Kaltian Embassy Program



The Council and The Unified Castelli Parliament of the Kaltian Estate has voted to begin an Embassy Exchange Program with other nations of The North Pacific. On behalf of Councilor Issac Laux of the Department of Foreign Affairs, the following application has been created.

Once it has been filled out there will be a period of delay as it is reviewed by the Council and once accepted, a letter of acceptance will be posted here in this thread.

Kaltian Embassy Application:
* Nation Name:
* System of Government:
* Head of Government:
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any):
* Head Ambassador (if any):
* Capital City:
* National Religion:
* National Language (Official):
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti:

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay?

Would you like to RP between our embassies?

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti?
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war?

Current Embassies in Kalti:
Embassy Dispatch
  • Kingdom Of Plembobria
    11 Embassy Row,
    Castelli di Summerland
  • Territorio di Nessuno
    13 Embassy Row,
    Castelli di Summerland
  • McMasterdonia
    15 Embassy Row,
    Castelli di Summerland
  • Syrixia
    10 Embassy Row,
    Castelli di Summerland
  • Nasania
    12 Embassy Row,
    Castelli di Summerland
  • Eumenor
    14 Embassy Row,
    Castelli di Summerland
  • The Socialist Democracy of Guslantis
    16 Embassy Row,
    Castelli di Summerland

Dear head of the Kaltian Estate,

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Plembobria submits this application to the government of The Most Serene Republic of Kalti. I have filled out the application provided by your government.

I, the Honorable Darren Crowly, do hereby affirm that our ambassador, Mr. Earnest Moore, is a bona fide representative of the Government of Plembobria, and will abide by the laws of your nation, and ensure that his staff will do the same.

Accept, your excellency, the assurance of our highest consideration.


Darren Crowly, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Application of the Kingdom of Plembobria:
* Nation Name: Kingdom of Plembobria
* System of Government: Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
* Head of Government: HM King Tozian I
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Darren Crowly
* Head Ambassador (if any): Earnest Moore
* Capital City: Rethel, CD
* National Religion: Discordianism (de facto)
* National Language (Official): Plembobrian English

* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: Positive

If you would like an Embassy building picture, please post one here.

How would you like your nation described on the official Embassy dispatch page? (three to five sentences)

We will leave that up to you.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassy?


Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? Unlikely
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? An act of war committed by your nation against ours.

Re: The Kingdom of Plembobria
Upon review of your application for an embassy within Kalti, Councilor Laux has accepted your application and granted you an embassy on 11 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your answer to leave it to us to choose an embassy picture, one has been chosen that fits your nation as a kingdom.
* Nation Name: The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
* System of Government: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
* Head of Government: Kaspar Hauser
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Phileas Fogg
* Head Ambassador (if any): None
* Capital City: Ehm
* National Religion: What you belive, but no human sacrifices
* National Langue (Official): All, but preferably English or Italian
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalty: It is a nice place

If you would like an Embassy building picture, please post the link here.
If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.

Surprise me

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassy? Sure

Would you like to RP between our embassy? Maybe

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalty? No
* Nation Name: McMasterdonia
* System of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
* Head of Government: Queen Matilda II
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Richard Narles
* Head Ambassador (if any):
* Capital City: Intelligentsia
* National Religion: Flemingovianism
* National Language (Official): McMasterdonian
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: Neutral

If you would like an Embassy building picture, please post the link here. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay? Of course - I just did.

Would you like to RP between our embassies? Yes.

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? Unlikely (depends, I mean who knows what can happen in RP, right?)
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war?

Re: Territorio di Nessuno and McMasterdonia
Upon review of the previous two applications for embassies within Kalti, Councilor Laux has accepted the applications and granted each nation an embassy. Territorio di Nessuno shall be located at 13 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland while McMasterdonia shall be located at 15 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Since no embassy pictures were included, we have designed and built embassies that suit your nations style.

Territorio di Nessuno:

OOC: I have also created a dispatch on the NationStates website that keeps track of all of this info in addition to what is here. That info can be seen by clicking here.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is please with the building your government has provided.

Thank you!
Nice Embassy :clap:

OOC: Glad you both enjoy the embassy buildings that have been provided. Our staff searched high and low for the perfect design that would fit your nation's style.


Nation Name: Syrixia
System of Government: Republic
Head of Government: Prime Minister John Sirus
Head of Foreign Affairs: Shaw Atlas
Head Ambassador: Shaw Atlas
Capital City: Balamb
National Religion: Church of Syrixia
National Language (Official): American English
Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: Probably one of the most cultured nations in the North Pacific. A great friend and a great ally.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type. --- Preferably Roman-Classicesque. Pillars, Marble, the whole jazz.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassy? Yes! We have a gallery for them!

Would you like to RP between our embassies? Yes.

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? NEVER! NEVER, EVER!

Re: The Republic of Syrixia
Upon review of your application for an embassy within Kalti, Councilor Laux has accepted your application and granted you an embassy on 10 Embassy Row, City of Songs, Castelli di Songs. Per your request to have an embassy in the Roman Classical architecture style, one has been designed and built for you.
We thank you for your cooperation. We will have an ambassador visit your embassy later today.
* Nation Name: Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania
* System of Government: Constitutional Monarchy administered by Military Junta
* Head of Government: Prime Minister Rami Kosonen
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Hayato Yamada
* Head Ambassador (if any): Aki Mizakuro
* Capital City: Kitoshi
* National Religion: Nasanian Folk Religion
* National Language (Official): Nasanian/ English{International}
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: Positive

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.

A clean, modern embassy.

Here is an Embassy in Kitoshi we might provide for Kaltians, pick a number anywhere between 45-65 (56 is occupied by Nessuno) Akida street, Kitoshi

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay?
Yes, here is our program(so we can keep track of the embassies in Nasania)
Would you like to RP between our embassies? Sure

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? Yes, if we have to.
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? Kalti attacks us and/or supports forces trying to overthrow/subvert legitimate Nasanian authorities.
* Nation Name: The Democratic Republic of Eumenor
* System of Government: The clue's in the name (DemRep)
* Head of Government: The Spokesman
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): The Minister for Foreign Affairs
* Head Ambassador (if any): The Ambassador to Kalti would be Mr. Robert Engels.
* Capital City: Minas Ersul
* National Religion: None.
* National Language (Official): High Eumenorian, German, English
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: How serene. We would like to be allies.

How about this:

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay? Yes, of course :-)

Would you like to RP between our embassies? As above :-)

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? We're pacifists. But we'll stand by you in trouble.
Admin note: Eumenor, your embassy image looks fine on my browser, but others are reporting that it is enormous. Would you spoiler the image, please?
OOC: Hello everyone, I apologize for the delay in Embassy Application updates. The Kaltian government has been on holiday leave for Yule (aka me visiting Israel with limited Internet available). All services shall return to their normal operations on January 1, 2015.

Re: Constitutional Monarchy of Nasania and The Democratic Republic of Eumenor
Upon review of your two applications for embassies within Kalti, Councilor Laux has accepted the applications and granted each nation an embassy. The Embassy for Nasania shall be located at 12 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland, while the Embassy for Eumenor shall be located at 14 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland.

In response to your request, the Kaltian Department of State kindly requests 55 Akida Street for the Kaltian Embassy. Per the request for a modern building, one has been designed and built... see the image below for details.

The building design you had chosen was deemed too grand for Embassy Row. However, the Kaltian Department of State has found a suitable design replacement that still matches the style you had chosen.
* Nation Name: The Socialist Democracy of Guslantis
* System of Government: Democracy
* Head of Government:Madam Vice Cassidy Ryan (Acting)
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): John Delford (Acting
* Head Ambassador (if any): None
* Capital City: Pigletville
* National Religion: Guslism
* National Language (Official): English, German (French and Japanese are getting official status soon)
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: We are very fond of the nation of Kalti.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type. I would like to see what the nation of Kalti thinks my nation type is like in a building.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay? Yes

Would you like to RP between our embassies? Yes.

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? We are bound to not engage in war with the signing of the Second Treaty of Pigletville. We ask that you also sign, though this is not necessary.
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war?

Re: The Socialist Democracy of Guslantis
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 16 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Since you did not declare an embassy style or leave a photo for our architects to work with they have designed and built the following for your nation.

* Nation Name: The United States of New Sekai.
* System of Government: Dictatorship.
* Head of Government: Sens? Ky?ki.
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Sens? Ky?ki.
* Head Ambassador (if any): Sens? Ky?ki.
* Capital City: Shuto.
* National Religion: Atheism.
* National Language (Official): Gengo.
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: An peaceful and friendly nation.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.: Japanese Modern.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay?: Yes.

Would you like to RP between our embassies?: Maybe.

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti?: The United States of New Sekai will never declared a war with anyone unless you have provoked us.
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? N/A.

Re: The United States of New Sekai
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 17 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to have the embassy building designed in the Japanese Modern style, the following building has been built.

From the desk of: Reutoa

* Nation Name: The People's Republic of Reutoa
* System of Government: Fascist Republic
* Head of Government: President Wilitam Hagia I
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Franklin Loveobx
* Head Ambassador (if any): Yrow Gaoe
* Capital City: TrailYrus Prime
* National Religion: Roman Catholic
* National Language (Official): English, Dutch
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: As a Friend

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.
Modern British Embassy would be nice

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassy?

Would you like to RP between our embassies?

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war?
No War, our Army is only for Defense

-Signed President Wilitam Hagia I

Re: The People's Republic of Reutoa
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 18 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to have the embassy building designed in the Modern British style, the following building has been built.

* Nation Name: The Andulan Union
* System of Government: Mixed Direct-Delegative-Representative Democracy
* Head of Government: Director Dakara (de facto)
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Director Odina
* Head Ambassador (if any): (See above)
* Capital City: Ciano
* National Religion: The Andulan Way
* National Language (Official): Andulan, Trader (English)
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: Andulus sees states with monarchy and religious backing with suspicion. But if the potential for profit exists Andulans can look past this mistrust.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type. Embassy

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay? Yes

Would you like to RP between our embassies? Potential

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? War is an option that is never off the table for any nation.
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? Aggression towards Andulus, seizure of Andulan Populous or Property, etc

Re: The Andulan Union
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 19 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Since you had submitted a design proposal for the embassy, the Ministers have looked it over. Despite having an unconventional architectural style, it has been approved.

Lord Lore:
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: Andulus sees states with monarchy and religious backing with suspicion. But if the potential for profit exists Andulans can look past this mistrust.
OOC: Just a note here. Kalti is a federal republic with the people electing the President, Vice-President and Conclave / Assembly members. The nation is in no way, shape or form a monarchy.
Nation Name: Sadakoyama
* System of Government: Sociocratic Republic
* Head of Government: Council of Sciencemasters
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any):
* Head Ambassador (if any): Katja Hanley
* Capital City: Ys
* National Religion: None.
* National Language (Official): None official, English and Japanese prevalent. We will assign personnel that speak or will learn to speak yours.
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: We are eager to learn about your culture.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.

We would appreciate being granted simple and modest--yet secure--accommodations typical of your country, to better learn your ways. We do request permission to erect a small satellite uplink dish on or near the building. A flat-roofed building would be ideal, if such is appropriate to your culture and climate, as Sadakhan are accustomed to tending aquaponic gardens on ours, for food and relaxation.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassy? Yes

Would you like to RP between our embassies? Yes.

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? Only in self-defense.

If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? Hostile actions against us.

Re: The Sociocratic Republic of Sadakoyama
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 20 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to have the embassy building designed with gardening in mind, the following building has been built. The taller building on the left can be utilized for the satellite up-link.

Re: The Sociocratic Republic of Sadakoyama
Upon review of your application, Minister Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 20 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to have the embassy building designed with gardening in mind, the following building has been built. The taller building on the left can be utilized for the satellite up-link.

That is most opulent and satisfactory. Thank you.
* Nation Name: Floregasque Republic
* System of Government: Oligarchic republic
* Head of Government: Alessandro de' Avelocci, Gonfaloniere of the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Piero de' Avelocci, member of the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic
* Head Ambassador (if any): Girolamo Pirozzi
* Capital City: Floresque (nation is a city-state)
* National Religion: none
* National Language (Official): none
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: The Floregasque Republic feels neutrally about most nations.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type. You may place us in the building of your choosing, so long as it is adequate for our needs.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassy? Yes.

Would you like to RP between our embassies? If practical.

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? The Floregasque Republic has little more than a force necessary for its own protection. As a city-state, it lacks both the population and the industrial drive to wage a war of aggression.

If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? If a nation declares war on Floresque, we will defend our borders and port to the best of our abilities.

Re: The Floregasque Republic
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 21 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to let the Kaltian Committee decide upon your embassies building design, the following has been built in the Italian architectural style.

Floregasque Embassy

Your Excellency, Minister Laux,

I thank you very much for the veritably opulent surroundings you have lended to myself and the other members of the Foreign Service here in Summerland. I look forward very much to working with the Most Serene Republic of Kalti.

This is has been an official communication from an Ambassador of the Floregasque Republic, vested with the power authorized to that office by the Signoria of the Floregasque Republic.

Girolamo Pirozzi
Foreign Minister of the Floregasque Republic
Nation Name: The Kingdom of Tronkandal
System of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Head of Government: Per Hagen
Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Grete Karlsen
Head Ambassador (if any): Svein Martin Pedersen
Capital City: Bellingstad
National Religion: N/A
National Language (Official): Norwegian
Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: The Most Serene Repbulic of Kalti is an intelligent and kind nation

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.)

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay? Yes

Would you like to RP between our embassies? Yes

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? Yes
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? A direct threat to our nations wellbeing or a military attack/declaration of war

Grete Karlsen
Foreign Minister
* Nation Name: The Allied States of Darcania
* System of Government: Federal Presidential Sociocracy
* Head of Government: Scian kul Kroning
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Ulus kul Leiter
* Capital City: Klarliert
* National Religion: Pagan
* National Language (Official): German and English
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: An effective confederation that more nations should imitate.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.
If it's functional, it's fine.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay? So long as an application in this thread is accepted.

Would you like to RP between our embassies? No

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? Yes
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war? Retaliation for direct military action.
* Nation Name: Kingdom of DavidLand (david_l_l_l_l)
* System of Government: Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy
* Head of Government: Prime Minister Albert Moore Smith
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): Lance Brumsfeld
* Head Ambassador (if any): Emanuel Page
* Capital City: Ale City
* National Religion: none
* National Language (Official): English and/or Davilian
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: Positive

What style would you like your embassy? Modern

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay? Yes (http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7330224/)

Would you like to RP between our embassies? Yes

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti? No Unprovoked War
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war?

Re: The Kingdom of Tronkandal
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 22 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. We thank you for submitting an embassy design and while the Kaltian Committee has found the submitted building slightly too grand for Embassy Row, they have found a suitable replacement. Please let us know if it will work, if not we can find a new design for your embassy building.


Re: The Allied States of Darcania
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 23 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to let the Kaltian Committee decide upon your embassies building design, the following has been built in the modern architectural style.


Re: Kingdom of DavidLand
Upon review of your application, Councilor Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 24 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to let the Kaltian Committee decide upon your embassies building design, the following has been built in the modern architectural style.

Nation Name:
* System of Government: Military Monarchy
* Head of Government: Khan Sebt II
* Head of Foreign Affairs (if any): High Legate Markus Vinter
* Head Ambassador (if any): High Legate Markus Vinter
* Capital City: Crescentmaw
* National Religion: Marwolaethauri
* National Language (Official): English, Etrebean
* Views on The Most Serene Republic of Kalti: An interesting nation, the member states have a cordial relationship but it would be unwise not to expect some friction, especially given the lash of our respective doctrines, but still common ground and friendly relations should be easy to maintain.

What style would you like your embassy? (Gothic, Renaissance, Modern, etc.) If you would like to include an Embassy building picture, please post it with your application. If you do not provide an image one will be given to you that best fits your nation type.

Will you accept a Kaltian Embassay?
Of course, a Palazzo shall be prepared in Crescentmaw immediately

Would you like to RP between our embassies?

Will your nation ever consider war with Kalti?
If yes, what conditions would lead to a declaration of war?
In the extremely unlikely event of national insult, attempted derailment of legal proceedings against crimes committed by Kaltian nationals while within our borders or against our peoples and imposition of restrictions against our military forces without correct diplomatic approaches and subsequent negotiations the Khanate would doubtless prepare to mobilise our forces as a sign of our displeasure. At this point we are willing to negotiate settlement, with the arrival of our Armada at the edge of your territorial waters and/or airspace as a deadline for first negotiations to be requested. Also we frown upon anything derogatory towards Great Marwolaeth.
Re: The United States of New Sekai
Upon review of your application, Minister Laux has accepted and granted your nation an embassy that is to be located at 17 Embassy Row, Summerland, Castelli di Summerland. Per your request to have the embassy building designed in the Japanese Modern style, the following building has been built.

Thank you.