Blue wolf has no standing to make this argument under the guise of Article 7 as it was not envoked during the time of the information he's requesting. There was no "immediate threat". What was conducted was a standard security check like any other. Therefore 7.c was not utilized in the instances he's requested the information for, nor has 7.b or 7.c taken place during my tenure as Vice Delegate, nor on a brief lookthrough DD's. Therefore there is no information to supplement to the court covered under this leglislation at this time.
I think you are a bit confused. I am no longer simply requesting the DD thread, I am requesting for the accounting of
all Council's votes and recommendations, something they have historically never done, and for the Security Council to honor it's own procedures that they themselves put in place.
What's more, how silly is it to declare that only Immediate Threats threads, once the threat is passed or vanquished, will be accounted for but not the mundane, everyday threats? That argument makes absolutely no sense. Clearly the Council's recommendations to then Vice-Delegate DD (which he obviously thought the "threat" was "Immediate" in the sense that the matter was time sensitive) were made in secret, as they are in the secret SC sub-forum only they can view. Article 7c, however, doesn't say the Chair must account for so called "Immediate Threat recommendations" it only says "recommendations in secret" and since everything the SC recommends is currently made in secret, that means every recommendation and vote they've made, assuming the threat has passed, must be accounted for in terms of Votes and the Recommendation itself in order for the Security Council to be in compliance with the Procedures that are suppose to government it.
Furthermore, Abacathea, if what you're saying is correct and this law only applies to "Immediate Threats", whatever those might be, doesn't Article 7 seem to imply that the Security Council is usually of an open and non-secretive manner? After all, why would the SC need a law stating it has the right to make recommendations in secret, but only on Immediate Threats, when everything the SC does is in secret? I submit that this law is stating that all Security Council recommendations are to be in public view unless there is an immediate threat at which point, and only then, may the SC vote in private.
So on that note I reiterate, I call upon the Chair of the Security Council to publicly account for
all recommendations and votes that the Security Council has made since it has existed, in its current incarnation at least, except for those that can be proven to still be immediate and present threats to The North Pacific.
Oh, and just for the record, I'm also arguing that former Vice-Delegate DD thought the threat was "Immediate" when he asked the Security Council for it's recommendations. He may not have specifically stated "I invoke Article 7 of the Security Council Procedures and declare this to be an Immediate Threat" (because that's silly) but clearly, given that the matter was time sensitive, or
immediate being the word one might use, and given the fact this recommendation was in secret, he was obviously invoking this Article. Not that this specific recommendation particularly matters in the large scheme of things now that I'm asking for the accounting of all Security Council votes and recommendations, but I just wanted to put that out there.