RMB Question from Democatic Donkeys: Where do you live exactly? What's your Instagram and snapchat nickname? Get into my social media sphere.
I live in Perth. I don't have an instagram and I deleted my snapchat account a few months back.
RMB Question from Democatic Donkeys: Will you activate a snapchat account so I can snap you? I want to share with you.
Not sure if serious - I'll see if I can recover my old account.
RMB Question from New haven america: Is double posting good?
How bout triple posting?
Or maybe even quadruple posting?
No, no and NO.
If I am Delegate again, I will definitely be cracking down on that nonsense.
New Haven America for RMB guardian <3
RMB Question from Kalti: McMasterdonia, since double and triple posting is frowned upon... is double, triple, or quadrupole quoting acceptable?
Yes. You are allowed to quote as many posts as you like.. As long as it is all contained in the one post.
RMB Question from Cronaal: Are you smexy
I am the smexiest.
RMB Question from New haven america: How much McM can an McM if an McM can McM?
Also, Secks. That is all.
|: |:
no srs questions ;=;
RMB Question from Cronaal: McM, whats 15 divided by 69 times 100030304839658389399593958384.
No calc.
I decline to answer, on the grounds that it might incriminate me.
RMB Question from Lord Nwahs: Why do you hate me
mcm: I don't! I <3 you long tym.
Question from PaulWallLibertarian42: Why are you obsessed with lions?
Why are you so obsessed with Rand Paul?
I am not obsessed with them, but I do like them. I think we should do what we can to protect them.
I adopted the lion avatar, as a one off, and I ended up keeping it for quite a lot longer than I had expected. After that, people started to associate the lion with me, so I decided to keep it up.
Question from PaulWallLibertarian42: Will you ever run for delegate again? After playing nationstates for two years what do you find most challenging? Whats the easiest? (Either game side or forum side) what do you know about zeta's DDoS attack? Is it Isis? N. Korea? Or the Oligarchy? Do you ever cringe when you see my name pop up as the most recent poster? Could you ever see us being "mates"? I.E. Friends.
1) Probably. It depends if I felt that I could offer the best vision for the next four months of government.
2) Hmm. That is a good question. I'll think on that one for a bit and I'll get back to you this afternoon sometime.
3) The easiest - I think the communicating aspect. I love that part, I love posting on the RMB, sending and receiving telegrams, giving endorsements etc.
4) I literally no nothing about it. It could be any of those things, or all of them.
5) No, I don't cringe. I've definitely faced far worse questions and far worse posts in my time in this region. There are a couple of people who I do cringe when reading their posts, but they are not in TNP and I mainly feel that way when I visit the Gameplay forum.
6) It has been said that I see the best in everyone, sometimes to my own detriment. I don't think that is necessarily accurate, but I try to see the best in all people and try to help/work with everyone, for the betterment of the region. I like you PWL, and I appreciate your enthusiasm and we do not always agree on things.
As I have said before, in a democratic region, disagreeing with people is going to happen on a regular basis. There is not a single person who I agree with on every issue. My oldest mates in this region I have had furious disagreements with over the couple of years we have been playing.
Whether we are mates or not - really depends on you. I think you take the disagreeing side too personally sometimes, which is not my intent. I try to be mates with everyone in this region. Being mates or friendly with most people in the region, makes it infinitely easier to bring people together when necessary. I've found that extremely helpful when I was Delegate, and many things required mediating.
Question from Malvad: Three questions from me:
1. If you had to quit as minister who would you want to have replace you?
2. What is your dream team TNP government? That includes delegate, VD, cabinet, speaker, and judicial.
3. Do you like me?
1. There are lots of excellent Diplomats in the region. Obviously I believe r3naissanc3r was an excellent Minister of Foreign Affairs when I was Delegate. Sanctaria did well in my first term off office as well. If I were to resign right now though, I think Eluvatar would be the best replacement - in terms of diplomatic contacts and respect internationally.
2. Clarification - am I serving as Delegate? Or do you mean as a member of the region?
3. I'm surprised by these questions, I thought I had a reputation for loving everyone

Yes, I like you. I think you have done a fantastic job as Minister of Culture and I have really enjoyed watching you develop as a player in this region. I think if you play your cards right and work on the campaign side, you could find yourself in one of the big two seats in the next 12 months
Question from Lord Nwahs: Okay serious questions:
1. Are you running for the Delegacy come January?
2. Two years in TNP - have you considered moving elsewhere?
3. Critique the work of your fellow cabinet ministers.
1: You may well think that, I couldn't possibly comment.
2. Nope. Even in my most frustrated days, I knew that I wouldn't enjoy moving elsewhere. I think I've been here for about three years in-game.
3: Punk D - needs to be more active, we haven't seen much out of Communications during his tenure.
Malvad - I have no criticisms of his work on the forum, but I think a growing presence for him on the RMB would benefit the Ministry and his future career in TNP. I have been particularly impressed with his strong work ethic where the DU and roleplay is concerned.
Tomb - I have no criticism of Tomb, I am in awe of his hardwork in the Home Affairs Ministry. Though some RMB activity would not hurt either - but his constant sending of telegrams balances that out significantly.
Gladio- What a powerhouse! I trained and mentored Gladio and I am so pleased to see him as the head of our Army. He has done an incredible job and I am sure he will continue to do so in the months ahead. I wish I could deploy with him sometimes.
r3naissanc3r - Fantastic Delegate, fantastic Minister of WA Affairs. I enjoy working with r3n, and we regularly bounce ideas back and forth of one another. He loves a good debate and is always open to new ideas. I am thankful to have had r3n as our Delegate and glad to have worked with him for so long. ps: I hate him.
Crushing Our Enemies - new member of the cabinet, but I am sure he will do an excellent job as our Vice Delegate and Minister of Security.
Question from Malvad: Member of the region.
And I know you have a reputation for loving everyone. It's just nice to hear opinion.
Hmm. Okay.
Delegate - This is a hard one, because I think we've had a ton of great Delegates. That said, I would love to see GBM or Erastide hold the office again. I would just like to see what their style was like for the office of Delegate and how they would govern the region.
Culture - I would like to see what Flemingovia could do with the role, but my old favourite is likely Lennart. I love everything about Lennart. But I also loved the work of Nwahs and Malvad! Too hard to choose

Defence - Gladio, hands down.
WA Affairs - I think r3naissanc3r has done the best job we've seen in WA Affairs recently, so I would go with him.
Foreign Affairs - A hard one, I think Eluvatar, r3naissanc3r and SillyString could all do a good job in this area. So could Lord Ravenclaw, but he is busy elsewhere at present. If I had to choose one, I think I would pick Eluvatar.
Communications - COE! COE! COE! I would love to have Iro back in the Ministry, probably as COE's deputy, but I think he is gone for good.
Home Affairs - I would stick with Tomb, if Tomb wasn't available, I would either try to find a new member to serve in this position or I would go with experienced hands like r3naissanc3r.
I will have to tell you all that I love you more often. It appears that you are all emotionally needy
Question from Lord Nwahs: Anything you'd do differently in a future McM delegacy as compared to your previous experiences in the office?
I would have more involvement in the NPA, including the directions of operations, and the approval process for the Minister of Defence's proposed operations. Last time I didn't offer enough oversight, which was a criticism I accept unreservedly.
Question from Severisen: Why did you do it?
Why wouldn't I?
Question from PaulWallLibertarian42: Can you give the Northern Hemisphere summer back now? Kthx.
No. Never.
Question from Eluvatar: What was your most embarrassing moment in TNP?
Where do I start?
The time my nation was deleted.
The time that I sent out a campaign to help Tim gather endorsements that asked people to endorse him to protect the region against "security threats" and tens of nations were more responsive to Oh My Goodness Gracious campaign and started to accuse me of lying to them. I lost a significant amount of endorsements as a result of this.
The time that I decided to have cabinet elections, where Govindia was elected, and I could not vote myself in those elections as I had not yet received my ballot. That one vote would have prevented him from being elected, and I determined that Govindia was too much of a threat to allow to serve in Cabinet and appointed Romanoffia instead. The embarassing part was more that I hadn't been able to vote, I stand by the final decision and would do it again if necessary.
Question from Cronaal: rate me out of 10 and say why.
10 - because you are always active on our RMB and are becoming more active in our RP culture on the forum.
Question from PaulWallLibertarian42: Do you know what 'code orangutan' means in Eluvatar's forum title? And is it classified NPAF secrets or are you allowed to tell us?
I think I have some idea what it is about. I don't think it would be classified, and Eluvatar might tell you if you ask him.
Question from plembobria: 1. Does RL experience affect your policies in TNP? How and why?
2. Are you interested in running for public office IRL?
3. What position in TNP that you haven't filled would you be interested in filling?
4. Do I smell funny to you?
1. Experience informs everything we do or say. I think that it has affected it to a certain extent - I believe in giving everyone a fair go, in accepting mistakes, and trying to see the good in people.
2. Yes, I am. Hopefully one day.
3. Maybe one day I could have a go as Speaker of the RA, or as Minister of Culture.
4. Very smelly.
Question from Egalotir: Who's your favorite Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs? <3
You, of course
Question from Cormac: Boxers or briefs?
Question from Democratic Donkeys: When will you give me your snapchat?
Soon bbe.
Question from Democratic Donkeys: Why do you dislike double posts?
You know why! I don't mind them so much on the forum, especially where election campaigning is concerned.
I dont like them on the RMB because it is unnecessary. It clogs up the viewable page of the RMB with posts from the same person one after another. The RMB is often the first thing new nations see, I want the flow of conversation to be active and vibrant. I want the RMB to look clean and friendly.
Double posting on the RMB not only clogs it up it makes it look ugly. It pushes the posts of others off the rmb (unnecessarily) and it is generally spammy.
Question from Bentla: What's your favourite fruit?
That's a hard one, I love most fruits.
If I had to choose one, I would say it would be a peach.
Question from The Democratic Republic of Tomb: McM, if there were 3 people that helped you reach the success you have reached (for me it would be McM, r3n and Gladio), who would those 3 be?
That's a toughie. There were a lot of people who helped when I first started - if I had to pick three I would chose Eluvatar, Blue Wolf II, and then a toss up between Romanoffia and Flemingovia for third place.
Question from Eluvatar: What is the capital of Burkina Faso?
How does The North Pacific differ from most other regions?
How silly is this project of mine?
1) Ouagadougou
2) We could talk about this all day. In short, the North Pacific offers an incredibly strong and robust democratic government that is rivaled by none, it offers a huge amount of opportunity for new players who want to learn. Ambition is encouraged and supported, rather than feared and hindered. Our "old guard" take a step back, helps to keep the region secure, but do not use their position to threaten or manipulate the government of the day. I think the North Pacific is the greatest region in NationStates.
3) It is very Eluvataran of you - that is to say, it is quite silly, but well intended
Question from Eluvatar: What does EluvaTarian mean to you?
Above all else, it means well-intended. Depending on the context that it is applied in, it can also been kind-hearted and friendly.
At other times it can mean unnecessarily complex or wordy, or even a bit over the top.
Above all else it means a little bit unintentionally silly
Question from SillyString: What is the worst part about working for r3n? What other parts do you hate?
You have no idea, SillyString. Where do I start? Will you be my confidante? Can I complain about r3n endlessly to you in this thread, and do you promise that he will never know?
Dear me, where are my manners? This is for you to ask me questions, not the other away around.
I hate r3n.
Question from The Democratic Republic of Tomb: McM,
How many terms have you served as a delegate, McM?
And have you served as VD before?
~ Tomb
I have been elected Delegate on four occasions. The first time, I was elected at a special election in November and then served untli January. I then sought re-election and I won easily, but I had to step down in March for personal reasons. I then ran for Delegate again in 2013 at the conclusion of the term of Jamie Anumia, winning the general election, and then winning reelection. In total I have been elected 4 times, but realistically, I have probably served about three terms in terms of the number of days in office.
I served as Vice Delegate on one occasion. I was the Vice Delegate for the first term of Delegate Eluvatar's 2012 time as regional Delegate. It was a fantastic opportunity for me, as I was overtly ambitious, but also very dedicated to improving the region. Eluvatar helped to support me and allowed me to have a very wide role in his executive team. In my opinion, I believe that it is very important that the Delegate involve the Vice Delegate - especially if they are a new player.
Question from PaulWallLibertarian42: Crust or no crust?
On bread? Crust. On anything else, no crust, if you know what I mean.
Question from plembobria: What notable things did you accomplish during your terms as Delegate?
What is your vision for the future of TNP?
Do you like me?
1) Well, I don't really like talking about myself that much, but I'll do the best I can. When I first joined the region in 2012, the region was relatively quiet, it was well known for being extremely coup prone and for having a ridiculous constitution and court that at times held the region back. There was a real lack of regional pride, it existed amongst older members, sure, but the majority of players who were in the region at the time, did not consider TNP to have been their priority region and I do not believe that there was a strong sense of regional identity amongst these players. The region was extremely divided, with many informal factions forming, and paranoia and accusations of bad character were thrown back and forth around the region as much as possible. The first cabinet I served in, while proactive, was extremely inefficient, and simply helped to continue the view that the North Pacific was a chaotic and overly legalese region, and that their executive government, was primarily to blame for this.
When I came to office, I did as much as I could to bring different people together and getting them to work side by side again. I worked hard to change the make up of our community, working on continuing the work I started as Minister of Defence, in bringing more native WA nations onto our regional forum. My government was active, efficient, and proactive. It provided for the good government of the region, without descending into chaos or into a bitch fest. For the first time since I had join, I believed that the region was truly united after my first term as Delegate. I helped to restore pride in our regional community, I helped to restore the excellent reputation of the North Pacific on the world stage - as a significant world power that deserved to be respected both diplomatically and militarily. Culturally, the sense of regional pride began to develop, with many people realising that the North Pacific was not the coup prone region that it was in the past, but a region that had grown in maturity - culturally, politically and diplomatically.
I worked hard to make people feel that they belonged here, that the North Pacific would be a home that they could be proud of. A home that would help to provide for their experience of NationStates. A home that would encourage them to achieve their goals, one that would support them and open as many doors for them as we possibly could. Finally, I felt that people realised that it meant something to be North Pacifican.
In my opinion, my greatest achievement was the community building aspect. I believe that I learned a lot from Eluvatar as my Delegate and mentor, I knen that I would be a trustworthy ear and a fair voice for the people of our region. I believe that the hard work I put in during every term I served as Delegate, along with that of my cabinet, showed that the community was stronger, more active, and more respected, than it had been in years.
2) That is a good question. I believe that the direction of this government has continued the strong work that started several years ago now. It is hard to know where the region could be in another year from now, but I certainly hope that the future of the North Pacific, is one that continues to support, encourage, and mentor new nations who join our region. We need to remember that as a game created region, we have the potential to play a very significant role in what every new nation sees when they first join this game. I hope that the North Pacific and the Delegate's of the future take this role seriously, and that they continue to develop our native community, and that they always govern and lead with that community in mind.
3) Yes, I like you
Question from Yrkidding: What is the toughest part of your job? What is the easiest? What is the hardest decision you've had to make in any office you've held and (if not easily apparent) why was it such a hard decision? And a follow-up to that, would you make the same choice today that you did then?
1) The toughest part in this term at least, has been some of the immaturity we see abroad. The Delegate and I have a very strong working relationship with the Foreign Affairs Ministry, and I believe it is accurate to say that he would agree with that assessment. Over the past twelve months we have seen some rather surprising acts taken by various regions and by various leaders that we have found to have lacked tact and to have been largely immature and silly. We take a sensible and mature approach to our diplomatic policy. We recognise that every region has it's differences, that those differences do no inherently mean that we need to attack or degrade their politics or culture . Additionally we take the view that not every little bit of drama requires the interference or involvement of the North Pacific. I think that too often we see people who have their fingers in too many pies, and they simply try to get involved in all manner of drama in as many regions as possible - even if the diplomatic link between that region and their home region is tenuous at best. I sometimes find putting up with that immaturity rather tough.
2) The easiest would be the communication aspect. I love talking to people. Over the years in the North Pacific, I have developed close bonds with many people from various regions - big and small. I like talking to these people. These bonds would be crucial if anything were to happen to the North Pacific, and say, we were to find ourselves with a rogue Delegate. It is the bonds and relationships that the North Pacific and the senior members of the government have with other regions and individuals, that would have a significant effect on what would happen in such a situation. It also means that often the North Pacific Government is well aware of events in NationStates before they actually happen or before they go public. This means that we are able to make an informed decision well before other regions have heard about it. (At least this has happened quite a few times).
3) The hardest decision on a personal note was resigning as Delegate during my first time in the seat. It was a difficult time for me in life, but I enjoyed being the Delegate so much - and wanted to achieve so much more. I would definitely resign again, but I might have held the Delegacy until elections - to prevent unnecessary banjections of 10ki members and the closure of relations between the two regions

. But in those circumstances, I made the right choice.
Question from Syrixia: What came first, the chicken or the egg?
The chicken!
Question from Gladio: 1) What will happen to you If you fall Into a black hole ?
2) How do dogs perceive time ?
3) Can dogs look up ?
I would die.
Question from Romanoffia: Do you prefer kangaroo roasted over the barbie or baked in an oven?
Slice it real thin, season with salt & pepper and cook it on the barbie. No question.
Question from Lord Ravenclaw: How could you? :-/
I didn't do it! It is all a lie!!
Question from SillyString: What is your favorite kind of pedantry?
I am a very pedantic person. It is hard for me to pick a favourite kind of pedantry.
In-game, I am very pedantic towards multiple-posts. I will make an exception for the Delegate or on Zombie Day for people coordinating the crisis. It is unacceptable every other time.
In RL, I am very pedantic about cleanliness. I am very pedantic about dining and eating etiquette. Don't even get me started on that.
Question from Lord Ravenclaw: Kazmr said differently.
So I repeat, how could you? :-/
I already told you - I misinterpreted what Ministry of "Foreign Affairs" was. I thought I was supposed to have affairs in foreign lands.