The Green Party




The Green Party believes that each individual nation has a responsibility to care for the environment. We promote the preservation and restoration of the natural environment and the use of safe renewable resources.


The Green Party believes in the principles of justice and fairness. As a party, we expect our members and government officials to be fair-minded and unprejudiced when conducting their regional affairs.


The Green Party is committed to the principles of Democracy. We believe democracy is important because it give people and nations equal opportunity to succeed. We, as a party, will support fair and equal elections in our regional government. Transparency and accountability of government are our highest priority.


March 22 - First Deputy Chairman, Syrixia, appointed by Cascadia.

June 18 - Mr Insanity and Cascadia declare Green Party Primaries candidacy for Delegate.

June 24 - Voting opens for Deputy Chair Election. Bootsie declared candidacy, and Syrixia is running for re-election. New logo and signature added.


Chairman: Cascadia

Deputy Chairman: Bootsie





Lord Argus


Mr Insanity



True Sebland

Become a Member:

The Green Party allows its members to be in other parties. Post this application below and the Chairman will contact you as soon as possible. It is preferred that you provide a link to your nation name, but this isn't mandatory. Your membership may be revoked by a majority vote and Chair approval.

[i]Full Nation Name:[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]

[i]Government Type:[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]

[i]Head of State:[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]

[i]Location on Regional Map (optional):[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]

1. Who approves membership applications?

The Chairman and Deputy Chairman approve applications for membership. The Chairman has the final say in applications. This means if the Deputy Minister approves an application, it must be approved by the Chairman before it is official, but if the Chair does not accept an application that was accepted by the Deputy within three days, it will automatically be accepted.

2. How can I join Administration?

Currently, the only two offices in our party are Chairman and Deputy Chairman. Every three months, the member's of The Green Party vote on a Deputy Chairman. The Chairman may temporarily assign any of his duties to the Deputy Chairman.

3. How can I show off that I am in The Green Party?

I'm glad you asked! To display that you're a member of The Green Party, we have created this to put in your signature:

Posting Policy:

You may post below if you have any questions or comments regarding The Green Party, but please refrain from posting irrelevant or silly questions.

- The Green Party Administrative Team
Full Nation Name: The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia

Government Type: Representative Parliamentary Democracy

Head of State: N/A

Head of Government: Alfred Nursson

Location on Regional Map (optional): Southern continent, southwestern quadrant

(Also, just a bonus note, I'd like to apply for the Party's Deputy Administrator/Chairman position.)
Full Nation Name: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno

Government Type: Variable, otherwise we wouldn't be a disputed territories (for example now we are a Corrupt Dictatorship)

Head of Government: Kaspar Hauser

Location on Regional Map (optional): North, between True Sebland, Scandigrad and Cronaal
Full Nation Name: The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia

Government Type: Representative Parliamentary Democracy

Head of State: N/A

Head of Government: Alfred Nursson

Location on Regional Map (optional): Southern continent, southwestern quadrant

(Also, just a bonus note, I'd like to apply for the Party's Deputy Administrator/Chairman position.)
Your application is granted. welcome to The Green Party! Also, your request for Deputy Chairman is granted.

- Cascadia
Full Nation Name: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno

Government Type: Variable, otherwise we wouldn't be a disputed territories (for example now we are a Corrupt Dictatorship)

Head of Government: Kaspar Hauser

Location on Regional Map (optional): North, between True Sebland, Scandigrad and Cronaal
Approved, pending approval of Vice Chairman. Welcome, Nessuno!
Nessuno's application is approved, though I'd like to specify you should be the one, as Chairman, who grants full approvals automatically. If I grant an approval I need your permission.

Sunday, March 22, 2015​

Hello everyone:

Recently, I have created a little something new members can put in their signature to advertise our party. I would like your opinions on it:

of The North Pacific
Best regards,

The Cascadian Commonwealth
Chairman of The Green Party
In light of recent events, The Green Party is taking a neutral stance on the outrage over the World Assembly Cult created by A Lost Soul. This may be discussed, but my decision is final.
Full nation name: The Kingdom of Yayness
Government type: Dictatorship
Head of Government: Packard Stephenson
Location on Regional map: None
Yayness cheese man:
Full nation name: The Kingdom of Yayness
Government type: Dictatorship
Head of Government: Packard Stephenson
Location on Regional map: None
Accepted. Welcome here!
What makes this a TNP Political party? Will the Green Party be running or endorsing candidates in TNP elections?

More specifically, what will the Green Party be doing to ensure that its ideals - specifically environmental ones - are upheld within TNP?
What makes this a TNP Political party? Will the Green Party be running or endorsing candidates in TNP elections?

More specifically, what will the Green Party be doing to ensure that its ideals - specifically environmental ones - are upheld within TNP?
OH MY GOD YOU'RE HERE TOO?! At this point I consider this spam. GO AWAY.

As I said in the Monarchy Party thread:

What makes this a TNP political party? With the Monarchy Party be running or endorsing candidates in TNP elections?

More specifically, will the Monarchy Party be advocating that TNP change its system to a monarchy?
OMG, everywhere I go in this subforum you're like a demon fairy sprinkling annoyance dust. Stop hounding every single party trying to find out their agenda; you don't regulate such things. And, it's ANNOYING.

Just two cents from an annoyed citizen.
Fuck off Syrixia, my questions were directed at the Green Party and not whatever the fuck you are.
Fuck off Syrixia, my questions were directed at the Green Party and not whatever the fuck you are.
Uh... you mean Deputy Chairman? Cuz that's who Syrixia is for the Green Party.
Then perhaps instead of telling me to go away and trying to backseat mod he could answer my question.
Then perhaps instead of telling me to go away and trying to backseat mod he could answer my question.
Isn't that what you're doing? As I can see, the moderators for this subforum are the Global Moderators.
How am I backseat modding? I'm not the one telling others their posts are spam.
But, Nierr, you are the one posting basically the same questions in every party thread, and it's becoming annoying.


If you want to know a party's goals look at their OP. -.-
You really should try reading my posts.
Ok, whatever, you want to be an ass like A Lost Soul, go ahead, be my guest. He fought for his incredibly wrong point til the day he died, figuratively.

One last thing, though:

What makes this a TNP Political party? Will the Green Party be running or endorsing candidates in TNP elections?

More specifically, what will the Green Party be doing to ensure that its ideals - specifically environmental ones - are upheld within TNP?

Yeah, you're obviously trying to point out that this topic, and the other ones you posted on, are spam.
You really should try reading my posts.
Ok, whatever, you want to be an ass like A Lost Soul, go ahead, be my guest. He fought for his incredibly wrong point til the day he died, figuratively.

One last thing, though:

What makes this a TNP Political party? Will the Green Party be running or endorsing candidates in TNP elections?

More specifically, what will the Green Party be doing to ensure that its ideals - specifically environmental ones - are upheld within TNP?

Yeah, you're obviously trying to point out that this topic, and the other ones you posted on, are spam.
How could they NOT be spam? I completely agree with you, Darcania.

Just LOOK AT THE OP, Nierr, and you'll find your answers.

Oh, and also, I just realized something. Nierr, by asking various parties how they're "true TNP political parties" you're challenging their RIGHT TO EXIST.

But, Nierr, you are the one posting basically the same questions in every party thread, and it's becoming annoying.


If you want to know a party's goals look at their OP. -.-
I'm posting the same questions in every party thread because every party should probably be able to answer those questions.

But since you can't, I'll break it down into just Green Party specific questions, then you might just be able to comprehend just what I'm asking.

On Environment, your platform states:
The Green Party believes that people have a responsibility to care for the environment. We promote the preservation and restoration of the natural environment and the use of safe renewable resources as opposed to fossil fuel use; In some cases, this includes nuclear energy.
How does this relate to TNP and its politics and policies? What will the Green Party be doing to promote the 'preservation and restoration of the natural environment' of TNP? What can we, as a community in a virtual world using a medium where there is no fuel at all, do to promote the use of safe renewable resources?
On Justice, your platform says:
The Green Party believes in the principles of justice and fairness. We expect our member states to conduct their internal affairs fairly and justly.
By 'internal affairs' do you mean the affairs of in-game nations? Because if so then this really isn't a political party and instead its a multinational organisation. How do the in-game stats and status of nations affect the forum community and TNP's regional assembly?
On Democracy, you say:
The Green Party is committed to the principles of Democracy. We believe democracy is important because it give people and nations equal opportunity to succeed. The Green Party promotes democratic government or democratic beliefs in its member nations.
Laudable goals, but again it leads me back to my point about internal affairs of in-game nations. If you're a political party then you'd really only be concerned with TNP's internal politics, as opposed to how members govern their nations. So my question to the Green Party is, are you an in-game or in-character multi-national organisation promoting Green/Eco values?

Or are you a political party in the very out of character regional assembly on TNP's off site forum?

Or are you both? And if you are both, I refer you back to my original questions, which were:

Will the Green Party be running or endorsing candidates in TNP elections?


More specifically, what will the Green Party be doing to ensure that its ideals - specifically environmental ones - are upheld within TNP?
We're both an IC and RA political party. As for elections, I guess, but none have happened since the Party's creation so we'll see. And, as for ideals, we plan on endorsing environmental projects and working on helping nations keep their environments pristine, and their democracy strong.

There are your answers. GO AWAY!!!
You really should try reading my posts.
Ok, whatever, you want to be an ass like A Lost Soul, go ahead, be my guest. He fought for his incredibly wrong point til the day he died, figuratively.
Thank you for comparing me to A Lost Soul. I'm so very hurt/honoured by your witty contribution.

One last thing, though:

What makes this a TNP Political party? Will the Green Party be running or endorsing candidates in TNP elections?

More specifically, what will the Green Party be doing to ensure that its ideals - specifically environmental ones - are upheld within TNP?

Yeah, you're obviously trying to point out that this topic, and the other ones you posted on, are spam.
Actually, no I'm not. I'm seeking a better understanding of why exactly they exist, and what their goals are.
How could they NOT be spam? I completely agree with you, Darcania.
Very easily. Spam is an actual thing that's pretty well defined within the community. If my posts didn't have a point to them, then yes they would be spam.

But my posts do have a point to them, it's not fault you don't comprehend just what that point is.
Just LOOK AT THE OP, Nierr, and you'll find your answers.
Actually I won't. The OP is full of generic platitudes, saying very little about how you are going to achieve anything within TNP, which is what political parties traditionally have tried to do. You know, achieve something.

Oh, and also, I just realized something. Nierr, by asking various parties how they're "true TNP political parties" you're challenging their RIGHT TO EXIST.
And? That's neither a crime nor something that's particularly noteworthy.
We're both an IC and RA political party. As for elections, I guess, but none have happened since the Party's creation so we'll see. And, as for ideals, we plan on endorsing environmental projects and working on helping nations keep their environments pristine, and their democracy strong.

There are your answers. GO AWAY!!!
OKAY. YOU WIN. I POSTED MY ANSWERS. You can scroll up or just read this quote.
We're both an IC and RA political party.
Interesting that you say you're both, when your posted ideals say nothing about the RA at all.
As for elections, I guess, but none have happened since the Party's creation so we'll see.
There's one going on right, so I hope you won't object if I inquire as to the Green Party's preferred candidate, if their is one, in the ongoing Judicial election? Which candidate does the Party believe will most uphold the principles of justice and fairness?
And, as for ideals, we plan on endorsing environmental projects
Such as?
and working on helping nations keep their environments pristine,
and their democracy strong.
What about non-democracies? Does the Green Party not care about the environments of non-democratic nations?

There are your answers. GO AWAY!!!
But all you've done is leave me with more questions... :/
Thank you for your answers, btw. I can understand that the concept of a political party expanding on their stated ideals is foreign in most democracies.
Wow, Neirr, obviously you're an incredibly intelligent and insightful person. We've all learned our lessons through the light your intellect has brought us. We will all be sure to listen to your wisdom from now on. I'll be sure to ask the leaders of the three parties that all their parties are naught but shams.

Thank you so much, Neirr.
Wow, Neirr, obviously you're an incredibly intelligent and insightful person. We've all learned our lessons through the light your intellect has brought us. We will all be sure to listen to your wisdom from now on. I'll be sure to ask the leaders of the three parties that all their parties are naught but shams.

Thank you so much, Neirr.
I do wonder how you can ask a statement, but if you manage to do just that, then well done to you, I say.

Alternatively you could be a positive, contributing member of the conversation.

Yours in hopeful optimism,

Can I join this as eco terrorist leader? I will murder the evil Fatcats who dare to slay the habitats of the glorious ant!
1. No.

2. That's not even a position in TGP.

3. Judging by the controversy your WA Cult has caused in the past, I feel that regardless of if "Eco-terrorist leader" is a position in TGP or not, it would be safe to decline your application.