VOTING: July 2013 Judicial Election

Voting will be from (time=1373958000) to (time=1374562800) in your board settings time zone (tick the box for daylight savings).

[b]TNP Nation:[/b] [nation]YOUR TNP NATION[/nation]

Justice 1: r3naissanc3r | Romanoffia | Gracius Maximus | Funkadelia | Malashaan | Abstain
Justice 2: r3naissanc3r | Romanoffia | Gracius Maximus | Funkadelia | Malashaan | Abstain
Justice 3: r3naissanc3r | Romanoffia | Gracius Maximus | Funkadelia | Malashaan | Abstain
Attorney General: Flemingovia | Blue Wolf II | Iro | Abstain

You may vote in this thread or by sending me a private message.

Note: Abstain is an option to abstain from voting, not a candidate in this election. Replace the words YOUR TNP NATION with your own nation's name.

Addendum: Repeated voting options will be counted as absentions. Write-ins will be counted as abstentions. Anything other than one of the distinct specified voting options is a write-in.

Five distinct candidates are running for Justice, choose up to three of them; three distinct candidates are running for Attorney General, choose up to one of them.

Only ballots cast within the voting period will be counted. Electors must be RA members for the whole duration of the voting period.
Justice Hat on

Will the election commissioners please state how votes shall be tallied for Justices. as quickly as possible as to not cause confusion? Are the 3 positions on the bench being voted upon separately or will the top 3 voters overall receive the 3 open positions for Justice?
punk d:
Justice Hat on

Will the election commissioners please state how votes shall be tallied for Justices. as quickly as possible as to not cause confusion? Are the 3 positions on the bench being voted upon separately or will the top 3 voters overall receive the 3 open positions for Justice?
The votes are being tallied in a spreadsheet which has not yet been published.

The votes for Justices are being tallied together, not separately.

The three distinct candidates with the most votes for Justice will be elected to the three Justice positions.
Thanks for the update. Can you update the OP and/or review votes cast because I do believe Silly String's vote is not cast in the method that you are using?

This was an issue that came up during the Special Judicial Election and I'd like to avert a Court review request.
TNP Nation: SillyString

Justice 1: r3naissanc3r
Justice 2: r3naissanc3r
Justice 3: r3naissanc3r
Attorney General: Flemingovia

I do hope my vote is not discounted for selecting an allowed and available option for each of the three justice positions.
As a noted advocate of common sense, I'm sure you will understand why your vote will be counted as if it had been cast with absentions for Justice 2 and Justice 3.

If this is not the vote you wish to cast, please edit your vote accordingly.

Abstain is the only voting option that is allowed to be selected on more than one line. I was not aware it was necessary to state, but I will add this to the OP if necessary. Repeated voting options will be counted as absentions. Write-ins will be counted as abstentions. Anything other than one of the distinct specified voting options is a write-in.
TNP Nation: Schweizweld
Justice 1: r3naissanc3r
Justice 2: Gracius Maximus
Justice 3: Romanoffia
Attorney General: Flemingovia
TNP Nation: Sancti Terra

Justice 1: r3naissanc3r
Justice 2: Malashaan
Justice 3: Abstain
Attorney General: Flemingovia

Justice 1: Malashaan
Justice 2: Gracius Maximus
Justice 3: r3naissanc3r
Attorney General: Blue Wolf II
As an Election Commissioner and being on leave, shouldn't you not be voting?
ECs are allowed to vote, even if they are on holiday. If there is a rule that says otherwise, please direct me to it.

@Leekem please edit your vote to correct your tnp nation. That one is Limi's.
TNP Nation: Tim

Justice 1: r3naissanc3r
Justice 2: Funkadelia
Justice 3: Malashaan
Attorney General: Blue Wolf II
Tyler Kazakov:
TNP Nation: bluefur

Justice 1: Funkadelia
Justice 2: Romanoffia
Justice 3: Gracius Maximus
Attorney General: Blue Wolf II
As a citizen outside of the RA you're not technically eligible to vote in the judicial election so unfortunately, your ballot has been invalidated.