Lord Nwahs

Not the Speaker
TNP Nation
This thread is only for voting, which starts right now and will end 27th May 2014 17:40 SGT (UTC +8). Every forum user can vote only once, writing the name of the desired dish in a single post. In the case of more than one dish being voted, only the dish named in first place will count as a vote. Please vote only the dishes that are listed below.

Once again: The winning dish gets the honour of being referred to as the Regional Dish by me. And some other people. Also we may just force-feed the food to our Regional Cat Alunya.

Carnitas Tacos
Constitution Hash
Constitution ReHash
Macaroni and Cheese with Bacon
Great Bights Mum
Turtle Ragout
Jamaican Rum Chicken
Fermented Duck Eggs
The Bacon Sundae​
I've noticed we've got two polls going on at the moment - the one here and the one on TNP's RMB. Which one takes precedence? Or are you going to combine the results of both polls? Anyway, I'll vote Jamaican Rum Chicken if I'm allowed (I did propose that dish so I'm not sure if I can vote for it). If not, uh...Fermented Duck Eggs.
Actually, I've also voted on the Regional Message Board as well. I've just realised I can only vote once, so it would probably be best if one of my votes was ignored.

On the RMB I voted for Bacon Sundae.

Very sorry for that Lord Nwahs - I'll leave it to you do decide which of my votes should count.
Ok, I'll go with my RMB choice of bacon sundae. I should also thank you guys for organising these two polls! Lots of fun. :)

I do hope macaroni and cheese with bacon doesn't win, as while it is tasty it is a bit too ordinary.