Results: Special Election for Attorney General

Results: Special Election for Attorney General


The Election Commission has counted the votes in this Special Election for Attorney General and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.

Candidates[c]Votes[c]Elected[c]Lord Nwahs[c]1[c]no[c]Mall[c]12[c]no[c] PaulWallLibertarian42 [c] 13 [c] yes [c]staling1953[c]1[c]no[c]abstain[c]5[c]-[c]Re-open Nominations[c]8[c]nominations not reopened

A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commissioners: r3naissanc3r.
Given that GBM's nation has CTE'd during the election should her vote not be discounted, which leaves us with a runoff?
I am also curious about this. I am grateful for those that voted for me. It was a hotly contested election.

I know that controversy seems par for the course in recent TNP elections and why should this one be no different?

I just would like to know that I have won the popular vote outright before I take any oath of office. I do not wish for my Interim AG run for the final few months til Octobers next election to start off in controversy.

I value honestly and integrity above personal gain. So if a run off is required then so be it.

To be eligible to vote one must be a member of the RA. I believe the rule is the speaker is active in maintaining the lists of eligible and active RA members if a nation CTEs and then revives itself and restores before he catches it then nothing can be done. The nation is still a RA member. Now if a nation CTEs and the Speaker catches it in time and makes note of it to remove their RA standing before they can be restored. Then any work or votes that nation did would be discounted and they would have to reapply for RA admission.

In this case. I didnot know GBMs nation CTEd until Mr. Flem so kindly brought it up. It looks like it was quickly restored and passed under the speakers radar as the speaker didnt make any mention of it to remove GBMs RA masking. So technically the vote should still stand as recorded.

However I realize I have personal gain from GBMs vote to be counted. So I would welcome an unbiased view from the Election Commissioner. And would like this issue resolved as soon as possible so either we can hold a run off vote or I should be directed/allowed to take my oath so as not to add undue vacancy to the office of Attorney General.

Thank you Mr. Flem for bringing this to our attention.

Thank you Mr. Election commissioner. I look forward to seeing your final decision.

And thank you to those who voted. Both for me and against me. And taking part in TNPs democratic process.
Given that GBM's nation has CTE'd during the election should her vote not be discounted, which leaves us with a runoff?
(Posting as Election Commissioner)

The Legal Code states that:
13. The Speaker will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members whose removal is ordered by the Court, or whose nation in The North Pacific leaves or ceases to exist.
Under my reading, loss of Regional Assembly membership takes effect only upon being announced by the Speaker. I believe this has also been the policy of the Speaker's Office itself, with respect to both removals from and admissions to the RA.

As far as I can tell, the Speaker never removed GBM from the RA Registry, or requested removal of her masking in the admin thread, or made any other announcement to that effect.

For this reason, I do not believe GBM ever lost her RA membership during the vote, and therefore I decided not to discount her ballot.
Thank you r3n. That would have been/is my understanding as well.

Very close race.

Thanks again those that partcipated and r3n for being EC. It is a demanding task. Appreciate all the hard work you do for the region.

I want to congratulate you on your new position!
Good job on becoming the new Attorney General and I wish you the best in this career and all your future ones in The North Pacific!
Once again, congrats!

~Tomb :)
Convenient decision. Well done.
Could it not also be argued, outside of precedent and the EC's comment above, that the casting of the vote, since it was prior to the nation CTEing, was made by a then active RA member? In other realms, if a member of a Senate or Parliamentary body casts a vote on a bill, walks outside and is hit by a tram their vote on that bill is not then discounted.
I am not querying the decision, because to be honest I am not all that bothered, but I seem to recall previous Election Commissioners discounting votes from RA members whose nation had CTEd, even though they had not been formally removed from the RA.

I think R3Ns decicion is, however, the more logical one, although it could lead to potential abuse if a Speaker should "accidentally" decide to overlook the removal of a RA member to influence the result of an election.