The Green Party believes that each individual nation has a responsibility to care for the environment. We promote the preservation and restoration of the natural environment and the use of safe renewable resources.
The Green Party believes in the principles of justice and fairness. As a party, we expect our members and government officials to be fair-minded and unprejudiced when conducting their regional affairs.
The Green Party is committed to the principles of Democracy. We believe democracy is important because it give people and nations equal opportunity to succeed. We, as a party, will support fair and equal elections in our regional government. Transparency and accountability of government are our highest priority.
March 22 - First Deputy Chairman, Syrixia, appointed by Cascadia.
June 18 - Mr Insanity and Cascadia declare Green Party Primaries candidacy for Delegate.
June 24 - Voting opens for Deputy Chair Election. Bootsie declared candidacy, and Syrixia is running for re-election. New logo and signature added.
Chairman: Cascadia
Deputy Chairman: Bootsie
Lord Argus
Mr Insanity
True Sebland
Become a Member:
The Green Party allows its members to be in other parties. Post this application below and the Chairman will contact you as soon as possible. It is preferred that you provide a link to your nation name, but this isn't mandatory. Your membership may be revoked by a majority vote and Chair approval.
[i]Full Nation Name:[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]
[i]Government Type:[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]
[i]Head of State:[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]
[i]Location on Regional Map (optional):[/i] [b]INSERT[/b]
1. Who approves membership applications?
The Chairman and Deputy Chairman approve applications for membership. The Chairman has the final say in applications. This means if the Deputy Minister approves an application, it must be approved by the Chairman before it is official, but if the Chair does not accept an application that was accepted by the Deputy within three days, it will automatically be accepted.
2. How can I join Administration?
Currently, the only two offices in our party are Chairman and Deputy Chairman. Every three months, the member's of The Green Party vote on a Deputy Chairman. The Chairman may temporarily assign any of his duties to the Deputy Chairman.
3. How can I show off that I am in The Green Party?
I'm glad you asked! To display that you're a member of The Green Party, we have created this to put in your signature:
You may post below if you have any questions or comments regarding The Green Party, but please refrain from posting irrelevant or silly questions.
- The Green Party Administrative Team