Legislating our TNP culture and identity.

Hey guys, recently Minister Nwahs has realized we have an identity crisis.

Regional Identity Crisis - The shock and the horror.

Many RA and other forum users and TNP Citizens have nominated and voted through the culture threads and the in-game RMB polls.

The region has spoken on several topics

Mac and Cheese with Bacon winning regional dish on the in-game poll

The Clash - I fought the law as regional anthem

McMasterdonian lion as offical animal of the region

Go the f*** to sleep as offical book

And currently taking nominations for currency.

I feel this is a wonderful idea as it encourages RMB participation and opens the door for us to role play more by having different items as tnp customs.

Why not take it a step futher and have the RA offically adopt these into our legal code? The easiest way would be to add them into chapter 7 on cultural declerations. But every time a new offical something or another was voted in we would have to amend the section. That could get tedious.

I am deciding to put this in the citizens lobby as I have no actual language to make a proposal on at this time. It is merely an idea. Would the RA be for updating our cultural decelerations chapter somehow to include these items that the majority of game side residents support as offically offical part of tnp culture and heritage?

We got religion passed in the name of culture and roleplay so why not these things. When foreign visitors come for an offical state function we can serve bacon mac and cheese while listening to our national anthem and passing out free copies of 'Go the f*** to sleep' while Flemingovia gives a sermon and then send them home with adopted McMasterdonian lions and a pocket full of whatever our offical currency will be.
God no. There's no point. What if we decide we want to change in the future? What if we hold it as a yearly thing, deciding what our 'official' favourite thing is each year?
The point of the polls then seem pointless for the lulz. But you know like some countries and states have 'offical bird of x' 'offical flower' 'offical song' why cant TNP? And if we want to change it later we can also argue over a proposal amendment and vote on it as is TNP tradition. Hey - favorite past time 'Arguing in the assembly hall' :)
You can include all of it in the RPs without having to make a giant bureaucratic voting debating fuss over it all. Besides the point was to get more people involved.
The point of the polls then seem pointless for the lulz. But you know like some countries and states have 'offical bird of x' 'offical flower' 'offical song' why cant TNP? And if we want to change it later we can also argue over a proposal amendment and vote on it as is TNP tradition. Hey - favorite past time 'Arguing in the assembly hall' :)
How many of those legislate that?
Hey guys, recently Minister Nwahs has realized we have an identity crisis.

Regional Identity Crisis - The shock and the horror.

Many RA and other forum users and TNP Citizens have nominated and voted through the culture threads and the in-game RMB polls.

The region has spoken on several topics

Mac and Cheese with Bacon winning regional dish on the in-game poll
Ironically, the secret Cheese Illuminati forced this one through. ;)
I'm okay with the semi-unofficial status of our newly-found regional symbols, really.
I am not sure about this whole process. Having these polls is fun at the time, but do they actually make any lasting impression on our regional identity?

true culture emerges gradually and organically. in the UK we have never voted to adopt "God save the Queen" as our national anthem - it just happened. And a number of lesser nations have stolen the tune and added their own words.
Well, we recently voted on porridge. I'd actually prefer to vote on things individually. A poll on the RMB should not have the force of law a blanket proposal would give it.
We are a collection of individual nations with widely disparate cultures. The UN doesn't have a state tree. If we want individual official birds, flowers, '80s metal guitar solos, whatever, then fine. But I'm against over-reaching, officially legislated blanket cultural signposts. As flem says, any true regional cultural identifiers will happen organically.
We are a collection of individual nations with widely disparate cultures. The UN doesn't have a state tree. If we want individual official birds, flowers, '80s metal guitar solos, whatever, then fine. But I'm against over-reaching, officially legislated blanket cultural signposts. As flem says, any true regional cultural identifiers will happen organically.

I believe that there should be emphasis on the things we vote to be part of our regional identity.
Like a thread that lists our regional dish, anthem, etc.

But I don't believe that we should go any further than that... because Like Blackshear says each one of us is developing their own nation and to have a regional dish in TNP Constitution is basically interfering with the identity of individual regions.
However, I do support the motion that there should be more emphasis on our regional identity...we shouldn't just vote on it and forget about it afterwards. There should be a place or thread that lists the regional identity symbols.


We are a collection of individual nations with widely disparate cultures. The UN doesn't have a state tree. If we want individual official birds, flowers, '80s metal guitar solos, whatever, then fine. But I'm against over-reaching, officially legislated blanket cultural signposts. As flem says, any true regional cultural identifiers will happen organically.
Hear, hear!

Call me old fashioned, but I still believe that governments should serve the sole purpose of preserving and defending individual rights and liberties and be fairly inconsequential in the lives of individuals as much as practicable.
I think I didn't really expressed my opinion. I agree with Tomb, we shouldn't forget our symbols, but also shouldn't extend them too much. Some symbols will come naturally, and those symbols probably will be the ones that really represent ourselves.
Trying to use these polls to craft official this, that, or the other is not a very good idea.

About the only traditional item not in the chapter of the legal code on cultural declarations is the rum. I'm disinclined to see anything else be added to that list as these things evolved over time, and opinions may change.

And you'd probably need to do a whole new set of polls, because many of us probably didn't realize it was possibly going to be used in that way.

Best to leave well enough alone.
But this is the new trend in TNP! Tyranny of the Majority! :P

Actually, the new trend in to ever increase our legal code with mindless drivel and useless laws, some of which are so absolutely stupid such as to boggle any sane mind.

Now, what we really need a more laws to curb the use of specific letters of the alphabet. Now that would make absolute sense. Gradually, we could ban all letters except the bare minimum required to express the most basic monosyllabic utterances. I think we could get along with just three randomly chosen letters. That would advance our culture in the region by leaps and bounds, except, of course, that's if the first letters we banned were "L" and "B". In which instance, it would advance our regional culture by eaps and ounds . :P

Than again, we could simply legislate, for instance, a cultural change and force everyone to post in Icelandic, in which instance this post would read:

En þetta er ný stefna í TNP! Harðstjórn meirihluta! : P

Raunverulega, the nýr stefna í að alltaf aukast lagasafn okkar með fávitalegur slefa og gagnslaus lög, sem sum hver eru svo algerlega heimskur eins og að boggle allir heilbrigð huga.

Nú, það sem við þurfum í raun meira lög til að draga úr notkun tiltekinna bókstöfum. Nú sem myndi gera algera vit. Smám saman, gætum við að banna alla stafina nema ber lágmark sem þarf til að tjá einföldustu monosyllabic mæltu máli. Ég held að við gætum fengið með aðeins þremur handahófi valið bréf. Það myndi fara menningu okkar á svæðinu með því hleypur og mörk, nema, að sjálfsögðu, það er ef fyrstu stafi við bannað voru "L" og "B". Í hvaða dæmi, það myndi fara svæðisbundna menningu okkar með heypur og mörk. : P

En aftur, gætum við einfaldlega setja lög, til dæmis, breyta viðhorfum og neyða alla til að skrifa á íslensku, þar sem dæmi þessa færslu myndi lesa:[/i][/i]

Of course, this would result in us being transmogrified into a Viking styled region. That would be lovely. And it would pass with the support of the low information voters! Fávitalegur slefa, I say, fávitalegur slefa.

Yeah, I know. Haltu kjafti. :lol:
I think we should just legislate that Kim Kardashian the Official Unofficial Empress of The North Pacific which would have the effect of literally abolishing anything even resembling culture in our region. :lol:


OK, that was totally uncalled for silliness. :lol: