria-Ceretis History

Most of them successfully managed to flee to either Ceretis, Tomb or Plembobria, some of them became integrated in the nearby tribes, although a few of them died in the wilderness.
During the existence of the Kingdom of Plembobria (1799-onward) we would have accepted political refugees. I suppose that could have been the inspiration for this clause of the Plembobrian Declaration of Rights and Liberties:

All innocent Persons, fleeing Oppression, Tyranny, Slavery, or other poor Treatment in any other Nation, who shall flee to this Kingdom, shall be accepted, and granted full protection of the Crown;

1) When was your founded/unified? What was before that; small clans/states, or was it all founded at once?
2) What would your nation's reaction be to both the Coup of Despotoa and the Great Xentheridan revolution?
3) When would diplomatic relations be started? Would there have been any before the coup, or for more brutal regions, during the Despotoan Era?
4) Would there have been any co-operation before/after the coup? Support in small conflicts (such as against the remnants of
The history of Plembobrian unification is here.

I think we would have maintained neutrality here.

I don't think Plembobria was interested in close relations with Despotoa.


Plembobria, since we both have royal houses, is there any connection between our royal families?

Also, Xen, you have royalty as well. Are there any connections?
See this thread.
I'll say this, not long after the establishment of the Kingdom, Egbert would have sent a diplomat bearing a letter to your nation's leader, requesting formal recognition, and assistance in legitimizing his rule. How he or she reacted is up to you.
By the sounds of this it held reasonable stability. We would have sent envoys to observe (secretly) that the government is as it seems, and most likely very shortly given official recognition and initial support to Egbert. After observing that his regime did not become like the Dynasties, we would have granted further support.

For the most part the new government defined "citizen" as a person born within the boundaries of Plembobria. I would say some native Plembobrians might have entered Ceretis during the war, just to get away from the fighting. It's also tenable that, before the war, many slaves would have ran away to Ceretis. If, of course, Ceretis would have them. The government would have held these people to be entitled to certain rights.
I would expect that there would have been some native Plembobrians that would have left during the war for Ceretis or Tomb. Also slavery is/was illegal in Ceretis and I'd imagine that'd have been quite attractive for slaves. We would have allowed them to enter as any immigrant, through the INS centers. There would be no restriction placed on Plembobrian slaves or citizens returning to Plembobria if they desire. Ceretis remains with an open immigration policy with minor restrictions (e.g. security, disease, etc) and allows free travel with certain restrictions (e.g. security, etc.) I'd expect some may desire to return as they were only here because of the war. However I'd expect some may have either decided to permanently stay or may stay due to having built a life they don't want to uproot.
This all seems reasonable.
At some point between 1710 and 1715 the Esplandian King Edwin the Black married the Grand Duchess of Tver which would have obligated Edwin to fight on behalf of Tsar Pascal. Was there anything going on after that point that would have required Esplandian aid?
I don't object to adding in Xen if you don't Plem. (Could be interesting.)

I was thinking that it's possible the war between Ceretis and Frithia could have started around 1734 as a series of skirmishes and raids by Frithia into Ceretian territory. These raids would have been to test the Ceretian military as well as provide resources for Frithia's Dynastic era war machine. The raids would have been contained to the border lands and towns. By about 1762 the situation might have become more of a serious threat changing from minor border raids to a military incursion.

I can picture that this might have taken an serious and sudden turn if there was an attack on say Iemso. The city was the western most major city of the kingdom at the time, and is the Oblast (state/province) capital.
I like the idea of the Northern League as a proxy sparking conflict in Frithia.
I could see Ceretis NOT continuing the Frithia campaign after seeing the underground Northern League growing in strength. This would have eased fears of continued conflict. This and maybe the additional concerns of Pyr becoming involved. Maybe there is some sort of natural defensive position along the current border? (This could be another/additional reason the advance stopped.)

If Xen is included:
It's also possible that some time around 1775 Despotoa (Xentherida) and Pyr may have become allies and began threatening the safety of Ceretis leading to a cessation of hostilities with Frithia. The threat may have been two pronged, at Pyr and south Ceretis. At this point the Ceretian army and navy may have set themselves into a defensive posture and solidified the hold on the lands they took from Frithia. They would have also strengthened the border defenses along the Despotoa border. I know Despotoa did not come up to the Ceretian border at this time, but there may have been troops sent by Despotoa to the border as well as navy battles. As well as possible skirmishes with Pyr and Despotoa on land and sea. This could be a reason no further assistance was given at the time of unification for Plembobria, as we'd have been occupied.
Actually I this comes up rather quickly in the KRC timeline after the Esplandian King Edwin the Black married the Ceretian Grand Duchess of Tver.

After a coup in 1754, in which the elected PARTY NAME Party overthrew the King John IV with the support of the public, when he closed parliament to be able to create his own laws, they declared a republic and made several changes to the infrastructure of Xentherida, including the name of the nation. A vote was held, but while the most popular choice was "Despotoa" - which was a joke regarding the nation's freedom at the time, as Xentheridans found it humorous to mock the incredible freedom they had, by saying that the nation was under the control of a despot - the second-most popular choice, and most sensible choice was "Aterkom". The capital was also shifted from Blackwater City to Aridia, located in the middle of Xentherida.

However, as time progressed, many freedoms were revoked. First, under the guise of patriotism, were the racist anti-foreigner laws instated in the 1760s - Xentheridans believed that their country was theirs, and welcomed these changes. In the 70s, under the guise of national protection, national conscription was enabled, which lead to the massive conquests in the 80s, to claim lands that were supposedly originally Aterkomian. After beginning to lose national support, other political parties were outlawed. The known members of the Royal Family were executed at the start of the 90s, but the beginning of the secret police at that time prevented dissent. Military spending increased rapidly in 1798, as Aterkom continued to attack its neighbours, such as Tomb, Callaici and Ceretis.


On September 1 1844, after a dissenter was publicly executed after being tortured, the city of Cosonia erupted into protest, and in response, the police forces there were ordered to shoot into the crowd, causing yet more outrage. Seizing this opportunity, the New Xentherida Organisation (NXO) set plans into effect, plans which had been constructed over three decades. Using the anger at the shooting, they motivated Cosonia and Blackwater City to repel police forces from the city, as citizens overcame their fears of torture and execution to pick up weapons and fight against Aterkomian authorities in the cities, and even with some police officers who had defected to the rebels. With this support, other cities, such as Marcadia, Suva, Veldania and Corden freed themselves from the oppression within hours of Blackwater's rebellion. Within two days, all Xentheridan cities, save for Aridia, had rebelled. Soon enough, however, the Aridian citizens rose up, and the combined, united nation banded together to attack the government buildings.

This is my information copied from my factbook, at the request of Ceretis. However, I need something more shocking than a public execution to stir up protest - at the time of the 1840s, they were doing worse stuff than that. It's likely to change.

Additionally, I need more things that Aterkom can do from 1798 - 1844. I was considering a secret purge of any foreigners, which could be leaked out, which in turn would fuel wars with other nations, further increasing military expansion and annexation.