"Oh, god. This is a disaster..." said Alfred Nursson, Syrixia's Prime Minister, after putting down the Balamb Chronicle article he was reading. "Even the Executive Cabinet is divided. I'm a democrat; John, I know you're a centrist, Shaw and Auel are nationalists, et cetera."The Balamb Chronicle- Main Article- 3/29/14:-THE BALAMB CHRONICLE-
BREAKING- A socialist protest has sprung up recently on the streets of Balamb. While it was peaceful and no one was hurt, the protest definitely helped bring an important issue to the forefront awareness of our government. Syrixia has never organized its Parliament into parties, on the principle that political parties cause decisions to be made more slowly and that debates between the parties will undoubtedly be the subject of scandals in the tabloids. Parliament is divided on the issue due to differing political ideals, which some protesters from various ideologies say is a testament to the need for political parties.
In the past there have been protests in various major cities of Syrixia, such as the Nationalists' protests on the streets of Stonessfurd in 2013, and various statements made by Syrixia's centrists, as well as numerous socialist protests in small cities. Political critics say that Syrixia may fall apart if the government does not address the issue soon. However, the government itself has declined to comment...
Alfred was privately discussing the issue in his office with his Deputy Prime Minister, John Sirus, who replied "I agree. That's why I think political parties are necessary. But I do agree, as you said, it's a disaster. It'd require the upheaval and reorganization of our Parliament. It can be done, but it would practically change our government forever."
"So what we have to do, first, is stop the protests, calm everyone down, and then work out an efficient way to create political parties in the Parliament without messing too much up in the organization department." said Nursson. "How are we going to do that, and how are we going to do that quickly? If this keeps up, who knows? There may be a multi-sided civil war or something of the sort!"
Both men sighed, and suddenly Sirus jumped, with an idea fresh in his mind. "Sir, I have an idea. Let's enlist the help of the international community! Perhaps the NPTOPF and/or other allies can help us!" he said.
"That would be a fine idea, and I will definitely see to it that we work with our allies in finding a solution, however I think we should remember, this is our problem. Let us lead the way in stopping it." Nursson replied.