The Vice Delegate election


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

The Vice Delegate Election
Lots of Candidates - Who to vote for??

Interestingly we have seen a significant interest in the position of Vice Delegate for this election cycle. Right now we have - Falap, Abacathea, Democratic Donkeys, Romanoffia, and Flemingovia all vying for the position of Vice Delegate. It is normal to have a couple of candidates, but I can't recall having so many candidates for the position of Vice Delegate for quite a few terms at the very least.

Why the sudden interest?
As r3naissanc3r is running for his second & last consecutive term it could be possible that the renewed interest in the Vice Delegacy is due to the fact that many of the candidates may wish to use the Vice Delegacy as a stepping stone to the Delegacy, as many nations have done before them. Most of the candidates have served in a government position before and all of them including Falap (this will be his first government position) could use the experience to make a stand for Delegate in January.

Alternatively - r3naissanc3r has lead a good and capable government. It could be out of a desire to have more involvement in his administration and to support the Delegate in his responsibilities. The significance of the supporting efforts of the Vice Delegate relies heavily on the relationship the two have & on the activity levels of both parties during the term.

Finally - the other possibility is perhaps they want to simply do the task of the Vice Delegate as set out by the constitution. Work with the Security Council, maintain the second highest endorsement count, block RA apps when necessary & enjoy having their name in the world factbook entry.

What should we expect from a Vice Delegate?

In my opinion, the most important aspect that we should be looking for in a Vice Delegate is trust. We need to be able to trust the individual who may be called upon to serve as Delegate in an emergency. It does happen, more often than we would like to admit. We need to be able to trust that the Vice Delegate will be a reliable steward of the region and not overstep their position while they are awaiting for a special election to be held. Additionally we need to be convinced that the Vice Delegate is dedicated to the region, that they will perform the task to the letter and have the Delegate's back.

It is crucial for the Vice Delegate to have in-game recognition beyond simply tarting. This includes - posting on the RMB, responding to telegrams you receive and being open and approachable. This is extremely helpful if the region is in crisis & you need many anonymous WA nations to follow your directions.

Previous Vice Delegates have had to fight unendorsement campaigns and take the region in order to keep it secure during a Delegate's absence or after a recall. We need to consider those situations when we determine who to vote for.

Lastly, i think it is reasonable to expect that the Delegate and the Vice Delegate have a good working relationship. I have always considered that when I cast my vote. While the positions have distinct legal & constitutional functions, it is important for the two positions to be in regular communication. I also believe that it is helpful if the Delegate considers what the Vice Delegate's opinion may be, to seek their advice, and if they are new (or inexperienced) to assist and mentor them.

What does the Vice Delegate do?

Legally the Vice Delegate has limited responsibilities. These include:
  • Maintaining the second highest endorsement count in the region
  • Chairing the Security Council
  • Keeping an eye out for potential security threats & dealing with those threats if they arise
  • Serving as Acting Delegate and enforcing the recall of a Delegate should the need arise
  • Approving or blocking RA applicants as necessary

For the reasons listed above, I do not think the Vice Delegate should be viewed as the "deputy delegate" in the sense of control over the executive government. Their role in the executive government, as I mentioned earlier, is dependent on their activity levels, the relationship between the Del & Vice Del, and the role that the Delegate thinks the Vice Delegate should play in his administration.

The Vice Delegacy is a good stepping stone for candidates who wish to be Delegate. It gives further insight into the movers & shakers in GCR politics (and significant UCR regions) and it can help to learn from the failures and successes of the Delegate who you work with.

Former Delegates such as Eluvatar, myself, and Jamie extended the right of a vote in cabinet meetings to the Vice Delegate and have offered Ministry's to those Vice Delegates as necessary. I served as Eluvatar's Vice Delegate & Minister of Defence, Sanctaria served as my Minister of Foreign Affairs. Democratic Donkey's served as my Vice Delegate & Minister of Foreign Affairs for a time. Delegate r3naissan3r has continued this, with Abacathea as his Vice Delegate and Minister of WA Affairs.

It will be interesting to see what role the Vice Delegate will play in the next term of his administration (should he defeat Mall) and who shall serve in that position.

The Candidates so far

Falap - I am using Falap because I can never spell his username properly. Falap has been a vocal member of the regional assembly since joining the region & has proven to be an strong debater and an active member of the region. He does not yet have government experience in TNP, but this is not in my view a big issue, given how the Security Council operates as a team and Delegate r3n's personality & style of governing.

Democratic Donkeys - Former Vice Delegate. He served the region with distinction during his last term and was able to overcome minor controversies with ease. He has the experience, activity, and in-game recognition to make an effective Vice Delegate once again. I would not be surprised if he was to run for Delegate in January after a successful term as Vice Delegate.

Romanoffia - Former nearly everything in the region. He has yet to serve as Vice Delegate or Delegate ( as far as I know). He has plenty of government experience and is an active member of the security council and tarter. He doesn't post on the RMB as much as he used to, but would have sufficient name recognition amongst the older nations. He can be somewhat controversial though so it will be interesting to see how he goes in the election.

Flemingovia - Former everything in the region. Has served as Delegate before. He is running a serious campaign this time, so I think this will make a difference in how he goes in the election. His endorsement level is currently low & he does not post on the RMB very regularly. His in-game name recognition will be helped by the various flemingovian celebrations & events we have had over the years and he will benefit from connections with older nations like Romanoffia. It will be interesting to see if anti-flemingovianism sentiments will damage his chances in the election. If successful, I wouldn't be surprised if Flemingovia used the Vice Delegacy as a stepping stone to run for Delegate in January.

Abacathea - Incumbent Vice Delegate. He has served well in the position and has received praise for his work in the Security Council and with RA Apps. He has a high endorsement count & sufficient name recognition due to his work with the WA affairs digest over the past year. I think that activity on the forum & in-game RMB wise has dropped over the last month or so, but I believe that Abacathea will poll a strong result at the election. Like the others, I'd expect Abacathea to run for Delegate in January.
A sound (and diplomatic :P ) analysis of the candidates McM.

I want to dispel any speculation of a run for the Delegate's chair on my part. The security of TNP was my primary reason for accepting my nomination for Vice Delegate. I won't be a 'yes' man, but I would never leave the Delegate high and dry. Fine, I may have alienated a few people with my rants and disdain for authority, but I think security trumps that. Plus, being somewhat of a free agent, I didn't have to toe any line. This is my home, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. With that, I wish the other VD candidates good luck in the election.

P.S. If you must shorten my name, then go with Flap. At least there's humor potential in that. :lol:
Alright - Flap it is :P

Diplomatic as much as possible. I don't dislike any of the candidates & all of them have their strong points and weaknesses.

I don't particularly take issue with anything you have said or done. Many people in this region have a disdain for authority & holding people to account and being a 'free agent' is part of the system we have. If you want to find some interesting threads for laughs (or facepalm moments), search the Delegate & RA archives of mid-late 2012. I really feel in hindsight that I was a terrible pain in the arse for the Delegate at the time xD

My greatest security concern at present - which I mentioned to the Delegate yesterday is complacency. I am concerned that with the Security Council having many members and having high endorsements that we will become complacent and lazy in our responsibilities. We may overlook security issues that were obvious before, when the Security Council was weaker. That is my concern. It is probably paranoia.. but nonetheless....

I think the Vice Delegate position is a suitable one for someone who has been in the region for a little while and is looking to make their way into the executive. No experience is required, but it can be helpful depending on how strong the field is.
I am concerned that with the Security Council having many members and having high endorsements that we will become complacent and lazy in our responsibilities.
I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but I'm concerned about SC 'bloat'. Hence, I voted against Olverns application (sorry Olvey). Not because I've anything against him (quite the contrary), but it seems anyone meeting the requirements can get in (self-defeating on my part, since I aspire to membership at some point). I think high endorsement counts do offer safety, but complacency sets in as well. That said, the VD is the linchpin. Security is only as good as the person maintaining it. :eyebrow:
Very true. There have also been past issues where whenever the SC denied someone they were accused of being an oligarchy. Some SC Members now like to express their concerns and then pass it to the RA for the final verdict.
Some SC Members now like to express their concerns and then pass it to the RA for the final verdict.
Meh.. I see it as an abdication of responsibility. Putting it to the RA seems to be a cop-out to me. The RA is charged with legislating. Anything else is beyond it's purview. While it may seem democratic to get as many opinions as possible, the SC (and the VD) is responsible for TNP security, not the RA.
Strangely, I think that the admission of the then incumbent Delegate Jamie Anumia to the Security Council was the closest vote. That occurred because he was initially unsure if he would be willing to spend all of his influence to remove a threat if he was called upon to do so.
I am concerned that with the Security Council having many members and having high endorsements that we will become complacent and lazy in our responsibilities.
I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but I'm concerned about SC 'bloat'. Hence, I voted against Olverns application (sorry Olvey). Not because I've anything against him (quite the contrary), but it seems anyone meeting the requirements can get in (self-defeating on my part, since I aspire to membership at some point). I think high endorsement counts do offer safety, but complacency sets in as well. That said, the VD is the linchpin. Security is only as good as the person maintaining it. :eyebrow:
To be fair, I did start endo-tarting pretty heavily after I got in.

Of course, I do think that there is indeed SC 'bloat'. Even I started to get complacent after a while, and the fact that everything (appears) safe doesn't help. I think the most important thing the VD must do is to keep the SC in line, so that no member takes their membership for granted ;)

Maybe requirements for membership into the SC should be made higher? All I'm doing right now is just pure speculation, since I'm not really sure what is the best for the region in terms of the make-up of the SC.

P.S. By VD I don't mean Venereal Disease, but I dare say that threatening us with STDs could just do the trick to get our security apparatus active.
Of course, I do think that there is indeed SC 'bloat'. Even I started to get complacent after a while, and the fact that everything (appears) safe doesn't help. I think the most important thing the VD must do is to keep the SC in line, so that no member takes their membership for granted

By VD I don't mean Venereal Disease, but I dare say that threatening us with STDs could just do the trick to get our security apparatus active.
That's it, I'm outta here. Not gonna comment on "apparatus". Eww.
Nice read, McM.

I think another reason the field is so crowded is atm r3n is unbeatable.

With so many good candidates for vice-delegate, I predict a tight race.
I think the incumbant has done a nice job so far.

But Mr. Flap proves an interresting candidate to consider.

The other ones are capable. But currently I have a split decicion. Reelect the incumbant or give someone who isnt the same group of revolving office holders a vote and a chance to succeed.
Great Bights Mum:
Nice read, McM.

I think another reason the field is so crowded is atm r3n is unbeatable.

With so many good candidates for vice-delegate, I predict a tight race.

I think you're correct. Additionally there is the fact that other likely candidates for Delegate have been strong supporters of r3n and are members of his cabinet. Flemingovia as also considering a run, but decided against it once r3n was running.
Great Bights Mum:
Nice read, McM.

I think another reason the field is so crowded is atm r3n is unbeatable.

With so many good candidates for vice-delegate, I predict a tight race.
Says you. I'd love to see a similar analysis for the delegate race.
Mcm, you always seem to see the best in everyone. I think that's part of what made you such a great delegate. Here's my take on the race:
Falap - I am using Falap because I can never spell his username properly. Falap has been a vocal member of the regional assembly since joining the region & has proven to be an strong debater and an active member of the region. He does not yet have government experience in TNP, but this is not in my view a big issue, given how the Security Council operates as a team and Delegate r3n's personality & style of governing.
I think falapatorius has offended a few too many people to be a viable candidate. For one, he involved himself heavily in the religion debate, throwing his support behind Roman at just about every turn. His association with Roman (and his belligerence toward you, Mcm) has probably colored a lot of people's perceptions of him negatively. I don't think he would do a terrible job as Vice Delegate, but I don't think most voters would be comfortable with him being second-in-command of the region. His lack of government experience is a footnote on the list of reasons people aren't going to vote for falapatorius.

Democratic Donkeys - Former Vice Delegate. He served the region with distinction during his last term and was able to overcome minor controversies with ease. He has the experience, activity, and in-game recognition to make an effective Vice Delegate once again. I would not be surprised if he was to run for Delegate in January after a successful term as Vice Delegate.
I wouldn't call admitting Douria and denying legitimate applicants "minor controversies." It seemed to me that every time it mattered, DD made the least popular choice. His admission of Douria was declared illegal by the court, and all of his blocks were overturned by the RA. I think many would hesitate to put DD back in the Vice Delegate seat when he botched those key decisions last time around.

Romanoffia - Former nearly everything in the region. He has yet to serve as Vice Delegate or Delegate ( as far as I know). He has plenty of government experience and is an active member of the security council and tarter. He doesn't post on the RMB as much as he used to, but would have sufficient name recognition amongst the older nations. He can be somewhat controversial though so it will be interesting to see how he goes in the election.
Somewhat controversial? He resigned his last government position pending recall charges, and then blamed the entire region for his failings in office. He then terrorized the RA and flemingovia in particular for months when he didn't get his way on the state religion bill. I would be very surprised if Romanoffia won an election in this region anytime in the next year or two.

Flemingovia - Former everything in the region. Has served as Delegate before. He is running a serious campaign this time, so I think this will make a difference in how he goes in the election. His endorsement level is currently low & he does not post on the RMB very regularly. His in-game name recognition will be helped by the various flemingovian celebrations & events we have had over the years and he will benefit from connections with older nations like Romanoffia. It will be interesting to see if anti-flemingovianism sentiments will damage his chances in the election. If successful, I wouldn't be surprised if Flemingovia used the Vice Delegacy as a stepping stone to run for Delegate in January.
Flemingovia can be a divisive figure, but very few members of the region would actually think he'd do a bad job as Vice Delegate, or allow his religious role-play to affect his ability to serve the region. I think his temperament and activity level are ideally suited to the role of VD. There are two reasons flem might lose this election: his pledge to block more RA applications, and the fact that he's running against an incumbent.

Abacathea - Incumbent Vice Delegate. He has served well in the position and has received praise for his work in the Security Council and with RA Apps. He has a high endorsement count & sufficient name recognition due to his work with the WA affairs digest over the past year. I think that activity on the forum & in-game RMB wise has dropped over the last month or so, but I believe that Abacathea will poll a strong result at the election. Like the others, I'd expect Abacathea to run for Delegate in January.
Abacathea is not unpopular, and it's certainly possible that most of the region hasn't noticed his lack of activity of late. And there's certainly a lot to be said for not making any major missteps during his previous term. Incumbency is a powerful advantage, and TNP tends to go with safe options for high elected office.

I would call Abacathea a definite frontrunner, though flemingovia has the potential to pull this one out, as long as his campaign and fresh ideas go over well with the general public. With both of them in the running, I don't think there are many votes left over for DD, falapatorius, or romanoffia.
I'd love to see a similar analysis for the delegate race.
Be careful what you wish for. :P Mind you, I'd be interested to see McM tap dance his way through that diplomatic minefield.

That would be easy. I obviously support the incumbent Delegate and Mall kinda speaks for himself with why you shouldn't vote for him.

COE - I intended to frame it in a way that was analyzing their strengths. So that there would be more blow by blow analysis as follow up. Thanks for sharing your opinions on them.

With Democratic Donkey's I think he also made a lot of good decisions. He was very focused on his work & he was a reliable supporter and at times advisor when I was Delegate. Additionally I wouldn't underestimate the pull that Democratic Donkey's has with what I would call RMB voters - many of the nations that have RA membership who post on the RMB regularly are close to DD and I think will support him.

As controversial as Roman is, I still kind of view him as the crazy Uncle in the family. Not to excuse anything that has happened, but I guess I am kind of used to it now. :P

Lastly to follow up on your comments with Abacathea - I also agree that he is not unpopular. I do think he has created some issues with other popular members of the region, but I do not know if they hold that against him. Incumbacny is a strong advantage and Abacathea may be considered to be the "safe choice" for the vote.

I think that each of the people you mentioned has done more good to the region than the negativities you brought up.
I think that no is perfect, that is right.
But each one of these individuals from Roman to Flem have all contributed to TNP in many numerous ways.
So regardless of there imperfections, they are all big part of our regions, and TNP would not be the same if we ever lose any of them.

Abacathea - Incumbent Vice Delegate. He has served well in the position and has received praise for his work in the Security Council and with RA Apps. He has a high endorsement count & sufficient name recognition due to his work with the WA affairs digest over the past year. I think that activity on the forum & in-game RMB wise has dropped over the last month or so, but I believe that Abacathea will poll a strong result at the election. Like the others, I'd expect Abacathea to run for Delegate in January.
Alas, I got hooked on that damn addictive game they call real life, but I'm currently getting treatment for my addiction.

To be serious for a moment, I have loved being a member of TNP since I was invited to join, coming soon to almost a year ago. To have served as vice is an honour I don't see myself soon forgetting. I consider myself lucky to have been voted in and would likewise consider myself lucky to do so again, I would consider running for Delegate come January were I to be so fortunate.

One thing I will say is this though, were I not to win, I recall a conversation with someone some months back before my term began where I was told "sometimes you need to move aside to let the next generation come forth" (paraphrasing a tad) but if that is what happens here then to that end I am happy to see a new generation prosper from me going out. Whatever the case may be, the IWU and TNP will always be home, and it's been an absolute pleasure.
The Democratic Republic of Tomb:

I think that each of the people you mentioned has done more good to the region than the negativities you brought up.
I think that no is perfect, that is right.
But each one of these individuals from Roman to Flem have all contributed to TNP in many numerous ways.
So regardless of there imperfections, they are all big part of our regions, and TNP would not be the same if we ever lose any of them.

Oh, I don't want them to leave, and I recognize all of their contributions to the region. I just don't think some of them can get elected to the second-highest office in the region.
I'll admit I didn't expect falapatorius to get this many votes (2) early on. However, Abacathea is establishing an early lead (4), with flem in second place (with 3 votes). At this point, I'd say that a runoff is almost certain, and that it will most likely be between Aba and flem. Falapatorius has a shot at getting in, but I'd call it a long shot. It'll be interesting to see where the vote count goes.

For a link to the most recent (totally informal, possibly wrong) count, see my thread in the Citizen's Lobby where I try to track that sort of thing.

EDIT: Have I mentioned that I really like elections?
I think that each of the people you mentioned has done more good to the region than the negativities you brought up.
I think that no is perfect, that is right.
But each one of these individuals from Roman to Flem have all contributed to TNP in many numerous ways.
So regardless of there imperfections, they are all big part of our regions, and TNP would not be the same if we ever lose any of them
:worship: I've no plans to leave (of my own volition anyway). No matter the role I play in TNP (legislator/debater/heckler/government official), that won't change.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Romanoffia - Former nearly everything in the region. He has yet to serve as Vice Delegate or Delegate ( as far as I know). He has plenty of government experience and is an active member of the security council and tarter. He doesn't post on the RMB as much as he used to, but would have sufficient name recognition amongst the older nations. He can be somewhat controversial though so it will be interesting to see how he goes in the election.
Somewhat controversial? He resigned his last government position pending recall charges, and then blamed the entire region for his failings in office. He then terrorized the RA and flemingovia in particular for months when he didn't get his way on the state religion bill. I would be very surprised if Romanoffia won an election in this region anytime in the next year or two.
Since you have made a post that I consider a personal insult, I shall return the favour, Coe.

Blame the entire region for resigning? No, I blame people like you who believe in advancement through assassination just to make sure you and your buddies can hang onto power forever, which, will not happen. You and your ilk seem to absolutely hate anyone who has the testicular fortitude to call things as they really are, and you and your ilk seem to really hate anyone who disagrees with them and you and your ilk will go to any lengths possible to silence any opposition. You, my friend need to get educated.

I terrorised Flemingovia and the RA? Wow. You are truly displaying your ignorance in spades. What you really mean is that I have the gonads to strand up for something I believe in instead of being a toady to whomever drops crumbs to the floor for you consumption.

As for me winning elections, you forget I have been in TNP in one nation or another longer than about, oh, 99% of the people in TNP, for instance. I was here way before you and I assure you, I will be here long after no one remembers who you were.

No, go away before I really tell you what I think.
I love elections as well. There is nothing better :P

I kinda miss the days though when election topics had posts in them that read like PAC ads. Maybe that is just me.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Ladies and gentlemen, the next Vice Delegate of The North Pacific!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Maybe we should create the position of TNP Dog Catcher. That would be something you'd be suited for since no one else would want the job. Or, perhaps TNP Burger-flipper. Yeah, that would be it!

Romanoffia has been warned for flaming in this thread. This decision was taken upon the discussion of the moderation team and the input of administrators. The warning was given in the context of the last few months of posts that have been borderline actionable.

The post has been hidden from view. It may be approved upon further review by admin.

A polite reminder - you are allowed to be passionate about the election period. That should be encouraged. What will not be tolerated is flaming or baiting. Please keep this warning in mind.
I must say this race is a real nail-biter. Aba's percentage of the vote has been hovering between 45% and 53% since the first day of the election. With less than 15 hours to go in the regular voting period, it is impossible to tell if this is going to a run-off or not. I thought with so many candidates, a runoff was assured, but I think I underestimated how safe TNP feels with Aba as the incumbent VD. All the other candidates have some level of risk, but the worst anyone could really say about the job Aba has done is that he was a little inactive at times. I've admitted that my personal vote for flemingovia is because I'm in favor of a little risk now and then, and I like to see where people with new and interesting visions take the office. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that so many voters have chosen not to take that risk.

In an interesting development, three votes came in for DD today, and two of them were within a few minutes of each other. I'd be surprised if there wasn't some form of campaigning going on, either by private message or telegram.

If it does go to a runoff, it will be extremely unlikely that flemingovia would win. With Aba this close to a majority, if practically any of the voters for the other candidates decided to vote Aba in the runoff, flemingovia's chances are basically finished. On the other hand, if voters really preferred aba to flem, they probably would have voted for him in round 1 of voting. He's the establishment candidate, and all of the others are anti-establishment in some way. That being said, I can't see supporters of DD, falapatorius, and Romanoffia flocking to vote for flemingovia in a runoff election.

I think at this point, I feel safe calling this election for Abacathea.
Crushing Our Enemies:
In an interesting development, three votes came in for DD today, and two of them were within a few minutes of each other. I'd be surprised if there wasn't some form of campaigning going on, either by private message or telegram.
In the interests of full disclosure, I sent the following via PM and telegram to RA members that had not voted yet:
Hi there!

This is a reminder that we are currently voting for Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Speaker in the September 2014 General Election. Voting is open till September 11th, 13:15 GMT.

If you haven't already voted, I would encourage you to visit the following thread and cast your ballot:

The more votes, the stronger democracy is in The North Pacific.

Thanks in advance :) .

I'd imagine this brought many of today's voters. It obviously though doesn't explain the many votes for DD.
Flem, you're campaigning on policies that no one has ever tried before, and even though you've done your best to explain how and when you will apply them, there's still some uncertainty until the region seems them in practice.

Roman's most recent experience in elected office ended in failure, so there's the risk with him that a similar incident would occur.

Falapatorius is relatively new, and sometimes volatile in his manner and tone - a risky character trait for the leader of the security branch of government.

DD is probably the least risky of the alternatives, but also the only recent Vice Delegate. Quite a few disapproved of his actions in office, so there's the risk that he'll repeat the same mistakes.

EDIT: r3n, it's possible that your message reached folks who are more active on the game-side, where DD has more name recognition than the other candidates. That would definitely explain the voting pattern.
Indeed. I do think DDs name recognition helped. I think it is possible DD could endorse flemingovia, but it is more likely that Aba will win at the run off regardless.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Flem, you're campaigning on policies that no one has ever tried before, and even though you've done your best to explain how and when you will apply them, there's still some uncertainty until the region seems them in practice.

Roman's most recent experience in elected office ended in failure, so there's the risk with him that a similar incident would occur.

Falapatorius is relatively new, and sometimes volatile in his manner and tone - a risky character trait for the leader of the security branch of government.

DD is probably the least risky of the alternatives, but also the only recent Vice Delegate. Quite a few disapproved of his actions in office, so there's the risk that he'll repeat the same mistakes.

EDIT: r3n, it's possible that your message reached folks who are more active on the game-side, where DD has more name recognition than the other candidates. That would definitely explain the voting pattern.
Flemingovia is actually a good candidate precisely because he is presenting policies that are not status quo by any means. He is, however, an 'establishment' candidate by all means and considered an eternal insider/Old Guard type.

My recent experience in elected office not withstanding is irrelevant as I refuse to run for any office until the status quo is broken in this region and more enlightened and objective minds prevail. Perhaps Flemingovia or Falaptorious can break the status quo one way or another.

Falaptorious is relatively new, but so was McMasterdonia when he ran for the office of Delegate. New an untested is by no means a test for who is best for a given position. You vote one way and you get the same-old-same-old; you vote another and you might be pleasantly surprised by the results.

DD has some baggage concerning an issue Blue Wolf brought up before the Security Council concerning RA Admissions, IIRC. I will have to look over the record to detail that if my conclusion is questioned.

Aba, who should have been mentioned, is largely a shoe-in and a good bureaucrat who has executed the job of Vice Delegate in an impartial, effective, if even perfunctory way. There are any number of merits for voting in a way that promotes stability and continuity if one is satisfied with that state of affairs for a given position.

The sad part of it all is that elections in TNP are 99.44% a popularity contest that has absolutely no bearing on the qualifications of candidates. Any elected official can be taken down by political 'assassination' at any time for any reason if popularity can be damaged or turned. True in real life, true, especially in RP life.

Elections should not be about maintaining the status quo or about popularity.
Falapatorius is relatively new, and sometimes volatile in his manner and tone - a risky character trait for the leader of the security branch of government.
Guilty as charged. But I've taken my lumps for it. I wasn't in office though. The RA is a volatile place. I'm not the only volatile personality there, not by a long shot. I'd say a candidate who will likely block all/most RA applications is more of a risk then I am. Putting RA applications to a vote can have disastrous effects on the region's security (imo). It's also an abdication of responsibility.

Falapatorious is relatively new, but so was McMasterdonia when he ran for the office of Delegate. New an untested is by no means a test for who is best for a given position. You vote one way and you get the same-old-same-old; you vote another and you might be pleasantly surprised by the results.
As I stated in my campaign thread, I'm definitely inexperienced in government matters. I'm not sure I'd be much of a surprise, other than performing VD duties in strict accordance with the Law. I'm not a member of any party/Cabal/Oligarchy, so I'd play no favorites.
The sad part of it all is that elections in TNP are 99.44% a popularity contest that has absolutely no bearing on the qualifications of candidates.
This is a nice platitude, but there's no data to back it up - and a fair amount that refutes it.

As a single example, Mall is wildly popular, but has never been elected delegate and likely never will be.