Alunya application discussion


Alunya has applied to join the Security Council here. This thread is to be used for discussion. A vote will open Monday September 1st unless the majority of members have not weighted in at that point.

I don't have a problem with Alunya, and would go as far as saying I really like their nation. However, I do not know the nation very well, and don't feel comfortable with their admittance to the security council.
I'm unsure about this. I like Alunya and think they have been an excellent member of the North Pacific. However I still have some reservations given views previously expressed about the oath and that Alunya at present is not under oath.

That said, given that Alunya has been active and a welcome addition to our region and the way the SC works, I think it would be fine to admit and to put my reservations aside for now.

I'd suggest we have a bit more time for discussion given that most members haven't contributed yet.
I like Alunya, and they have been a very active endotarter (Alunya and Framhaven are the only regular competition I have for first endorsement).

I don't know them well enough to say whether I'd trust them with SC membership, but I am inclined to support the application.
Great Bights Mum:
It has been my observation that Alunya is conscientious and principled. I think he would be an asset to the SC.
Hear, hear!

I support Alunya for the SC precisely because of the principles he has expressed.

[addendum on edit]

In regards to McM's concerns about the oath issue, we only need to remember that we have in the past accepted members into the SC who were accepted only because they were powerful and influential in terms of game mechanics and otherwise uninvolved with the region, per se, and they serve to protect the region from usurpers, rogues, etc., the oath being somewhat irrelevant in that capacity.

Alunya's track record in TNP shows an allegiance to the region that is beyond question as a primary motivation for asking for admission to the SC. Therefore, I absolutely support Alunya's admission to the SC.