Secretary of State office, Ceretis


Of air and darkness
Welcome to the Office of the Secretary of State for The Kingdom Republic of Ceretis.

If you would like to discuss any political matters with Ceretis, and have an embassy in our nation, our door is always open, feel free to discuss your interests.
If you do not already have an embassy in Ceretis, we would be glad to have your nation represented. You can find the application here.

Raymond Reddington,
Secretary of State; Ceretis
That can be arranged. You request will be processed within the next 24h.

Raymond Reddington,
Secretary of State; Ceretis

To the government of Ceretis,

It is with great earnest that we request the immediate withdrawal of the Kingdom Republic of Ceretis from the Helmabine Alliance.

Though it may seem that the alliance is a force for good, it is not. Helmabine, since its foundation has been nothing more than an organization through which the government of Syrixia may maintain military and diplomatic hegemony over its neighbors.

Syrixia's erratic aggression is a matter of deep concern for the Kingdom of Plembobria, as well as much of the region. In the event of large-scale war, our two great nations may find ourselves bound to opposite sides, without any disagreement among us.

We are afraid to maintain close relations with Helmabine members. Your government's withdrawal from Helmabine will allow closer relations between the Kingdom Republic of Ceretis and the Kingdom of Plembobria. Therefore, we must once again implore you, leave the Helmabine Alliance.

In the spirit of harmony,

Darren Crowly, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Plembobria

King Tozian, King of Plembobria