ARCHIVED: Expansion of Xentherida


Due to a steadily increasing population, Xentherida has decided to expand into unclaimed, unsettled land. Plans are for multiple major cities to be built both inland and on the coast, and for a large industry to be created. There are also plans for agricultural areas. However, a minimal amount of the environment will be affected, and with the preservation of wildlife being one of our main aims. Other ideas are for ports on the central lake of the continent, as so to establish shipping routes with northern Ceretis and Orogen, thus increasing the economies of all three nations via increased exports, and producing wealth in the port regions of each nation.

Should any natives be living there-although this is highly unlikely- will be given a rather vast reserve in which they are able to live their lives undisturbed. Native reserves will be well protected, and should they be disturbed, the disturber/s will face heavy penalties; this includes racism.
These natives will also be given free vaccinations from any diseases they may have never experienced, that may cause a pandemic. They will also be perfectly welcome to join the cities/towns, although will be given education about such things. However, they can not be forced to join the rest of Xentheridan populace.

Should any nations have any protests or questions, these will be answered/corrected.

Original territory is in a dull red, and territory of which is to be expanded into is in bright red. No advanced have been made into any other nations. The border is a presumption that Orogen's map claim is accepted and instigated. The annexation will take approximately 2 days to be in place. If any native tribes are discovered, they will be informed of such events, although the annexation of land, ultimately, will have a small effect on them.
The Council has reviewed the proposed plans on the expansion of territory for Xentherida. Pending the treatment of any native tribes is conducted in a fair and just manner, my fellow ministers and I find no issue with this and you shall have the backing and support of the Kaltian Estate.

Minister Issac Laux
Department of Foreign Affairs
Council, Kaltian Estate
The Nebulan Emperator and the Inner Council have discussed the expansion of Xentherida, reaching the following conclusion:
"We cannot find anything of fault with the plans for expansion. However, we will be closely monitoring the actions of Xentherida from our satellite in orbit, and will intervene if we do not approve of the actions of Xentherida."

Indica Polonate
Chair of the Inner Council
Twelve hours into the expansion, the coastline has been secured. Construction crews are creating a border starting at the coast, and steadily increasing inland. As of yet, no tribes have been discovered, although the discovery of tribes will become more likely as the border is secured further inland.

Should any tribes be discovered, hazmat teams will enter the village-as so not to give natives any diseases- informing them of the annexation, and giving each of them vital vaccinations. The medical teams will stay with the tribes for three days, until the vaccinations can be in place in the immune system. Should any native react poorly with the vaccination (i.e. if their body rejects the immunisation), they will be closely monitored and treated by the medical teams. Each and every native will also be given Xentheridan citizenship.

There will be no trouble communicating, as tribal languages very similar; in fact, Xentheridan English (aside from being from England) was actually born from the tribal languages, and modified only very slightly. Each native will be told the complete and utter truth as to the events occurring.

Also, they will be allowed a reserve that is triple the size of their hunting grounds; it will be illegal for any Xentheridan civilian to enter these places. However, inside these reserves will be small towns, each complete with a hospital, food storage (for the natives) and delivery areas (for items such as medicine, water purification and food).

The establishment of towns and cities is well underway, with immense built-up funding having financially secured this project. Estimated cost of the expansion is W$7 trillion, but with funding built up. Annual income from taxes is (as of a population of 617 million, average income of W$75,607 and a tax rate of 74%) is an estimated W$35 trillion, although the government expenditure is W$27.1 trillion. Funding required for this event has taken three months.

Finally, Xentherida thanks any nations who support this annexation, and hope we can gain the support of any who are wary. We also state that the treatment of natives will be honest and just and fair.
Halfway into the two day expansion, 75% of the expanded land has been secured, and a border has been successfully built from the coastline to the edge of the first lake. Three tribes have been discovered, and medical supplies are on the way. They are currently being informed as to what's happening, although a vast majority seem mildly unperturbed.

Across the large bay in the coast, multiple port towns are close to completion. Plans are for trade routes to be established between Xentherida and other coastal countries, creating vast amounts of wealth in these regions. The main port is known as "Port Mylon" which is to be larger than the docks and port of the capital, Blackwater City.
Three quarters of the way into the expansion, and all of the land has been secured. Just over 78% of the border has been completely built.

A total of 5 tribes were discovered, three of which have all been vaccinated against diseases, and with medical teams on standby. The remaining two tribes have been informed of the events, and medical supplies are on the way.
In all five tribes, small towns have been created out of basic building materials. The people who live there will be in charge of their safety and well-being, and will oversee food supply regulation, medical duties, and other general materials.
Roughly 80% of all port towns have been completed and are open for business; many of which are already partially inhabited.
The expansion has been completed. The border has been successfully constructed and all tribes have been vaccinated, and each tribal member has Xentheridan citizenship. All major towns have been completely constructed and are at least 25% occupied.
Xentherida seeks to establish trade links with other nations that have major ports. Funding left over is roughly W$187 billion, and will go towards the upkeep of the new towns and the welfare of the tribes.
Tribal reserves have also been established. A major discovery of oil, iron and coal have been discovered just 35 SW of the Western Lake; these are beginning to be extracted.
Large areas of land are also being sold to private landowners/farmers and ploughed for agricultural purposes, and factories are beginning to manufacture various goods.
We would be interested in the trade links you mention. As an island nation, we naturally have many ports, and would be glad to sell you a small one, to help you expand your market area into the far northeast of TNP. Of course, we would also be willing to trade port cities: you take a small one in Nebula, we take a small one in Xentherida.
We would be interested in the trade links you mention. As an island nation, we naturally have many ports, and would be glad to sell you a small one, to help you expand your market area into the far northeast of TNP. Of course, we would also be willing to trade port cities: you take a small one in Nebula, we take a small one in Xentherida.
We gratefully accept this offer of trade links. As for the port swap, we offer a small port, "Port Florrania".
Also, might I ask, what sort of items would you like to import from us? We specialise in coal, iron, oil, grain and various manufactured goods. We would like to import vehicles, technology-creating materials (silicon, tantalum, aluminium, liquid crystal, etc.) and steel.

We look forward to establishing trade links in our nations!
We are looking for iron, coal, and oil to fuel our growing industry. We have been producing silicon and aluminum, and we hope to begin manufacturing various goods soon.
As for the port, we would be willing to trade Andromedazite, a small port city on our eastern coast. From here many of the northeast nations can be reached.
We are looking for iron, coal, and oil to fuel our growing industry. We have been producing silicon and aluminum, and we hope to begin manufacturing various goods soon.
As for the port, we would be willing to trade Andromedazite, a small port city on our eastern coast. From here many of the northeast nations can be reached.
We accept the offer of the port, and hope to establish trade routes. In the mean time, a couple of ships filled with various supplies of oil and coal are currently on their way there.

The old Xentheridian border has been demolished and re-used to create roads to the major cities. The new border is secure, and in a simple, straight line, as opposed to the first idea.
The condition of the tribes has improved. The reserves have officially been instigated, and the natives are reported to be happy and peaceful as usual.

New Political Map of Xentherida:
If you would be willing to post the area of the port you are willing to trade, in a map format, we can get it added to a map:
Port Florrania is on the western coastline, between Charaul and Bayrock. Although it may seem like a small territory, Xentherida is in fact quite large. Your territory is in purple, and the black is a main road.

With your territory, you get important road links to major cities of which you can sell imported goods there. The major cities are Kerwan and Aridia. Enjoy your territory!
Alrighty, sounds good. Would you like to take it to the cartographers?
(Sorry for not noticing this sooner)
Alrighty, sounds good. Would you like to take it to the cartographers?
(Sorry for not noticing this sooner)
Yes please. However, unfortunately, my computer's had a field day. Would you be able to do it? Many thanks if you can!