Map Claims Thread

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
This is the latest updated map

Either post in here where you would like to be or edit the map yourself. The map scale is 2km per pixel, so the map is 10000km n-s and e-w.

  • I have final say on map position and claim size.
  • Don't try and claim massive amounts of the map.
  • Have fun with it.
  • Don't be a lemon.
Hello, would it be alright if I could have the land circled in red?

No problem. What name should I give you?
Could I have the custom island I had on the last map? I would like it to be in the middle of the larger islands. If you need an image I can post one.
I would like to be added to the map, however I don't really have a preference where I'm located as long as I could be on a coastline.

Thanks in advance.
Malvad - how's this? It's bigger on this map than the older one because it uses a different scale.

Fenichi - thanks. Adding you now.

Edit: Elkhorn_6 - will add you as well.
Can I have an claim/shape similar to what I had on the last map, please?
(Also, I'd like it to have a coastline.)
Thanks Nierr. Would you be able to put call out my location as Jagerton?
Thanks again!
New Haven, PaulWall - both will be added.

Elkhorn - no problem buddy.

New map will be up early tomorrow gmt.
Is anyone willin' to host The East Pacific's embassy in their country? :P
Could I claim the middle part between the two islands of the same island that Paul-Wall has claimed? A bit of land on each side surrounding the little body of water.

I'm not too fussy and I trust in your ability, however if possible could it be kind of along the coast and not too far inland, sort of like a long/thin nation. If that makes sense.

Latest updated map.

Some thoughts:

McM i feel like I made you two small (and possibly in the wrong place. if it is, just say so)

GE: If you can get a copy of TEP's logo/coa/thing i can possibly recreate that and put it on the map to signify your embassy.

Everyone else who didn't explicitly ask to be named something: I named you what you are in the TNP nation field on your profile. I can change if requested.
Thanks for doing this! :D

Please include GBM on the map. I don't have a preference as to location, just so I've got a coastline.
Updated at 5:06 PM PST

May I have a custom island shaped like the territories of Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico in the northwest, with my territory highlighted with a green color (RGB: 38, 230, 108)? Thank you!


Rendition? (I know it looks like a lot)

P.S.: And can you label my territory as "United States of Thatchertropolis"? Thanks!
Looks great, but could I also have a medium sized part of the second island on the east(If it's not to much to ask)? Please & thank you.
(Also if I have to RP for it, that'd be fine)
I know my opinion doesnt matter. But even if u placed mcm wrong. The idea of east and west mcmasterdonia sounds interresting. Be good for the ferry boat business.
No update today as I'm off out into the real world. A few things though.

Thatcher I won't be adding any rl territory to the map, however we can make a separate RL world rp map. I'll get started on that one tonight, if you're ok with that.

r3n, lajik, like with Arch's claim that's a little big, however I can probably give you most of those islands.

GBM I'll add you close to mcm/r3n. Gotta keep the delegates together.

Sauce your claim is fine.

Peg, r3n claimed that, but if you two can come to some sort of compromise I can find a space for you on that island. If not, you're welcome to choose another place to go.

I think that's everyone? If not then yell at me.

Oh, and if anyone wants to host any of our embassies in their nation, like Malvad with TEP's, let me know and I'll add it. I'll also be starting a customs/free trade union in tnp when I add myself to the map and that'll have it's own map icon too. I can do the same with any alliances/organisations as well.