I've been noticing a number of errors scattered through the rulings, so I'm going to post them here and hope that the current or soon-to-be-future Chief Justice can take care of them. I will add to this as necessary, and cross them off once they've been done.
- In Ruling 2.3, the Judicial Inquiry filed by Cormac Stark on the usage of the Arms, Flag, and Seal of the North Pacific, the opening line is incorrect. It links to the post made by Iro (and uses his name) that was the subject of the immediately preceding request for review.
- In Ruling 3.6, the Judicial Inquiry filed by Mall on the restarting of the Vice Delegate election, the "Opinion drafted by" line is erroneously placed after the opening line, and should swap places with it.
- In many rulings, the "Opinion drafted by" line is missing altogether. I beg the Court to go through and add that in.
- Formatting of the "Opinion drafted by" line is somewhat inconsistent, with it sometimes being centered, sometimes not; sometimes small sometimes not; sometimes italicized, sometimes not; sometimes spaced out, sometimes not. While I personally am partial to small, centered, and italicized, I beg the Court to pick a style and implement it.
- Spoilers are unable to be opened on the Court Rulings Index, and thus their use renders the page, well, useless. Please edit the page to show the full text of all rulings. Specifically, the offenders are:
- 1.3: The Judicial Inquiry filed by Unibot on Clause 9 of the Bill of Rights
- 2.3: The Judicial Inquiry filed by Cormac Stark on the usage of the Arms, Flag, and Seal of the North Pacific
- 3.4: The Judicial Inquiry filed by flemingovia on whether Justices are government officials.
- 3.6: The Judicial Inquiry filed by Mall on the restarting of the Vice Delegate election
- 3.7: The Judicial Inquiry filed by Abstain on the definition of Government Officials
- 4.1: The Judicial Inquiry filed by Mall on the invalidation of his candidacy for the Delegate election
- In Ruling 2.17, the Judicial Inquiry filed by r3naissanc3r Stark on the Minor Error Clause, the petitioner's name erroneously includes the word "Stark".
- Ruling 8.1, on behalf of the Attorney General on the Court's Ruling issued on September 15, 2012, is missing the text of any referenced documents. Rulings generally quote the text in full since documents are frequently amended and thus their numbers are unreliable, so it would be beneficial if the texts could be added here.
- 1.5: Please change from "the Jurisdiction of the Court" to "the Jurisdiction of the Criminal Code".
- 2.1: Please change from "the Speaker's Powers" to "the Speaker's Power to Restrict the Format of Votes".
- 2.3: Please capitalize "usage".
- 2.5: Please change from "Article 5 of the Constitution" to "Applications to the Security Council".
- 2.6: Please change from "Existence of a Duty to Disclose" to "Duty to Disclose Exculpatory Evidence".
- 2.8: Please change from "WA Disclosure Requirements" to "WA Nation Disclosure Requirements".
- 2.10: Please change from "Potential Confliction of the Bill of Rights and Legal Code in regards to National Flags" to "the TNP Flag as National Flag".
- 2.11: Please change from "the Speakers Powers" to "the Speaker's Power to End Debate".
- 2.12: Please change entire text from "In regards to the events occurring in the course of The North Pacific v. Unibot" to "Sua Sponte Advisory Opinion on the Role of the Attorney General".
- 2.14: Please change from "regarding whether or not Court decisions are irrefutably binding, as well as an ancillary question put for by Crushing Our Enemies regarding the scope of the Court's review powers" to "on the Nature of Precedent and the Scope of the Court's Powers".
- 2.15: Please change from "whether current trial procedures concerning time limits on replies, specifically those utilised in TNP v. Eluvatar, currently infringe on a Defendant's right to a fair trial" to "Time Limits in Trials".
- 2.17: Please change from "the Minor Error Clause" to "the Constitutionality of the Minor Error Clause".
- 3.1: Please change from "whether or not Eluvatar is term-barred from being a candidate in the Special Elections for Delegate" to "Delegate Term Limits in Special Elections".
- 3.2: Please expand from "the Constitutionality of the Intelligence Exception to the FOIA" to "the Constitutionality of the Intelligence Exception to the Freedom of Information Act".
- 3.3: Please change from "the definition of "affected party"" to "Standing and the Definition of Affected Party".
- 3.4: Please change from "whether Justices are government officials" to "Justices as Government Officials".
- 3.5: Please change from "the limits of Election Commissioners' powers" to "Limits on the Powers of Election Commissioners".
- 3.6: Please change from "the restarting of the Vice Delegate election" to "Restarting Election Voting Periods".
- 3.7: Please capitalize "definition".
- 4.1: Please change from "the invalidation of his candidacy for the Delegate election" to "RA Membership Requirements for Candidates".
- 5.1: Please change from "the time at which RA oaths become binding" to "the Time at which Oaths Become Binding".
- 5.2: Please change from "the conduct of the trial of Flemingovia v. Grosseschnauzer" to "the Nonparticipation of a Defendant in Civil and Criminal Trials".
- 6.1: Please change from "candidate eligibility in reopening nominations" to "Candidate Eligibility in Reopened Nomination Periods".
- 6.2: Please change from "the crime of Fraud" to "Standard of Proof and Intent".
- 6.3: Please change from "the Scope of Freedom of Information Act Requests" to "Freedom of Information Requests against the Judiciary".
- 6.4: Please change from "rejected Regional Assembly applicants" to "the Permanence of Rejected Applications for the Regional Assembly".
- 6.5: Please change from "Ownership Scope of the Executive Branch" to "Ownership and Freedom of Information Requests against the Security Council".
- 7.1: Please change from "the meaning of "private citizen" with respect to the Freedom of Information Act" to "the Meaning of Private Citizen".
- 7.2: Please change from "Voting Procedure" to "the Use of the Speaker's Power to End Debate".
- 7.3: Please change from "Regional Assembly Membership" to "Promptness and the Time at which Regional Assembly Membership Begins and Ends".
- 8.1: Please change from "behalf of the Attorney General on the Court's Ruling issued on September 15, 2012" to "Striking Ruling 1.1".