King Pyter
Welcome to the Union of Democratic Nations of the North Pacific!
(OCC: Don't mind the title. I can't changed it. )
What is the Union of Democratic Nations of the North Pacific?
The Union of Democratic Nations of the North Pacific (U.D.N.N.P) is a a geo-political, ideological and
economic organisation located in the North Pacific, which was formed on 8 January 2014 by Grogeriovania under the instructions of Premier Zhevas Ballenka. The aim of this association is to bring democratic countries around the North Pacific region to accelerate economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, the promotion of democracy among it's members and other countries of the North Pacific, protection of regional peace and stability, and opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully. OlveyEdit: The UDNNP is defunct, its successor agency, the DU can be found here