I propose the following two changes to fix some of the complaints people have raised over the procedure for recalls.
These changes remove specific mention of "election" votes from the RA rules, and instead differentiate between legislation and non-legislation - that is, recall votes, as they are non-legislative, will now not be restricted to the same two-at-a-time as legislative votes are, and it becomes up to the Speaker's office or the RA to establish a separate procedure for recalls - I believe COE has something in the works for that.
The amendment to the Legal Code is necessary as without exempting recall votes from the 4-consecutive rule, we would see people beginning to be removed when really they should not have been.
I have received the speaker's permission to pass this as an omnibus amendment to both the RA rules and the Legal Code.
Omnibus Recall Fix
Section 6.1, Clause 11 of the Legal Code shall be amended to read,
Section 2.1 of the Rules of the Regional Assembly shall be amended to read:11. The Speaker's office will promptly remove any Regional Assembly members who fail to log in to the North Pacific forum for over 30 consecutive days; or who have not voted for 20 consecutive days and have missed four consecutive Regional Assembly votes to enact, amend or repeal laws, as determined by the time they closed.
1. No more than two votes to enact, amend or repeal laws may take place simultaneously at any time.
These changes remove specific mention of "election" votes from the RA rules, and instead differentiate between legislation and non-legislation - that is, recall votes, as they are non-legislative, will now not be restricted to the same two-at-a-time as legislative votes are, and it becomes up to the Speaker's office or the RA to establish a separate procedure for recalls - I believe COE has something in the works for that.
The amendment to the Legal Code is necessary as without exempting recall votes from the 4-consecutive rule, we would see people beginning to be removed when really they should not have been.
I have received the speaker's permission to pass this as an omnibus amendment to both the RA rules and the Legal Code.