Wolfsea-Egalotir DMZ


TNP Nation
Seph Wolfe
Khan Sebt II, First Servant-Son of Great Marwolaeth, Conqueror of the Etrebean Peninsular, Successor of the Dragon-Kings, Guardian of Kul Katura & Legate-Imperator of the Wolvesh, as Ruler of the occupied territories of Saphora and Verdigriz neighbouring the United Socialist States of Egalotir, wishes to extend a peaceful greeting to our neighbour.

We wish also to extend our greeting to the members of the Democratic Union and seek a Non-Aggression Pact with member states of said organisation. However the Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea recognises such a treaty will require time to prepare. It is therefore believed that it would be in both Wolfsea and Egalotir's best interests to establish a temporary demilitarized zone until such a Concordant is reached. The Khan would also like to extend an invite to members of the Democratic Union to establish embassies in Wolfsea to begin formal diplomatic relations.
seeks a Non-Aggression Pact with member states of said organisation
(OOC: Your OP isn't very clear, are you talking to just Egalotir or the whole DU?)
seeks a Non-Aggression Pact with member states of said organisation
(OOC: Your OP isn't very clear, are you talking to just Egalotir or the whole DU?)
(ooc: bugger, sorry will edit it momentarily, Wolfsea has had little diplomatic contact within the last century or so, we're rather finding our feet again.)